[Vanilla] [LP] Gilgamesh - First Immortal Game

And here it is! Liz is claiming she protested and we didnt listen ;)

All we have are the three Crossbowmen in between our cities, and five WC roaming around hunting Barbs and scouting the continent. Maybe I was a bit too over-confident that I can hold off England with only three crossbows?
OK, forget about Barbs for a bit, we have to churn out some units now to fight for our survival!

Feudal contract it is!

We exchange a little more arrows than pleasantries.
And then this!

Wha? You already got enough? Nothing happened yet!
Did she check the science race she was losing?

Well, ok, there was a bit more than just a few arrows, I admit.
Times flies when you're having fun.
Hard-fought battles for the homeland, built and chopped a few units and was able to fight off the english invaders!

In contrast to the first war we didnt lose a single unit!
(Which is most probably less my doing than the AI's lacking)

Here are the remaining two english units fleeing, a Pikeman and a Warrior.
They really had quite the army sent after me, but didnt know how to use them effectively in the hilly terrain.

When I first saw the 3 horsemen, 3 pikemen and 2 catapults I was feeling slightly under pressure.
A human opponent wouldve probably killed me if this were a multiplayer game.

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