Lord of the Balors feedback

0.40h (because of the reported AC90 issues I did not patch higher yet)
Epic, Prince, Mercurians

The infernals seem to slaughter each other pretty early. 2 of them are dead I do not really know who killed them. The AC stay rather low (below 10), because of the internal fighting.
The scenario itself seems fun!

But it can happen that stupid Keelyn lands next to my capital and gets stuck, never building a capital. This happens on the small peninsula directly where the scenario starts. This is a potential AI bug.

Gotta play more, I like it so far.
Would it be absurd to unlock Keelyn as a starting Infernal leader in the normal game after one completes her scenario? I realize I can do this in a custom game for my own amusement, but everyone loves unlocking things :)
That would be quite amusing I think. It could be nice if whoever won the Lord of the Balors scenario to appear in the place of the Infernals, and to fight on the human's side against the Sheaim.
Currently playing as Basium, Noble difficulty. Wasn't doing too well at first. Managed to get 1 infernal city with just angels. Then I got Heralds. They are pure awesomeness. Only cost me 3 gold per Angel to convert (maybe that should be changed?). Killed 3 of the 4 horsemen (Keelyn managed to get the other one).

I'm at 76 AC atm. Someone said that past AC90 there's a bug. What do I need to know about this? I also didn't complete the Momus or Radiant Guard yet, is that a big problem?
Boko, what happens at AC90 highly depends on which patch you have applied. The problem has been addressed in the latest patch already. I did not observe it, neither before nor afterwards. My AC stayed below 10 most of the time. It is interesting that the AC can be so different in different games of the same scenario.
I liked the scenario a lot playing as the mercurians. Probably will play it again at higher difficulty.
Playing as Capria, I just got the event where Meresin offers peace if you kiss his feet. I refused him, but I'm wondering what happens if you accept. (My guess is that Basium declares war on you.)
From my experience and a cursory look at the code I don't think there is a downside to that event. I am unaware of any downsides but those specifically mentioned.

The Tempts events are as follows:

Making Peace with Judecca means declaring war on Basium.
Making Peace with Sallos (agreeing to sleep with him, if female, or a Succubus loyal to him, if male) doesn't cost you anything.
Making Peace with Ouzza costs 1 population in each of your cities.
Making Peace with Judecca means declaring war on Basium.
Making Peace with Meresin (kissing his feet) doesn't cost you anything.
Making Peace with Statius will cost you a city.
Making peace with Lethe will cost you a unit.
Making peace with Hyborem is impossible.

Basium will never get any of these events. It seems like these should at least worsen his opinion towards those to accept, but there really isn't any effect.

It looks like peace with Judecca will last 100 turns, peace with Sallos 50 turns, peace with Ouzza 25 turns, peace with Meresin 25 turns, peace with Statius 100 turns, and peace with Lethe 50 turns.

I'm thinking that the numbers for Ouzza and Sallos should be switched. A peace that costs 1 population in every city should last a longer than one that costs nothing. As it is sex with Succubis is just too good.
How can you guys win these? Seems awfully hard, cause the demons just keep coming & coming in hordes. Even rusting them off doesn't seem enough. Btw, I'm playing Keelyn.
You're Keelyn and you get OO. Push to Arcane Lore, get Hemah. Combat V, Twincast, Water 3. (or Chaos if you feel a bit more adventurous:lol:) Hemah creates a puppet, gets 2 thanks to twincast. With Summoner they last 3 turns so you can have 6 puppets out at once. And each puppet gets Twincast as well so you're making 12 Water Elementals a turn, 36 out at a time, just from Hemah.

The hell portion of the map seems to big and empty, and the nice area is really unappealling. It seems like it would benefit from either tightening up the hell area to make it more dungeon-like, or improving the start area to make it more war-friendly. As it is I spent the better part of the scenario just wandering around hell with my heroes looking for a fight, basically ignoring my cities because they weren't producing anything anyway.

Been playing through again, as Basium now, and it might be good for one of the Infernal players to like the mounted line. Hell is mostly flat and has no trees. The Infernals love their infantry. Basium's angels come out the gate with pretty good odds against the Infernals forces, if you give them Mobility to stay out of the SoD's range each one busts stacks very well. The outnumbered good guys striking an opponent and then disappearing before the horde can retaliate is a nice thought, but the Infernals just aren't equipped to deal with it. Their response to 1 angel killing 20 axemen and diseased corpses is to build 20 more axemen and diseased corpses. Nothing wrong with a good strategy but there should be someone it doesn't work on.
wow, fun scenario. too bad the text hasn't been all added yet. oh well, guess I have to wait a bit for that.

As for feedback, a agree with TheGreatSteve that the hell portion is rather large. That isn't a problem when playing as Capria or Basium, (keelyn too i guess) who have access to early heroes or Angels. When playing them, I can get two or so highly promoted troops with Mobility to do all the fighting. I never actually built any additional units in my Capria game, since Valin and the Crusader were strong enough. Maybe if you added a few roads stretching across the place it would make building reinforcements worthwhile. With Varn, all I could do was beeline to Chalid.
Still very fun though, as the small number of troops meant that turns went very quickly.

And I almost forgot, it would be very good if you could add a few sources of Bronze on the coast so you can build Crusaders and make Melee worthwhile.
Played as Basium. At first those angels hold their ground very well untill ennemies get better units then you best have some upgrade of your own like herald and such. The starting area is flat and treeless so I decided to go FOL this time to plant trees everywhere. I was amazed to see the first cavalier (Angelo) not only waste resources but also remove forest. About this, new forest come so fast to ancient forest that it is hard to make any lumbermill but anyway I needed the extra food ancient forest give.

There is 3 choke points on the mountain ridge that separate starting area from demons land, the first one is close to the north east of start. I secured this one with a city at my 3rd cities and was there after heavy attack. I managed to plant trees in front just to slow ennemies. It make a good base for raid in ennemies land.

Later I managed to place a city to the west near where Keelyn usualy start. better be fast for this one because Keelyn eighter get wiped or prevent you from placing a city with culture. She usualy get spanked if you dont send forces. The last choke point is fra to west at the end of the map, no hurry for this usualy quiet place. I just send few units to know whats happening.

My first research was Deception to get neutral. 2nd was FOL. I will be able to make druids later.

Planting trees seem the only way to improve things as cities size and output since workshop substract one food and there is no water arround to irrigate. And if you cant secure mithril later you are in deep trouble. I quickly discovered that you dont waste time with world wonders, they seem to get them automatic without even producing it.
Ill fix that in the next version. I will PM the actual victory text to you shortly, you will not be dissapointed.

I guess it's not fixed yet since I got the Varn ending after beating it with Keelyn. Can you please send me the victory text too, Kael? Kind of curious about what goes down.
:lol: :hatsoff:
Yes, that was indeed a dopefish. I couldn't resist, for the sake of absurdity, but I never expected anyone to actually recognize the reference.
EDIT: And I'm pretty sure someone's guessed the lantern as well.
What's up with there being NO rivers or fresh water anywhere on this map at the start?? VERY annoying at higher difficulties. And do I really have to go with cottages?? *SHUDDER*
I believe there are some freshwater lakes on the map, but they are deep within infernal territory.
God there's three strangling points, almost too easy (especially when i got the orb event and bumped feudalism at turn five) but still too hard because all the infernal cities have stacks of dooms and one or two should be fine to manage but 7?!?!?!?

Oh and keelyn ass built her capital in a corner and her capital at turn 150 had 4 pop and it was her only city
I couldn't because the only thing she built was archers (seven) and i had a protective mercurian capital popping longbowmans in 1 turn and getting angels all the time
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