Missing leaders in multiplayer?


Aug 20, 2017
I want to play a multiplayer session with a friend and there are leaders missing for both of us. For example Sejong, Eleanor etc.
We validated game files and they are still not available.
Has someone any idea how to fix this?
Everyone should have the same game set up. You can only play leaders that are owned by both you and the host. If the host has GS, but not R&F, that would mean no R&F leaders will show as available. If the host is missing a dlc, those leaders wouldn't be available. Also, there are three game rule systems, one each for base game and each expansion. The game host should have the most complete set up, preferably all the expansions and dlc.
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Hello, thanks for the answer!
You're right, I missed the rulesets completely. I used standart rules, not the expansions :'D I created a game with Gathering Storm and the leaders are there now.
But when I choose the GS ruleset, it should have R&F integrated automatically, like in singleplayer, right? (My friend & me have both the expansions).
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Yes, R&F game systems are built into GS. A player with only GS can play online, without access to R&F leaders.
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