Mansa Musa - Inland_Sea - Deity

Hey kossin,

Wondering if you could post your 1AD save? You bpt rate is amazing and I just don't get how you've accomplished it. I guess 11 cities means more TR income, but also more maintenance. And as you mentioned on top of that, many of these cities we're 20 turns behind in development. I would have thought that many of these under-developed cities would be more of a drain on your economy.

You'll have to excuse me but I've removed the saves from my USB key since posting was completed. I might still have them at home, I'll check in 2 weeks or so.

Beakers: almost 50% came from the capital, and then I had 2 cottage cities + a few other cottages in other cities. Factor in trade routes and you get a high bpt.

You are right that you pay more upkeep from more cities, and your stable bpt might go slightly down overall as a result but:
-you can (and should) always find more gold
-if you wait to settle those cities later, they'll become useful later too... really once you have Currency and trade routes to a neighbor you should just keep expanding as long as you have workers available at new city spots
You'll have to excuse me but I've removed the saves from my USB key since posting was completed. I might still have them at home, I'll check in 2 weeks or so.

Beakers: almost 50% came from the capital, and then I had 2 cottage cities + a few other cottages in other cities. Factor in trade routes and you get a high bpt.

You are right that you pay more upkeep from more cities, and your stable bpt might go slightly down overall as a result but:
-you can (and should) always find more gold
-if you wait to settle those cities later, they'll become useful later too... really once you have Currency and trade routes to a neighbor you should just keep expanding as long as you have workers available at new city spots

Thanks kossin. No worries about the save. I think you've pretty much summed things up. I get 100 bpt at 1AD and I'm pretty happy with myself. I thought 200 was just crazy. :)
Heres me to 1AD
Spoiler :

Compared to Kossin, I skipped archery ( built 4 warriors to spawn bust ) and went Ag-BW-Pottery chopping out a second worker before whipping the first settler than a granary before the second settler. Also my warrior got stuck to my east by the pigs so I settled there first. I used the pig city to whip out a couple settlers before grabbing a library for a GS about 15-20? turns after Kossin.

At this 1720BC shot I'm about to whip a settler in pig city and I grabbed the horse silver. This was probably a mistake since the western flood plains would have been better to settle first, but while I was fog busting that way I didn't have anything but the warriors.

Pig city is about to 3 pop whip a settler to time the marble snag with my capital's library. You'll note I'm cottaging the western two cities...

Its 1 AD now, I'm 4 turns from Education and should have farmed these 2 cities so I could get universities out. Not to mention getting libraries for culture reasons. I also could have taken the barb city last turn and hit next turn just as I remembered... Capital looks nice, I probably should have settled the rice/cows a bit earlier for health, but waited for the Dutch settler to arrive. Also trading pig for dyes which I need to cancel.

Think I'm ahead of Kossin here likely because of the 2 workers early. But music went at 450BC so I have no GA and my second GS is just arriving shortly. I expect he may have Oxford in before me though since I f'd up not farming the extra cities.

Nice eastern expansion, I didn't explore early enough and then that barb city appeared, screwing up my chances. About the music GA: I really should have used him earlier to get Oxford up, iIrc I waited way too long to trigger it, messing around the game too much :crazyeye:
Certainly the GA would have gone to get Oxford in asap. Oxford is my the only goal on my mind in games like this, but I haven't been playing awhile and completely forgot to get the farms started early enough not to mention lack of scouting to notice the culture pressure.
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