Dancing Hoskuld
Would it be possible to get the bit of SDK code (see quote of link below) that causes the event onStartGame to be called when a map regeneration is done included in a new version of your dll?
I have been playing around with the deep sea and goody island mods by Kathy(?) and think there is some scope to improve the whole sea faring experience somewhat. They work with any map script because they are run after the map is generated but if you regenerate the map they are not called.
Would it be possible to get the bit of SDK code (see quote of link below) that causes the event onStartGame to be called when a map regeneration is done included in a new version of your dll?
I have been playing around with the deep sea and goody island mods by Kathy(?) and think there is some scope to improve the whole sea faring experience somewhat. They work with any map script because they are run after the map is generated but if you regenerate the map they are not called.
yeah, stupid bug with the onGameStart event. to fix it just add this to CvGame::regenerateMap() before the autosave is made. Then onGamestart is also triggered if the map is regenerated
Code:/*************************************************************************************************/ /** ADDON (regenerate Map) Sephi **/ /*************************************************************************************************/ CvEventReporter::getInstance().gameStart(); /*************************************************************************************************/ /** END **/ /*************************************************************************************************/