Okay, to begin with, I need more explorers, and another couple settlers. I won't be worrying about any other wonders in this set i don't *think.* Im going to let Rome grow some while finishing its Granary, and work on some axes for exploration and protection, and work on some spots for Iron.
My GProphet will be done in about 34 turns or so, and I want to bulb Theology with him, so Ill need to research those pre-req techs, but other than that, I dont have a definite tech direction (which may hurt me!).
On the first turn in, I get some news I already knew:
Next turn, IW was done, and Im going to head for Hunting > AH to finally pasteurize those Pigs!
1560 bc: Judaism and GW IDL
Also, now that AH is done, Im going to work on those Theo-pre-req techs. I also got the first of my settlers out, and sent him SE towards that Fish/Iron/Silk(?) site just north of where FDR is. Cumae was founded in 1080 bc.
One of my new axes got stuck in Japan
After that settler and another axe, I decided to set Rome on the Pyramids ~ normal lures me in w/its short build times ~ 27 turns to Pyramids; how could I not?!?!
850 bc, and FDR wants to play nice:
And I finally am able to grow over size 6:
775 bc, and I got my GP; sleep my precious ~ the squirrels do not wish to hear you just yet.

Argh ~ damn those stupid Bulbing crap! Got most of the early religious techs out of the way, but forgot Writing! Doing that now to bulb Theo!!
I got so flustered, I lost my 2nd axe:
But in 575:
Christianity founded in Antium
Now am unsure about going for either CoL for another religion or Aesthetics > Lit for more wonders . .
I decide to go for Aesthetics, and then on 2nd thought, go w/CoL after all since I don't think i'll be able to go for those wonders right away, and Ill still need some more cities, so why not another religion?
City #4 Founded in 550:
In 425 bc, Christianity spread to Boston, so I may look to wipe out both Japan AND Joao for a nice Christian continent.
I also got some good news to finish the set:
This may not look like much, but its the 2nd of my newly-freed axes
Now that the Pyramids are in, Im going to put together a small Praet army to start cracking some skulls while the homeland works on improving the empire. After CoL, over to Aesthetics > Lit, and then perhaps following those up to Drama and Music, and Philo, too, for a 3rd religion. Well see. On to read.