LK171, Daleks, CCM, True Fascists

I am glad to see that we are in our Golden Age. :thumbsup:
Discussion point: We are playing Emperor, is this Ok?
We dropped back to Emperor when it was decided that "the superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs". We are defiant and must refuse all demands.

Question: Why aren't we rushing builds like National Work Service that only cost 10 shields? I can understanding wanting to build up our reserve so we have gold to trade for techs in the next era, but we can still increase our gold reserve and buy these "cheap" builds.
750 BC (0)
Since we have the Great Library, I turn off science. I don’t feel the need to push technology.

I sell Lowlands literature for $189 and $19/T.
It is light, but I am selling USA literature for $86.
I sell Mongolia literature for $75 and $7/T.
(IT) Our healing Numidian mercenary defeats another attacking enslaver.
We get republic for free.

730 BC (1)
I have another settler from a wonder.
(IT) The Spanish have been destroyed. :eek:
Babylon completes the Mausoleum of Maussollos.

710 BC (2)

690 BC (3)
I sell Israel monarchy for $65 and $12/T.

670 BC (4)
School of Navigators is completed.

650 BC (5)
(IT) We get dark ages for free.

630 BC (6)
I found Bringer of Darkness. A source of iron is now ours.

610 BC (7)

590 BC (8)
Emissaries of Jevo was founded. This completes the dot map near iron.
(IT) I lost an exploring donkey cart to an enslaver.

570 BC (9)
Our enslaver attacks an Australian archer. It is simply killed.
Our enslaver attacks a German archer. It is simply killed.
I sold religion to Lowlands for $325.
I sold religion to the USA for $190 and $63/T. I can’t believe that have that much free cash flow this early.
I sold religion to Brazil for $171 and $48/T.
(IT) Another attack against our Numidian mercenaries by an enslaver.

550 BC (10)
I sell Japan literature for $77 and $1/T.

[End of session 1]
I have one city pumping out 1 turn Numidian mercenaries. There are still cities with just one defender. A lot of worker stacks need protection. Most Numidian mercenaries need to head toward the cities near iron.

There is another settler available. I suggest light green before the Aztecs grab it.

Circus Maximus and Great Lighthouse are under construction. We should be able to build Hanging Garden once we connect incense.

Lack of workers continues to be our biggest problem. I hope we unlock the technology to build better attack units soon. I have the iron connected.

Elephantium (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Jersey Joe

We must raze all the cities. They can’t be captured for even 1 second.
No workers may upgrade to partisans as we don’t want non-Daleks in our army. If we create a foreign partisan, it must be disbanded ASAP.
We are defiant. We must refuse all demands. The superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs.
We can’t give up anything to get peace. We can't accept cities in peace.
We can’t complete Military Research Center until the appropriate age.


  • LK171-550BC.SAV
    733.4 KB · Views: 3
Great progress. :thumbsup:
We should be able to build Hanging Garden once we connect incense.
Skaro built the Hanging Garden during Greebley's turn set, and it doesn't need incense. Were you thinking of a different Wonder?

We have several Wonders that generate Settlers, we really need to be making more dot maps.

Given our wealth, I am advocating for our rushing builds that cost 80 gold or less.
Skaro built the Hanging Garden during Greebley's turn set, and it doesn't need incense. Were you thinking of a different Wonder?

Hagia Sophia. It would give us a free Islamic and Christian community in every city. In addition, a free happy face everywhere. The best thing is it NEVER expires!
I've got it.

What's the plan with science? Feudalism is due in 31 with a fairly low investment, but the Great Lib is still active until Chivalry. I'm inclined to set the sliders 8.0.2 instead of 8.1.1 (no science, 20% lux).
What's the plan with science?
I don't know, but to get a tech from the Great Library we need 2 civs that have that tech. We might want to trade for Feudalism and Chivalry just to get to the next age with the leaders. That said, I don't see a problem with 8.0.2 we get the same amount of cash any ways.

Maybe we should start building Catapharcts instead of Numdian Mercs. They have the same defense, but 3 offensive.
Here is a dot map I did. I got lazy so there is a yellow dot and a yellow box. Also, I did it as more of a here is how I think we should expand than we need to build the cities here.
Also, I don't know if it is necessary to irrigate Medusa. The 10 sea tiles will produce enough food for Medusa to work 9 plain mines and a mined hill.
Any objections to an immediate declaration on Germany? We're Strong to them, and our next few city sites are in their direction.

We need more dotmaps, too; at this point, we're getting a new Settler every 3 turns on average.


  • LK171-mid.SAV
    733.3 KB · Views: 1
As long as we have decent offensive troops, start the German war. We need to start razing cities to pick up more workers.
We need more dotmaps, too; at this point, we're getting a new Settler every 3 turns on average.
And, with the Great Lighthouse we will be getting 25 Settlers every 60 turns. :smug:
Any objections to an immediate declaration on Germany? We're Strong to them, and our next few city sites are in their direction.
I don't have any objections. Looks like you have a decent starting with those troops right on the border. My dot map did anticipated capturing German lands sooner rather that later.
Maybe we should start keeping 1 settler unallocated just in case we find a Luxury resource, or for when we get to look for Saltpeter and Coal.

When I did the dotmap, I avoided most of the plains since they are the most worker dependant ( think of how long it took to get the Mogol lands productive last game). Lots of slaves would solve this problem. ;)

I set sliders to 8.1.1

MM Skaro, Circus Maximus due in 3
MM Kallaan, faster growth
MM Mensvat Esc-Dalek, grows in 2 which will let us work more Forests than we can now. I expect it to shave a turn off the Great Lighthouse build.


Donkey Cart dies to Enslaver. 0-1
Korean blocker ship doesn't move :(
Kallaan switches to Cataphracts

530 BC:

D'oh, I realize too late that we have *three* Settlers, one is already on the way to LK's light green dot W of Emissaries of Jevo. My plan was for that and the light blue dot by the Elephants. I might just nab that yellow box ASAP vs. turning around and heading East.


Enslavers kill our Enslaver and his Numidian cover in Aztec lands. 0-3
Enslaver dies to our Numidian near Germany. 1-3

510 BC:

Lowlands has Feudalism and Mounted Archery. Soon.
MM Mensvat Esc-Dalek. Great Lighthouse is due in 6.
MM Extermination Bend: Forge still due in 1, faster growth in 1.



Skaro completes Circus Maximus

We lose our Silks deal.

490 BC:

The standoff in Korean waters is getting ridiculous. I disband the Trading Ship.

We meet the Inca in the far west. They're broke and backwards.

I send Seafaring to Japan for Silks and 6 gold.

Brazil complains about our guys on their borders. We don't apologize; we just leave the meeting.

470 BC:

Amaryll Challenge founded W of Extermination Bend

IBT: Incas complain about our ship. We ignore them.
Great Library brings in Mounted Archery.

450 BC:

Donkey Cart stumbles across an Enslaver on the US border. He runs it over. 2-3

IBT: We get two more Settlers!

430 BC:

I send the new Settlers East. They're making for the Yellow and (Red? Magenta? Mauve?) dots.

IBT: Enslaver dies to Numidian near Sao Paulo 3-3

We learn Elephant Training.

410 BC: Aridius founded next to the Elephants.
Mechanus founded by the Cows, Potatoes, and Iron.

Dial up Germany. They will be exterminated!

IBT: We learn Feudalism.
Skaro produces our first War Elephant :D


Brazil starts Worldreligion Christianity

390 BC:

Battle of Leipzig:

Cataphract kills Germanic Spearman 4-3
Cataphract dies 4-4
Cataphract kills Germanic Spearman 5-4
Enslaver kills redlined Germanic Spearman and razes the city for 2 Workers. 6-4

I upgrade 9 of our Numidian Mercenaries to Pikemen.

Numidian Mercenary escorting our Settler runs into an Enslaver. He wins, but he's redlined. I retreat our Settler in case there's a second one nosing around. 7-4

Donkey Cart kills stray Germanic Spearman 8-4
Enslaver kills Germanic Swordsman 9-4
Cataphract kills Germanic Swordsman: 10-4, good buddy.


Northeuropean Chariots kill two of our Cataphracts. 10-6
Numidian in the far north fights off what sounds like an Enslaver attack. 11-6

Donkey Cart spots a stray USA worker heading home.


We lost our supply of Silver.

370 BC:

Siege-Bow kills Northeuropean Chariot 12-6
Enslaver captures a second one 13-6

I send Austria-Hungary Philosophy in exchange for 9 gold, 1gpt, and Silver.


Aztecs want to stop our Spices deal. I re-up it for Furs + 6gpt.

Northeuropean Chariot kills another Cataphract and a Numidian Mercenary. 13-8

We learn Bodkin Arrows.

350 BC:

Enslaver kills wounded Northeuropean Chariot 14-8
Donkey Cart kills Germanic Archer 15-8
Enslaver captures Germanic Swordsman 16-8



Handoff notes:

Extermination Bend can produce 1-turn Pikemen and grow slowly or 2-turn African Cataphracts and grow quickly. Due to war losses, I have it set to Pikemen for the moment.

Speaking of losses, reinforcements haven't quite kept up since the war began. OTOH, Germany is running low on Chariots (or hopefully out of them completely). We should be able to resume the advance shortly.


  • LK171-350BC.SAV
    730.8 KB · Views: 3
Good start exterminating :hammer: Germany. :goodjob:
Extermination Bend can produce 1-turn Pikemen and grow slowly or 2-turn African Cataphracts and grow quickly.
It looks like 1 turn Pikemen use all the roads in Extermination Bend, while 2 turn Catapharts would use unroaded terrain. I vote for Pikemen and more gold.

Also, it looks like we should be building cities in the territory we are liberating from Germany and not build on the Plains (except to grab a resorce or luxury item.
Well, our gold is

OVER 9000!

So I'm not too worried about the odd coin here or there atm. OTOH, we're still low on Pikes, and that's one of the best spots to build more.

Agreed on generally building more in German new Dalek grasslands rather than building more Plains towns.
9000+ gold is insane for the BC time frame. It is time to start rushing some buildings. There is a debate about rushing more troops.

Glad to get our first 2 workers from razing. It is time to raze more. The city count is going up fast, so we need to get more workers to help them. Fascism does give 150% worker efficiency, so even slaves will do a decent job.

Greebley (up)
Jersey Joe (on deck)

We must raze all the cities. They can’t be captured for even 1 second.
No workers may upgrade to partisans as we don’t want non-Daleks in our army. If we create a foreign partisan, it must be disbanded ASAP.
We are defiant. We must refuse all demands. The superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs.
We can’t give up anything to get peace. We can't accept cities in peace.
We can’t complete Military Research Center until the appropriate age.
Brazil complains about our guys on their borders. We don't apologize; we just leave the meeting.
lurker's comment: It was at this point that I realised that refusing all demands can quickly go wrong if you forget to adjust for that while scouting with combat units, I initially just thought of the various demands for gold/tech/resources the AI sends you
I don't think we should build The School of Divinity. I think Monks are similar to recruited Partisans.
I think it might be okay to have Lawyers and consider Great Entertainers as slaves who entertain us.

We are waiting to long to build Markets and Academies. The Academies pay back the investment of time by letting us be the first to get a tech and shop it around.

We should be rushing (after 1 turn of building) any build item that costs less that 30 shields. Rushing Walls, National Work Service, Barracks, and the occasional Harbor, that way, frees up enough turns to almost complete building a Forge or an Academy.
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