LK170, China, CCM, True Communists

1220 AD (7)
You know you are in the end-game stage when it takes 15+ minutes just to collect your units into stacks. I like to see how many units I can work with before beginning the attacks.

I recover the 4 workers Egypt got from killing our 2 steamrollers.

The assault on Pi-Ramesses begins. I kill 3 musketeer and 3 Nizam infantry. (319-29)
I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (319-30)
The city gets a culture bomb. I’m surprised when the borders barely move. There must be another city in point-blank range.

I still can’t get a spy into Egypt.

The assault on Uppsala begins. I kill 2 muskets and 1 musketeer. (322-29)
I lost 1 Hotchkiss.
I killed some ships in port.

The assault on Memphis begins. I kill 3 musketeer and 1 Nizam infantry. (326-29)

The waves of troops from Egypt are to much despite 100+ Hotchkiss. I use infantry to help kill one stack.

I still can’t get a spy into Spain. I need map knowledge of this area.

I kill Egypt: 38 musketeers, 1 pike, 1 enslaver, 5 grenadiers, 2 hussar, 1 artillery piece and 7 muskets. (381-29)
I lost: 1 artillery piece, 3 Hotchkiss, 5 infantry and 1 camel. (381-39)
[End of session 5]
(IT) Maghreb wants us to pay them $237/T for an MPP. :lol:
Our exploring Hotchkiss was killed. They took a Hussar with them. (382-30)
Britian completes Blue Ribband. I could have gone for it, but faster ships didn’t feel worth the bother. There was no need for transport ships.
1230 AD (8)
I still can’t plant a spy in Egypt.
I plant a spy in Japan. I failed to steal a map.
I plant a spy in Spain. I stole a map. I have a better idea of the Egyptian area.

I captured an Incan steamroller that entered our territory. We have 2 more workers.

The assault on Alexandria begins. I kill 2 musketeer and 2 Nizam infantry. (386-30)
I lost 2 Hotchkiss. (386-32)
The city got an instant culture bomb.

The assault on Elephantine begins. I kill 2 musketeer and 1 Nizam infantry. (389-30)
The very obsolete Sphinx is ours.

JUNK2 was founded.

The assault on Thebes begins. I kill 5 Nizam infantry. (394-30)
I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (395-30)
I’ve now broken the back of Egypt. It is just a question of clearing out the remaining cities and troops.

Can't get no Satisfaction arrives. Another artillery piece is built.

JUNK3 was founded.

The assault on Byblos begins. I kill 3 musketeer and 1 grenadier. (398-30)
That killed a source of Egyptian iron.

JUNK4 and JUNK5 were founded.

The assault on El-Amarna begins. I kill 2 musketeer and 2 Nizam infantry. (402-30)
I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (402-31)
That took away a source of horses and silver.

Ningpo was founded. It gains enough new tiles to make a permanent city.
[End of session 6]

JUNK6 was founded.
The assault on Giza begins. I kill 2 musketeer and 1 cavalry. (405-30)

The assault on Hierakonpolis begins. I kill 3 musketeers. (408-30)
I lost 3 Hotchkiss. (408-33)

JUNK7 and JUNK8 were founded.

The assault on Asyut begins. I kill 2 muskets. (410-30)

The city assault ends due to lack of steamrollers. This is crazy since the count is up to almost 100. I had to build a long rail line on the other side of a mountain range.

Sympathy For The Devil arrives. Another artillery piece is built.

I kill Egypt: 28 musketeers, 20 muskets, 8 pikes, 9 crossbows, 4 MDI, 4 foot knights, 1 hussar and 2 Nizam infantry. (486-30)
I lost 1 artillery piece, 1 enslaver and 2 Hotchkiss. (486-34)
(IT) There are still a lot of Egyptian stacks, but most of them move sideways.
Maghreb is building International Telephone Corp.
1240 AD (9)
Hangchow is founded to claim a bit of land past the Egyptian mountains.

JUNK2 was founded.

The assault on Heliopolis begins. I kill 2 musketeers and 1 Nizam infantry. (489-34)
I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (489-35)

JUNK4 was founded.

The assault on Abydos beings. I kill 3 musketeers. (492-34)
I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (492-35)
I destroy ships in port.

The assault on Lisht begins. I kill 2 muskets. (494-34)
I destroy ships in port.

JUNK5 was founded.

The assault on Avaris begins. I kill 1 musketeer and 1 musket. (496-34)
I destroy ships in port.

The wipes the Egyptian homeland out. They have just 1 city left in Italian territory.

Gimme Shelter arrives. I’ve not liked the armies giving regular horse artillery that has been dying too fast. I indirectly rushed a Hotchkiss instead.

JUNK6 and JUNK9 were founded.

The assault on Chita (Russian) begins. I kill 1 rifle. (497-34)
I gained 1 worker.

Can't You Hear Me Knocking arrives. A Hotchkiss is rushed.

I kill Egypt: 26 crossbows, 2 pikes, 4 musketeers, 1 cannon, 1 bombard, 18 muskets, 1 spear and 2 Grenadiers. (552-34)
I lost: 1 artillery piece and 8 Hotchkiss. (552-43)
I gained 3 artists.

I kill Russia: 1 rifle. (553-43)
(IT) Japan and Australia sign a peace treaty.

[End of session 7]
1250 AD (10)

I buy fascism and dreadnoughts from Austria for a lot of GPT and resources. I then attempt to plant a spy. We are at war with Australia. I guess they didn’t want a ton of GPT.

Jumpin' Jack Flash arrives. A Hotchkiss is rushed.

The assault on Linz begins. I kill 4 rifles and 1 adventurer. I lost 5 Hotchkiss. (558-48)
I gained $452.

JUNK2 was founded.

The assault on Triest begins. I kill 2 rifles and 1 adventurer. I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (561-48)
I gained $308.

The assault on Prague begins. I kill 3 rifles. I lost 4 Hotchkiss. (564-52)
I gained $483 and the Silk Road.

JUNK4 was founded.

The assault on Belgrade begins. I kill 2 rifles. I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (566-53)
I gained $330 and 1 worker.

The assault on Vienna begins. I kill 5 rifles, 1 clan and 1 adventurer. I lost 2 Hotchkiss. (573-53)
I gained $502 and Hofburg. Hofburg is good until radio is researched.

I’m getting in range of the Egyptian city. I finally planted a spy. I stole their world map. It gives me the location of all the remaining Austrian cities. :)

JUNK6 was founded.

The assault on Salzburg begins. I kill 2 rifles, 2 HMG and 1 gatling gun. I lost 3 Hotchkiss and 1 cavalry. (578-56)
I gained $539 and 1 worker.
I culture bomb it to get closer to the next 2 cities.
JUNK8 was founded.

The assault on Pressburg begins. I kill 3 rifles. I lost 2 Hotchkiss. (581-59)
I gained $558.

The assault on Rijeka begins. I kill 2 rifles and 1 pike. I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (584-60)
I gained $582 and 1 Zeppelin.

JUNK-A and JUNK-B were founded.

The assault on Shuruppak begins. I kill 1 musket and 2 pikes. (587-60)
Egypt has left the game. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Start Me Up arrived. A Hotchkiss was rushed.

JUNK-C was founded.

The assault on Budapest begins. I kill 3 rifles and 1 pike. I lost 4 Hotchkiss. (591-64)
I gained $611 and 2 zeppelins.

JUNK-D was founded.

The assault on Innsbruck begins. I kill 2 rifles and 1 heavy artillery. I lost 2 Hotchkiss. (594-66)
I gained $433 and 1 zeppelin.

JUNK-E was founded.

The assault on Pula begins. I kill 2 rifles and 1 pike. (597-66)
I gained $505 and 1 zeppelins.

JUNK-F was founded.

The assault on Graz begins. I kill 4 rifles. I lost 1 Hotchkiss. (601-67)
I gained $947 and 1 worker.

JUNK-G was founded.

The assault on Aussig begins. I kill 3 rifles and 1 adventurer. (605-97)
I gained $1579 and 1 zeppelin.
Austria has left the game. :dance: :dance: :dance:
I watch dozens of units heading toward Greece go poof. I’m so glad they didn’t have a settler out there, or it would have been a mess along the Greek border cities.

All units left go on resistance suppression. I couldn’t cover all the cities.

I kill Egypt: 3 Nizam infantry, 1 catapult, 1 pike, 1 MDI, 1 musketeer and 1 musket. (617-97)
I lost 1 cavalry.

I kill Austria: 1 scout, 1 line infantry, 1 rifle, 1 adventurer, 1 settler, 4 steamrollers, and 2 rifles. (628-97)
I gained 9 workers.

I lawyer kills a Polish knight in former Austria. (629-97)
[End of session 8]
Former Austrian lands:

Former German and Scandinavian area:
Former Scandinavian and Egyptian area:

Does Italy seem surrounded? If I was continuing, this would be my next target.

If you are wondering why this set took so long, look at the unit killed count. 600+ is insane.

The city count went from 77 to 139. Even after backing out more temp cities versus my first turn, I feel I made good progress that set.

I’m very glad Egypt showed up when there did. I would have started a different war once the upgrades to Hotchkiss were done.

There is no reason to build more combat settlers. I have 30+ already. We should ASAP settler abandon temp cities. We won’t run out then.

This is the rare endgame where I had so much cash that there are no factories / gas holders / power plants to rush. Just keep backdoor rushing more troops.

We are in the end game stage. Almost all cities are just mindlessly building troops.

We can pincer Italy or go for the big money civ of Maghreb. I didn’t deal with Maghreb during my set with the ton of troops they had on our mountains. It would have been a bloodbath. Hitting these secondary targets has gotten almost all Maghreb troops out of our lands.

I don’t want to turn off research. I want to get to tanks. There is plenty of cash for rushing, so that isn’t a reason to turn tech off.

I already have 4 ideas for the next game I will list when this is closer to done. I suspect I have at least one more round.
Pass off notes for Greebley.
1 - Despite putting every spare unit in cities, some will be in resistance next turn.
2 - I suggest one turn of peace before starting the next war. This will be time to kill all resistance and get troops healed. A large block of troops are hurt.
3 - There may be a rail gap after all temp cities are settler disbanded. Please watch for that.
4 - There is $95K in cash to rush with. You don’t have to go Maghreb next for cash. I delayed that war to get that large amount of infantry off our mountain range.
5 - The Inca and Israel are beating each other up nicely. I’d be glad to let them burn their units on each other. I don’t want to many insane stacks like Egypt.

LKendter (swapped)
Jersey Joe (on deck)
Greebley (up)


  • LK170-1250AD.SAV
    1.5 MB · Views: 12
We should ASAP settler abandon temp cities.
From what I see in Civ Assist there are only 428 towns built in the entire world. That means there is room for 84 more towns. I think we should keep building temp cites until the max city limit is reached before abandoning a temp city. Every city does allow us a few more "free" troops. At worse, we run into a few houseboat situations.

Since we are in 1250AD (turn 240), I thought we where really learning tech quickly (especially since it is a Sid game). However, in LK167 year 1250 AD was turn 151. The algorithm the determines what year we are in appears to be another casualty of the glitch that occurred at the start of the game.
Since we are in 1250AD (turn 240), I thought we where really learning tech quickly (especially since it is a Sid game). However, in LK167 year 1250 AD was turn 151. The algorithm the determines what year we are in appears to be another casualty of the glitch that occurred at the start of the game.

I'm not surprised. When the game glitched, and I restored my backup version of Civ3 it was way out of date. Next game hoping 100% normal.

Are people still getting e-mail notices? I've not gotten any for the last few messages.
EDIT: 3 hours late, but I finally got a notice for the above message. Something must have had the site email down temp.
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Ok I got it. Will aim for 5 turns played since we are in the slower turns.

These are definitely slow turns. Just figuring out the puzzle to take out Austria in one turn was close to 1 hour.
I noticed we were killing off Italian Workers but could capture Aztec (American) ones. Not sure if that is also an issue with our start.

Teaser for the first 2 turns
Glad to see another 2 civs dead.
The steam roller is really kicking into gear. With how fast the cash is dropped, it is clear the mad rush of troops continues.
Preturn: Not much to do. Minor tweaks.

1255 AD: There is some irony that both "alot of units need healing" and 141 healthy speed 2 units are both true; with 141 we have plenty to go on the offensive.

Italy is a decent target, but also a bit of a pain with lots of Jungle. I declare war on them.
There are a lot of units on our border. I use the Artillery and some Infantry to kill reachable units.

I then attack Neapolis which is near the unit movement and has 30 odd units in it. We lose 3 taking the city.

Capture Ravena without loss. It has units nearby we may need to prune.

Capture Pompeii without loss. Capture Lugdunum without loss.

Brundism is surrounded by Jungle. Capture with Partisans losing and gaining one.
Kill large number of Italians that move speed 2 or have attack of 4 or higher. The Hotchkiss allow me to target the longbow and xbow first.

Finally capture Rome and then Antium where I ran out of fast units by 1 and used a 4/5 hotchkiss.

Built up some lands with the remaining Steam Rollers not yet used.
Forgot to rush any Hotchkiss at end of turn.

Upgraded about 50 workers to Partisans for the ability to take out jungle towns. Will work on attacking weaker units to increase their numbers and make some veterans.

IBT: No attacks, one pillage.

1260 AD: Take out Pisae with Partisans losing two and gaining one.

Capture Veii after using a combat Settler.

Another combat Settler first allows a Partisan to Capture Byzantium. It also allows us to capture Viroconium with Hotchkiss. Clear Defenders on Italian stack so we can promote Partisans on weaker units. Lose some Hotchkiss (4 on a single Italian Musketeer - win most the rest)

Hispalis falls next leaving one town. I then 'MM' for partisan attacks vs weaker units to increase numbers and promote some to Veteran. We do get our first Elite partisan.
Finally with 5 Partisan left, I take out the final city Lutetia. Italy is no more.
I road to the Aztec. They are weak in tech and France declared war so I want to grab their cities before France.

IBT: I tried to cover a Partisan who attacked into Hebrew lands but we get kicked out immediately leaving the Partisan vulnerable. I need to rethink the Partisan (most other covert units can move in and then out) covering when they attack into other territory (worker? scout?)

1265 AD: Start on Aztec.
They also have a decent number of speed 2 Knights and clear lands so can attack back more effectively.

Capture Malinco, Tamuin, Tzintzuntzen, Tlaxcala, Texcoco and clean out nearby units. Losses are higher here compared to Italy. We keep losing Hotchkiss to defense 4 units. Lack of retreats is a major reason. I would say around 7 Hotchkiss, and equal Partisan loss/gain despite attacking defense 1 mostly. JunkH (not sure where Lee left off but I didn't destroy them so make a guess) gets us to Teayo and Xochicalco.

Random comment: I took a class on Aztec history in college and got a bad grade in large part due to the names. Years of playing civ and I still have to look up the spellings from the map.

Capture Teotihuacan with the loss of a Hotchkiss and Partisan (vs xbow).
Next capture Tenochtitlan with 3 losses.

Looking at Aztec units (we have a spy) I see a settler, but cannot find it in the stacks. I explore a bit and manage to find it. This is good because the Aztecs have a lot of units around the last two cities. They moved to go after France so they still have 23 Knights and 79 xbow around these cities.

We kill several units in Tlacopan without loss and capture it. We are down to using units built this turn but we should have enough to take the last city.

I had forgotten I sent a few units toward the Dutch. Capture Holwerd with them. Newly built units + some units I missed we still have 41. I don't want to attack a new civ but can build a road to Mons and take it. We can also reach Haarlem, Eindhoven, and Charleroi which are captured.

IBT: Minor skirmishes with the Dutch with no losses.

1270 AD: Planted spies. Magreb decides to declare war despite our large military, which also decides our next target.

Build a combat settler. Didn't check for MPP and Magreb had one with France so we can also go for their cities but also need to defend our border with them.

Capture Utica for ~8k losing a Hotchkiss.
Capture Algiers for ~9k losing a Hotchkiss.
Capture Carthage for 9k losing 19 Hotchkiss (vs 10 defenders, HMG, and 3-4 others)
Capture Casablanca for 9k losing 5 Hotchkiss (city had 7 defenders).
Capture Tangier for 9.5k losing 2 Hotchkiss.
Capture Leptis Magna for 10k losing 4 units.
Capture Al Jadida without loss of units.
Use Partisans to capture Southhampton in the hills (just taken from the Brittish).
This leaves 5 towns on the far side of Britain. We still have enough Steam Rollers to work around and capture Ariana, Annaba, Rabat, Casblanca, and Fez. The last city is worth 41k gold and our total is now 212k. I spend this down to 175k mostly rushing units.

Unfortunately, Magreb has a Settler. I go back and use the rest of the units to clean up Magreb stacks that can reach us. I also place some towns to rush boats to take out ships with transport capacity.

IBT: Missed guarding one of the Aztec towns and it loses the 2 units in it. Captured by Magreb.
Magreb also captures Birmingham with their main army.

Take back Magreb/Aztec town of Calixtlahuaca. Sink 2 possible settler boats.
Capture Birmingham. This still doesn't get rid of the Magreb, so I kill the stacks near our cities.

Also attack France. First We capture Lyons and destroy a newly planted city.
Then we go for Beascon and Tours (costs us 3 Hotchkiss to take).
Paris is next losing 4 or so Hotchkiss.
Final Combat settler gets us to Orleans and Rheims.
We then use Partisans to capture Cherbourgh in the Jungle.

I did not rush units this turn - its easier to do when they have shields, so every other turn.

I set the new towns to scientists. This brought it from 6 turns to 4 for Tanks. They have to be reset (likely not all of them but some) to be at 3 turns next turn.

Wars are with France and the Dutch (who I ignored last 2 turns).

Continue to sink the Magreb boats so we get final settler. Beware there are some Magreb still alive near the border with England.



  • LK170-1275AD.SAV
    1.5 MB · Views: 6
1150 AD - 77 towns, 14.6% land.
1250 AD - 139 towns, 22.1% land.
1275 AD - 241 towns, 36.6% land.

My set wrapped up factory rush to get to 100% troop building. At the pace this is going, I feel confident of just one more round to play. If Joe goes totally out of control, I've play my last set.

LKendter (swapped)
Jersey Joe (up)
Elephantium (on deck)
Very good progress. :thumbsup:
Random comment: I took a class on Aztec history in college and got a bad grade in large part due to the names. Years of playing civ and I still have to look up the spellings from the map.
The names of their towns is one of the main reasons I rename their towns when I capture them. :D

I got it.
I have 2 goals:
First is easy; have the number of towns in our benevolent commune exceed the turn number.
Second ; we have less than 70% of the free troops we are allowed. I am going to try and have the number of Horchkiss we have be more than twice the number of Infantry we have.
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