Originally posted by [Ant]Wimp
Stats are a very tough subject indeed. Wheres ED? I really admire his statgiving in the WHmod...
Thanks, though my statgiving wasn't generally approved by lotr-modders, and the current lines are far from my vision, so I decided to shut up. But here are my useful insights
I do think that graphics should go first (well, it's not really first, but simultaneous). It's better to base unit lines on what's available, otherwise it will be a mod full of placeholders, not units (for me, it was a reason for deleting many mods after the 1st game). Waiting for requests to be finished will take another year, enough to play the mod hundreds of times.
And for that matter - I don't think that Germanic Spearman looks "armored". He looks very primitive, barbaric, much less advanced than European Spearman. At least reverse the order, if you must have 4 defenders... I guess my complains about 3 being better, ie. because it will be easier to have elven/dwarven unit lines with unique, proper graphics, won't be considered at all...
I don't like HP changes within unit lines. It's hard to find an argument against it, except that it produces unnessasary confusion and the supposed balance is hardly measurable. I don't see any arguments for, too. I'd keep HPs for dwarves/elves, beasts and other big stuff... While keep units of the same type at the same level.