LK134 - Native Americans, Donut map, Monarchy

Turn 5 (1625 BC): I go after Polytheism after all, both to clear up the religious techs for the upcoming Great Prophet and to go towards Monarchy.

Turn 6 (1600 BC): Sign OB with Roosevelt and Charlemagne.

We make contact with both Gandhi and Saladin.

Turn 11 (1475 BC):
We get a Great Prophet in Cahokia. I put him to sleep, I believe he can lightbulb Theology after Priesthood and Monotheism?

Turn 12 (1450 BC):
Charlemagne has founded a city just to the south of LK's intended #3 city site, so I decide to give that site priority over the one in the west since I believe the western spot will be vacant for a while.

Turn 14 (1400 BC): Found Mound City

Turn 15 (1375 BC):
I hand over to NoChildren.

Polytheism has come in, and I already started on Masonry as it is part of the religious tech tree. There is a Work Boat ready to claim clams next turn and a Dog Soldier on his way to garrison Mound City.


  • LK134 BC-1375.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Still thinking we should take Priesthood first and take a shot at Oracle :)

I think we have to research Priesthood, Masonry, Monotheism and Meditation before we can lightbulb Theology. It's worth it as our next GP can build our shrine soon after.

Edit: It might be a good idea to keep at least 20 gold in the bank, just in case of bad random events.
Leaving Monotheism blocked by not researching Masonry means the Great Prophet will open Code of Laws for us unless I am completely forgetting my lessons in GP Preferences. So leaving a turn or two on Masonry just before the Prophet spawns may be very profitable for us, though you do have to get Meditation out of the way.
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Charlemagne has iron. The city he built south of us as a worker mining a grassland tile. There is only one reason I know of for that.

Why wasn't the granary at Poverty Point whipped? I see no reason not to take advtange of slavery.

This is my proposal for our next city. Seeing how close America is to the site, I would like to secure another military resource with horses. I would swap Cahokia to setter (whipped ASAP), and send the DS guarding the other site to this one.

IMHO going for the Oracle is a waste of time. I have seen it completed this early, and we still have more time needed for researching the techs.
For research my proposal is masonry, monotheism (us the GP for theology), and monarchy. This gets us needed happiness from HR, and from the wines.

LKendter (on deck)
NoChildren (currently playing)

Remember 15 peace / 10 war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Win target: open

Planned wars - none at this time.
sorry, i didn't realize i was up until just now. i'll play in a couple of hours.
any plans for an early war?
sorry, i didn't realize i was up until just now. i'll play in a couple of hours.
any plans for an early war?

With out UU having 1 less strength point I don't see an axe rush being very effective. Once we have iron hooked up we can talk about this again.
I would first get at least two new cities up and running. Iron is also needed since Dog Soldiers won't do much good against archers behind cultural defenses.

Edit: Crossposted with LKendter
I'm experiencing the strangest bug. Cahokia is at size 5 an happy cap and I'm looking to grow it in order to 2pop whip a settler, but the city isn't growing. It has 4 excess food and the food storage has been at 45/45 for two turns now.

any suggestions?
could you try out the save and see if you get the same problem?
I'm experiencing the strangest bug. Cahokia is at size 5 an happy cap and I'm looking to grow it in order to 2pop whip a settler, but the city isn't growing. It has 4 excess food and the food storage has been at 45/45 for two turns now.

any suggestions?
could you try out the save and see if you get the same problem?

Avoid growth has been turned on in the city screen. You can turn it off from right corner ( see my illustration :) ).

Please, let's not use this feature ever!
that explains everything i guess. I had no idea how that function worked since I've never used it.
I will play tonight if I'm not to tired later or else tomorrow...

Bede: My understanding of GP preferences is that Prophet will bulb masonry before CoL.This was changed a while back to nerf CS slingshot.
Turn 1 (1350BC): cahokia-->Settler, research to 80%. I like to have some cash around for random events

Turn 2 (1325BC): nada

Turn 3 (1300BC): IBT dog warrior kills barb warrior.

Turn 4 (1275BC):

Turn 5 (1250BC): Dog warrior killed by barb archer, settler whipped. Masonry in --> Monotheism

Turn 6 (1225BC): cahokia: finishes settler --> Dog soldier

Turn 7 (1200BC): IBT dog soldiers kill 1 archer, 1 warrior. why, oh why did i give the scouting one combat 1?? sorry guys, I clicked before thinking.

Turn 8 (1175BC): Dog soldier leaves Poverty point to fend of warrior on the pasture

Turn 9 (1150BC): Cahokia border pop, also complets dog soldier--> dog soldier. we have way to few troops and those dog soldiers are quite rubbish with all the archers running around. I miss regular axes. Set Mound city on dog soldier for one turn in order to be able to whip it when the barbs approach the undefended city.

Turn 10 (1125BC): PP finally finishes granary-->Dog soldier

Turn 11 (1100BC): DS defeats bara archer near mound city. meet rameses who has built the great wall. I envy the guy, the barbs are all over us.

Turn 12 (1075BC): Road on pasture destroyed, decided not to pay up since we have enough health atm anyhow. DS leaves PP defeats archer on the pasture.

Turn 13 (1050BC): archer defeats dog soldier on the rice south of Cahokia, warrior comes out to mop up. I'm torn between getting the pasture pillage by a spearman and 1pop whipping a new DS in PP. I decide to crack the whip. We desperately need more troops.
On a positive note, I finally manage to found our fourth city Chaco Creek south of the horses.

Turn 14 (1025BC): DS defeats spearman outside PP. PP dog soldier--> dog soldier

Turn 15 (1000BC): not much, but barbs are everywhere. Also i propse to whip the granary in Mound city before ending the turn, I leave this to next player because there is an archer next to the city that might attack across the river facing a fortified unpromoted dog soldier. But i think that our odds in that battle are good, so whip the granary.
I ran a little game on Donut map myself, and I thought it was very barb-heavy. This game seems to prove that it is a barb-heavy map type.
We need more fog busters out there. Let's settle our next city near copper/corn and we are good to go :)
:scan: Looking for a save. :scan:
Due to the unexpected resurgence of an ancient malady I will need a skip until further notice.

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