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MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus Game Thread

(I'll be out of town from Feb. 10th through Feb. 14th. No internet.)
Morning Day 7
In the wee hours of the morning, Khazaar is shaken awake by his imp servant.
"What is it, Chortles?"
"Master must go. Leave now, or it will be too late."
"But why? I'm tired. Let me go back to sleep."
"No master."
And Chortles, demonstrating heretofore unrevealed strength, picked up the slave Khazaar and carried him outside to a catapult.
"What the heck do you think you're doing, you little imp?"
"Saving your life, master."
Chortles picked his master up and put him into the cup of the catapult, then clambered in after him, and cut the rope.

Seon the elder smiled as he woke up. Change had come to Jubilee. The treasurer, noble, and chamberlain were all dead, and he lived on. As he put on his robe and slowly walked down stairs, he got the first indication that something was wrong. There was a red glow coming from down by the forge area and loud clanging noises, as though someone were working there. Others began to join him in the great hall, looking anxiously at the forge area. The noise stopped. A few minutes passed. Silence. Finally, the jester BananaLee came ambling up from the forge, carrying a small sphere in his hands. "Heeheehee, it's time for a little fun. Time to shake things up with an explosive revelation. Bye-bye Jubilee!!"
The courtiers lunged for the bomb, but they were too late. With a loud


it detonated.


The slave woke up with a roaring headache. He remembered flying through the air and a very hard landing. He noticed that he was lying on a number of feather mattresses, which were inexplicably lying in a field. Then he noticed the dead imp on top of him and the ash slowly settling. He climbed off the mattresses and looked back towards where Jubilee once was. Nothing could be seen of it, except for slowly settling ash. He turned back to the remains of the loyal imp Chortles and cried.
He heard the sound of footsteps and looked up to see demons. Not Keelyn's, for they wore no ribbons or bows. As he was seized, shackled and returned to slavery by the Infernals, he thought to himself, "Ah well, while there's life, there's hope, right? Right?"

Spoiler :
BananaLee has won a Kaboom Victory!

Completed objective before death


Role PMs will be put up later tonight.
I knew that BananaLee was going to do something like this, but I was kinda hoping it might result in my victory (since I couldn't for the life of me figure out who I was actually supposed to be helping). Anyhow, congrats to him for the win. :goodjob:

Although the game rather petered out towards the end, the first part was perhaps the most fun I've ever had playing NotW. Thanks, Autolycus. :)

:D I was very, very naughty in this game.

Lies, betrayal, murder - all in a day's work for a crazy tramp.

J-Man in particular deserves an apology for the utterly despicable way in which I tricked him into giving up his information (by accusing him of poisoning civplayah, which was actually my doing), and then murdered him only a couple of hours later. Sorry. :hide:
What the? BananaLee was the Demoman?! :run:

Makes me hate the demoman even more!
Damnit, and I was actually getting close to completing my goal! CG was about to give me the item I needed, meaning all I needed to do was kill Keelyn and get turned into a human, and then I could complete the actual goal I was hiding from you the entire time. :p

Well done, BananaLee.
Tssk DE should totally have died instead of me :p
And you Methos, die when I try to kill you!
And now the moment you've all been waiting for... the PMs:

Elder Seon
Spoiler :
Character: Elder
Objective: Death of at least the Majority of
Chamberlain, Steward, Noble, Treasurer, and Interior Minister
Base Strength:1
Item:Sword of Junil (Strength +1)
Feature: Your vote only matters once in lynch and once in items, but it wins those votes.
You've been around this place longer than anyone, now that the Momus is dead. And you've stayed alive this long because you know not to speak too loudly. No one really listens to you anymore. But with Perpentach gone, you see a chance to finally change Balseraph for the better. You know nothing will really change unless the officers of the court die. You believe that you can make your opinion felt once or twice in the days to come, your age has brought influence with it as well.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Nictel, he used his vote to get you killed instead of Diamondeye.

Chamberlain J-man:
Spoiler :
Character: Chamberlain
Objective: Elect someone else leader
Strength 4
Item: Blue vial of Poison
You didn't poison the Momus, so who did? Regardless, a new day is dawning, and it should bring power to the people. You want to see someone chosen by the courtiers to lead. You know you're not up to the task, so get someone else chosen. Of course, no one can really run the country while Keelyn wants blood.
If the majority of those living on one day PM me the name of one person to lead them, the game will end, and that person will be elected leader.
Your poison can be used three times. Once in any day-night cycle, you can PM me the name of a person. At the next update, you will poison them. If nothing prevents it, at the following update, they will die.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Guard Love:
Character: Guard
Objective: Protector of the Weak: At least 4 others of strength less than or equal to your total strength survive till the end.
Base Strength: 2
Ability: Knife in the Dark
You've never been all that strong, but you've always wanted to keep those weaker than you safe, something you haven't always been able to do during the reign of Perpentach. During these times of turmoil, however, keeping them safe is not enough. You must be proactive. Every night, you can go out and stab someone, killing them. However, if you kill someone weaker than yourself, you will regard yourself as the thing you've always hated most, a bully, and so will Keelyn(Yes, she'll know, she's the daughter of one of the most powerful mind mages ever). And she reaaallllly doesn't like Bullies...

Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Jester BananaLee:
Spoiler :
Character: Jester
Objective: Boom!!!
Base Strength: 2 (Construct your Bomb. It takes 6 nights
Ability: Bomb Construction
Item: Bomb Parts (Enables Bomb Construction)
Kill them!! Kill them all!!! Perpentach kept you around because you were the one person who just might be crazier than him. With him gone, nothing will stop you from constructing your bomb and blowing everyone to bits!!! Hahahahaha! It will take you six nights of construction to build your bomb.

Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Noble Nictel:
Spoiler :
Character: Noble
Objective: Might makes Right: Be strongest person in the game.
Base Strength: 3
Ability: Kill the Weak
In times like these, we need a strong leader. You. After all, you are a noble. Who better to succeed the king. You just need to intimidate the others into supporting you. That means be stronger than any of them. Then you can scare them into submission. Every night you can try to kill someone.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Priest Civgeneral:
Spoiler :
Character: Priest
Objective: Foreign Intervention
Base Strength: 1
Item: Banishment Shield
It's time to get some religion. So far, you've been a priest of whatever Perpentach wanted. With him gone, it's time to choose a direction. Maybe you could bring in the Bannor, and become a priest of Junil. Or perhaps the Ashen Veil would be better, in which case alerting Hyborem to the situation would be a good idea.
With two artifacts associated with any god, at night you can perform a ritual to contact that god, who will relay the invitation to his chosen.

Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Farmer CCRunner:
Spoiler :
Character: Farmer
Objective: Be elected
Base Strength: 1
Item: Paper
You came in to ask Perpentach to send his water magi to provide some rain. It's clear you aimed too low. With the Momus dead, someone has to take charge, why not you? If you can get the majority of people to support you, you'll be set.
If the majority of people alive pm me on one day voting for one person for leader, they will be elected and the game will end.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Cow Choxorn:
Spoiler :
Character: Cow
Objective: Bring in Hyborem
Base Strength: 5
Item: Amulet of Agares
You are no ordinary Cow. You are an evil demonic cow, endowed with speech by the Amulet of Agares that hangs around your neck in the form of a cow bell. You must let your lord Hyborem know what's happened here. You find it frustrating, so many demons, and all of them enthralled by Keelyn, and therefore useless to you. You know a ritual to contact Agares, who can then contact Hyborem. Two problems. First, it requires two artifacts of Agares. Second, it requires opposable thumbs. You'll need to get them, or get an accomplice. You can teach one person this ritual by mutual agreement at night, each night (PMs). Your Amulet cannot be stolen from you (it's around your neck, and a bell) . If you give it away, you will lose your power of speech. Good luck!

Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

@ Choxorn: Sprig had already used his transformation, and you needed Diamondeye's Armour of Agares, not Civgeneral's Banishment Shield.

Treasurer Diamondeye:
Spoiler :
Character: Treasurer
Objective: Kill Keelyn
Base Strength: 2
Item: Armor of Agares (protects wearer from direct assault)
Perpentach's dead, great. But the real drain on the treasury, Keelyn, lives, and is protected by Giggles. If you're going to take them down, you'll need at least three tools of war (armor, helmet, etc.). You could get others to join you, but what if they back out at the last second? Besides, the more people are involved, the less likely it is that you'll wind up with any prizes to be found in her chamber.

Anyone can PM me during the day to launch an assault on Keelyn at the next update. If those attempting it don't have enough equipment, it won't turn out well.

Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Diamondeye, did you really think your victory condition ended the game?
More PMs:

Steward Methos:
Spoiler :
Character: Steward
Objective: Be elected
Base Strength: 3
Item: Helm of Junil
You've advised and mitigated the effects of Perpentach all these years. Now it's time for you to lead. You just need to get the rest of the court behind you.
If the majority of people alive pm me on one day voting for one person for leader, they will be elected and the game will end.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Tramp Winston Hughes:
Spoiler :
Character: Tramp
Objective: Amenable Government
Base Strength: 2
Item: Red Bottle of Poison (2 uses left)
You didn't poison Perpentach, really you didn't. But no one will believe that. Everyone hates a tramp. And just when you'd been getting to like this country. The people must not be allowed to choose their leader, they'll run you out of town immediately. The only thing worse would be those self-righteous Bannor taking over. Perhaps that noble could take charge...
Once per day/night cycle you can poison someone. At the next update, you will poison them, and they will die.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Infernal intervention was the other one that would work for you.

Doctor TheLastOne36:
Spoiler :
Character: Doctor
Objective: Free-Thinking Situation
Base Strength: 1
Item: Herbs
Ability: With your herbs, you can cure someone if they've been poisoned
You're a doctor. You care for people. And maybe do some experiments on them on the side. You just want to make sure that whatever happens, you still have the freedom to experiment, so no dictators, and no righteous zealots.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Falconer Civplayah:
Spoiler :
Character: Falconer
Objective: Bannor Intervention
Base Strength: 2
Ability: The Birds
You've always dreamed of a place in the Bannor Order, but born a Balseraph, you never got the chance. Well, this is your chance, and the Bannor's too. If you can get the Bannor a message, they'll learn the situation here and you'll have your goal of serving in the Bannor army. All you need is a pen and paper.
OOC: Ability Details. Every other night, you can send your birdies to watch over a person, and attack them if they try to do anything. This will tell you if they're active, and block them if they are.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

I upgraded his ability to every night, but then he got poisoned. :(

Sage Sprig:
Spoiler :
Character: Sage
Objective: National Survival
Base Strength: 3
Ability: Transformation Once during the game at night, with someone else's consent, you can change them into someone or something else. Who knows what that will be, but that's just the risk they take, eh?
You are a patriot. You love your homeland, and above all else do not what to see Balseraph fall to its enemies.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Freak Blame:
Spoiler :
Character: freak
Objective: Death of the Contortionist, the Sage, and the Doctor, and Government that won't condemn you for what you are.
Base Strength: 3
Ability: Sense Ability. Each day, you can choose someone to observe. At the end of that day, you'll find out their ability.
You weren't always a freak. The doctor and the Sage made you this way. This is your chance for revenge. You also hate the contortionist. Why would someone choose to do to themselves what they did to you?
Beyond that, you're a survivor. Whatever happens, you'll be fine as long as you aren't killed just for being a freak.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Interior Minister Renata:
Spoiler :
Character: Interior Minister
Objective: Keep majority of slave, freak, contortionist, farmer, and tramp alive
Base Strength: 4
Item: Pen
You've had to do a lot of bad things to a lot of innocent people over the years in the service of Perpentach. You don't care about your life any more. But now there's hope. If you can just keep the downtrodden alive a little longer, maybe better times will come, and you won't be remembered as all bad.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Slave Khazaar:
Spoiler :
Character: Slave
Objective: Protect at least two of steward, farmer, tramp, and falconer. Anti-Slavery government.
Base Strength: 3
Ability: Theft Each night if you know someone has an item, you can go steal it from them
You're an optimist. You want to be free, and you're sure it will happen someday soon. You have great faith that most people are good. After all, the steward and the falconer have always been kind to you. You feel a sort of kinship with the tramp. And the farmer usually has brought you some extra food whenever the farmer came to court. But you're not a total idealist. You're not afraid to reach out and take what you want.
All genders of characters are intentionally undetermined. They are up to the character. Feel free to add backstory to your character, just remember for yourself that it has no real import.

Contortionist Backwards Logic:
Spoiler :
Character: Contortionist
Objective: Death of the Freak and the Tramp
Base Strength: 4
Ability: Rope Trick Each night you can tie someone up and prevent them from taking action.
You've spent years perfecting your entertainment routine. Now you're trapped here with the upper class. What could be better? Well, the freak and the tramp do kinda creep you out. Maybe they could be dead.
Genders on all characters have been left up to the character. Feel free to add any additional backstory you like to this. Just bear in mind, it has no real effect.

Now you have no excuse to not put up the end post for MNotw VI, Sprig;)

Winston Hughes, if you'd put up the message in which you got transformed, I think others might enjoy that one, but I misplaced it. If people have any questions, I'll answer them later.
@ Choxorn: Sprig had already used his transformation, and you needed Diamondeye's Armour of Agares, not Civgeneral's Banishment Shield.

I figured as much. When BL said he was giving DE's armor to neutral parties, I asked for something in case there actually was an item of Agares.

Looking at my Role PM, Diamondeye's, and CivGeneral's, we could have all achieved our goals easily if the three of us had worked together. Mine and CG's could have been achieved simultaneously by him contacting Hyborem, and Diamondeye would have only needed one more war item if he had his armor and CG's shield. So, if he had gotten one more, CG could have given the shield and let him kill Keelyn and Giggles, he could have given me the armor, and I could have taught CG the ritual, thus meaning all three of our goals would have been completed.
@ BananaLee Nope. I only gave people credit for those dead prior to the explosion. He had three of his dead before then. He doesn't get full credit because he was required to survive and didn't.
Hehehe, good thing I made a deal for the deamon. Beeing alive is far better than dead. Shield or staff, I was close enough...
Never trust a court jester. There as insane as a suicide bomber!
This is the message I got when sprig transformed me:

Autolycus said:
You slip out of bed and go to meet up with the sage in another room. He welcomes you and then straps you down to the table. He goes to a cabinet and takes out several ominous looking vials, several of which he pours down your throat, others of which he mixes in a cauldron and starts boiling them, which immediately start emitting puffs of strangely coloured steam. He leaves the room, and you, despite your best efforts, find yourself falling asleep.

You wake up and feel a sharp pain in your shoulders. You have shrunk noticeably, and your arms are all but dislocated in their bindings. You look down and discover that you are a scrawny looking dwarf. Sprig enters the room and exclaims, "Good you're awake. Now I'll just unstrap you..." Frustrated at no longer being human, you are about to punch him when you realize that Kilmorph, or Mammon, or someone, you really don't give a dern who, has added vast amounts of knowledge to your mind.

You know what everyone's most valued posession, if any, is. The elder prizes a sword he owns above all else, while the Chamberlain has a little blue vial that he keeps safe. The Jester has a collection of metal parts that he seems to adore, while the priest has a buckler that he values. The farmer has paper, while the cow has only a cow bell. The treasurer has some tarnished armour, while the steward has a helmet. You, of course, have your bottle. Finally, the interior minister has a pen. No one else seems to value any one thing they own in particular. A little stunned by your new-found knowledge, your hand drops to your side and you return to your room.

Your strength is now 1
Your objective has not changed
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