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Medieval - Renaissance Mod

Unless I can find a scripter, no he wont be, at least in the first version. He will elad the papal states but he wont be able to send you on crusades or anything thats a bit beyond my skill :confused:

Does anyone know if its possible to add a script to a city improvement? Something like the Knights Templar wonder in Civ III? I was throwing ideas around this morning, I was thinking how knights werent really recruited but were called to duty by there fuedel lord. So I was thinking of making Knights unrecruitable to everyone but the Spanish, and making it so the Castle city improvement would create a Knight every 2-3 turns. The Spanish will have 3 types of knights, to reflect their social/military structure. One of these will be structured for recruitment like the ones above the other two will be recruited normally.

I think by doing this, I can more accurately simulate the knights military role. To sublement the "loss" ofthe knight as a heavy cavalry unit, I will be adding a heavy cavalry unit to be recruited normally.

I will also be releasing a near to final unit lost here within the next few days. I have tomorrow off, so I should have it out tomorrow.

We shall see!

Kushan: Aint Medievel Russia called Kievan Rus?
Kaizerguard: The map I have says Russia, will do some research and if your correct I'll change it. Thanks.

Rulkiewicz: Everything is looking good. Still working on the unit list, will have that finished tonight...hopefully. After that is done I will put togethor the faction leader list. I am also looking for someone do to some new leader heads when I get that list done if anyone is interested in taking that up. For know it can be a modified head from one of the vanilla leaders, but eventually I want to get new unique ones. Also if anyone is interested in taking up doing some new unit skins, then please let me know.

I've also been diving into XML alot lately, think I've got a good general idea of what everything does now. In the process of combining some mods that have already been released for my own personal use, using it as test in many ways, to test my knowledge of how XML works.


Kushan said:
Poland was under the control of The Holy Roman Empire during the Middle Ages.
Read your history... Poland was one of the most power medieval kingdoms and was at the height of power in the 1500!
I beg of you to not add any crappy skins or weird leader heads. Show us what you want to put in so we can see. I'm reminded of the muttly Civ 3 modding days with age of empires units graphics and leaderheads that looked like Mr. Patato heads with viking helmets.
If you want to make this Medieval Europe mod accurate , you should include Albania.

Albania at that time was much bigger than it is today , and the Albanian leader (Gjergj Kastrioti) led a successful rebellion against the Ottoman Empire (with the Hungarians) for Europe.

I am in the process of creating the civ , most everything is done , except customs graphics (LH) which a very skilled member of this forum has agreed to help me with.

Should you decide to more accurately portray Europe , you can PM me and I will provide with more detailed, accurate information.
Shqype: For the first version I will be sticking with the faction list that I currently have. Its not that I dont want to add Albania, but Europe only has so much room, even with the downsides map.

MattJek: Yes, I know that now thanks. I will be including Poland.

Lifeaquatic: I'll do that. Until I get photoshop though I'm unable to do any myself. I want to have customskins, LH's, etc eventually, the first version probably wont include them though. Those will hopefully come in v2, that way it gives me time to get them exactly like I want them.

UPDATE: I just update the first post to include the European unit list.

NOTE: This list may not be "historically" accurate as I would like atm. I created it using estimated guess work on a variety of factors including: faction location, culuture, warfare styles of the nations around it, etc. This list is subject to change.

Kushan said:
UPDATE: I just update the first post to include the European unit list.

NOTE: This list may not be "historically" accurate as I would like atm. I created it using estimated guess work on a variety of factors including: faction location, culuture, warfare styles of the nations around it, etc. This list is subject to change.

it looks great as it is.... im just happy poland is in it :D
Kushan, i think Kingdom of Leon should be replaced by Kingdom of Aragon.

The two big kingdoms that joined under the Catholic Kings were Castilla and Aragon, Leon joined Castilla earlier.
From looking at post #1 it appears as if the Kalmar Union will have Viking warriors and Viking raiders as units -- surely this must be an oversight? If it isn't, may I suggest you change it as that is just plain wrong! The Viking Age ended some 400 years before the Kalmar Union came into being in 1397.
From looking at post #1 it appears as if the Kalmar Union will have Viking warriors and Viking raiders as units -- surely this must be an oversight? If it isn't, may I suggest you change it as that is just plain wrong! The Viking Age ended some 400 years before the Kalmar Union came into being in 1397.

Please remember that the time period is going to be starting before 1397. Probably 1000-1050AD. The Kalmar Union is representing Denmark, Sweden, and Norway because having them all seperate would just be more factions for the game to keep track of. Those will not be their only units, they will be recieving more. The viking units will be obsolete after the first few techs, they are powerfull, enough to take a city or two early on. After that they will use more "traditional" units.

Kushan, i think Kingdom of Leon should be replaced by Kingdom of Aragon.
The two big kingdoms that joined under the Catholic Kings were Castilla and Aragon, Leon joined Castilla earlier.

Ok, I'll change that. Thanks.

Kushan - Any idea if the Civ4 code can handle events like in EU/EU2 when the Netherlands formed at the approriate timeframe. Or other splinter type actions where new Civs could be born?
Kushan, looks like your a good administrator. But you need more volunteers and less crazy suggestions that reuqire scripting and the creation of 50 million civs. Anyone actually want to help kushan with modding this? rather it be editing the map, editing civs or scripting or working with the xml, i'm sure he could use help. If we all pitch in it will be a functioning good mod. So volunteer and kushan will direct us. List you skills in this format:

this is Me

Scripting: none
xml: very little but could figure it out if need be
in game editor: average, could do most basic things
historical accredited knowledge(no phseudo historians please): in this era not an extensive amount
Kushan said:
Please remember that the time period is going to be starting before 1397. Probably 1000-1050AD. The Kalmar Union is representing Denmark, Sweden, and Norway because having them all seperate would just be more factions for the game to keep track of. Those will not be their only units, they will be recieving more. The viking units will be obsolete after the first few techs, they are powerfull, enough to take a city or two early on. After that they will use more "traditional" units.

Well, then therein lies the problem. The Kalmar Union only lasted 25 years! That's a drop in the ocean in the timespan of this mod. True, Norway stayed in union with Denmark when Sweden pulled out, but it was the three countries together that made up the Kalmar Union. Regardless, if the mod starts in 1050, that's practically the end of the Viking age anyway (usually considered to be 792AD-1066AD).

Why don't you have one civ simply called Scandinavia?
Wolfman1234: I included your change, sorry I misread my map of the Medieval Spanish Kingdoms and didnt realize Castile and Leon were already one kingdom..oops.

Willowmound: I changed the Kalmar Union to the Scandinavia. The Viking units that I have are meant to represent the last few viking warriors that didnt want to give up the old ways. Like I have said before, they will be an early unit capable of taking/raiding a city or two before they become obsolete.

NOTE: As of now I am freezing any faction list changes for the first version. The current list will be THE list for the first version.

woodelf: I dont know honestly. I believe that is all handled through python and I havent dived into that yet.

Lifeaquatic: Thanks, I could definately use the help. If anyone is interested in helping please let me know. I am especially looking for people who have some experience with skinning and Python coding.

UPDATE: I just updated the unit list to include the Arabians and the Mongols.

Does anyone know the fighting styles used by the Indians, Chinese, and Japanese during the Middle Ages? Would the Samurai be considered accruate for the time period for the Japanese?

I have been refining my ideas for how I want Knights to be recruited for the European Kingdoms, with the exception of the Spanish ones. Each faction will have a wonder in its capital, for example the French would have the "Kingdom of France" wonder, etc. This wonder would produce a knight every 2 or 4 turns (depending on game balance). Other improvements such as castles would produce an extra knight every 4-6 turns. The knight being recruited at the wonder would simulate the knight coming to the aid of his lord. Comments? Suggestions? are welcome. The Spanish Kingdoms would work in the same way for their Royal Knights and nobles knights. Their Common Knights would be recruited as normal units.


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