• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Random Rants 94 I rant at the thread title and shake my fist menacingly.

On the other hand, blocking runways or any other travel route is not something I support. It's what the indigenous activists do here and it can (and has) led to violence between them and the RCMP. It interferes with the livelihoods of ordinary people, and people who may have urgent reasons to go where they're going. So blocking runways, highways, bridges, etc. isn't something I look at with sympathy.

Two points here. One, it seems to be that indigenous people in Canada have plenty of urgent reasons to block roads, since, you know, they're being killed with impunity and stuff. Second, protest that doesn't inconvenience anyone is arguably not real protest and is very unlikely to be successful.
Two points here. One, it seems to be that indigenous people in Canada have plenty of urgent reasons to block roads, since, you know, they're being killed with impunity and stuff. Second, protest that doesn't inconvenience anyone is arguably not real protest and is very unlikely to be successful.


It's one thing to block a logging road. It's another thing entirely to block roads into/out of a port, and prevent innocent people from getting to work and conducting their daily business.

As for being "killed with impunity"... in far too many cases, yes, the murders have been unsolved or there was some other reason why the guilty party either went free or had a deal.

Right now, though, Robert Pickton is on life support in a hospital in Quebec, and I doubt there's a person in the whole country who isn't going to be happy when he dies. He murdered 49 women in BC, many of them indigenous, and chopped them up and scattered them here and there on his pig farm. He was only sentenced for 6 of them, but the DNA evidence says there were dozens more.
barely relevant , we will no longer be able to hear Taylor Swift taking her private plane to a city here or there as US Lawmakers made tracking the jets of the famous a crime or something .
Right now it's a bit after midnight, I am sitting at home, had the credit card out, to possibly buy a tour at the Colosseum, since new tickets should have come directly online. No dice (how the eff does this even work, the bots can't be that fast, can they?). Gonna try tomorrow again, otherwise it'll be a simple ticket for the Colosseum and Palatine hill area.

I used the opportunity also to go on Tinder, and spend more money there, because I'm stupid. I bought a superboost, for 65€ (100 times more views for the next 6h), and wanted to use it whenever a convenient time came buy. Apparently Tinder thinks different, and that you want to use it directly when you buy it. Gee, thanks, I'll have tremendously more exposure in this area between now and 6 AM in the morning, so useful, so many people online.
I put in a request for refund. Let's see how that goes.
EDIT: Surprisingly well, got the money back without any problems!
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I dislike that I have become a person that cares about birthdays. I doubly dislike that I became that person right when all my friends seemingly collectively decided to forget and treat it like an imposition. Previous years, it'd be my friends trying to get me to care about it, trying to organize activities, telling me to treat myself, etc. This year, silence. When they remembered or I mentioned it, they gave a lackluster "happy birthday," with a fairly strong implication of "I guess" tacked onto the end of it. It's a pretty lame way of feeling unimportant. I would've preferred to not care, and then it wouldn't bother me. I got far more enthusiasm and remembrance from acquaintances, which I'm thankful for, but that really shouldn't be the case.

The simplest explanation is that the problem lies with me. I have changed in some way that has destroyed my closest relationships. So that is what I will be dwelling on today, I suppose. And that at 30 I'm nowhere near where I want to be, and I'm doing none of the things I want to be doing.
I dislike that I have become a person that cares about birthdays. I doubly dislike that I became that person right when all my friends seemingly collectively decided to forget and treat it like an imposition. Previous years, it'd be my friends trying to get me to care about it, trying to organize activities, telling me to treat myself, etc. This year, silence. When they remembered or I mentioned it, they gave a lackluster "happy birthday," with a fairly strong implication of "I guess" tacked onto the end of it. It's a pretty lame way of feeling unimportant. I would've preferred to not care, and then it wouldn't bother me. I got far more enthusiasm and remembrance from acquaintances, which I'm thankful for, but that really shouldn't be the case.

The simplest explanation is that the problem lies with me. I have changed in some way that has destroyed my closest relationships. So that is what I will be dwelling on today, I suppose. And that at 30 I'm nowhere near where I want to be, and I'm doing none of the things I want to be doing.

So today marks your 30th trip around the Sun?

Attitudes change from year to year as to what we find important. I can't be bothered to celebrate Canada Day anymore because I hate both the federal and provincial governments and even the municipal government seems awfully privileged lately.

Birthdays, on the other hand... when there aren't many reasons to celebrate, and there's only one other person here who doesn't even understand the concept, I'm still going to use the occasion as the excuse for some kind of treat. Next week is my 61st trip around the Sun.

Look at it this way: You'd be much older if you lived on Mercury! :p
Happy Birthday, Synobun!

There's nothing wrong with wanting people to celebrate your birthday. There's nothing wrong with once having not cared, and now caring. There's nothing wrong with communicating to others around you how you would appreciate being treated. They will not always come through, that's true.

Anyway, holy smokes. At 30, you're just a whipper-snapper. Don't worry how much you've done or haven't done by age 30. Do each day what's meaningful to you in that day.
What is it with the people on this floor and inconsiderate actions with the laundry room? A few weeks ago somebody washed farm clothes. Farm clothes with manure on them. The laundry room was shut down for cleaning and sanitizing.

Today, somebody left their blankets in BOTH dryers. They were there when I put my stuff in the washer, still there when I put my stuff in the dryer (after removing their things from one dryer and cleaning the lint trap they didn't bother to clean). When I came back to get my stuff from the dryer, their stuff was still in/on the other dryer. I wouldn't be surprised to find their stuff STILL there if I were to go back.

Well, at least I left their stuff on top of the dryer. Some people throw other people's stuff on the floor. If I'd had two loads, I'd have put their stuff on the counter by the sink.
I forgot to cancel the automatic renewal for the Tinder Platinum subscription. Another 30€ down the drain -_-.

Why on earth were you spending so much on a dating app??
Finding a partner is right now the top priority in my life. Everything else is going fine, just not this, and I see my midlife crisis taking form, so... I thought I might as well pump money in it (since I can) and see if it works. Nearly 200€ later it seems it really does not :cringe:. Lesson learned.
Go on another app, and as your whole profile, do nothing else* than tell the story of how you spent too much on Tindr. If there's a slap forehead emoji, end the post with that. Some aarrrggg emojis strewn throughout the narrative. You might connect with someone whose most pressing present experience is how crazy dating through apps is.

*or as little else as you can get away with; I don't know whether these things have "required fields."
I'll go again on Bumble when my current subscription runs out.
Your suggestion is funny, but I'm sure that'll just make me look like a loser :/.
If I understand the idea it would be to attracted those who may be shared their own particular type of failure. One does not need a recognisable photo in such a situation so their is no need to associate the accounts.
Finding a partner is right now the top priority in my life. Everything else is going fine, just not this, and I see my midlife crisis taking form, so... I thought I might as well pump money in it (since I can) and see if it works. Nearly 200€ later it seems it really does not :cringe:. Lesson learned.
tinder is bad. it's an engagement farm - like, i guess all apps are, including dating apps, but tinder in particular is awful.

if you want to use a dating app, i've had more luck with hinge. i've found its algorithm better matches you to people sharing your interests (over tinder which is almost pure elo afaik). the profile is much more personalizable, and it works by you liking specific parts of their profile, such as questions, shower thoughts or pictures, and further on being able to make a comment as part of you doing the "like".

like, idk, a part of a profile you're browsing could be like

[travel picture eating noodles in the mountains]
"Loved the hike, hated breaking my leg."

and then you can use that as an opener for your comment as you like that section of the profile. in their list of "likes", they'll see what part of their profile you specifically liked/commented, and what you commented, and they can then match you back with their own message. much easier to get into a conversation that way.

so, basically less awkward superficial crap (like, for a dating app), more quickly getting into a conversation, and actually getting exposure to "your type".

it takes a few weeks to calibrate your algorithm though. it does that as you use it actively and tells the algorithm what you like, what you don't like (and who likes you).
Your suggestion is funny, but I'm sure that'll just make me look like a loser :/.
No, it will make you look like a funny person!

The fact that you didn't use it much, initially, when you realized the timeframe you were under, will establish that you're not desperate.
The fact that you forgot to cancel the recurring charge, ditto, plus that you're an average Joe, because everybody does that these days.
The fact that you tell the story, shows you can laugh at yourself.
You play into everyone's hatred of dating apps. Everyone who's on dating apps hates dating apps.

Anyway, what do you have to lose, trying it once?
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The problem with the apps is that it’s like 90% men. Also their profiles are just…baaad.

Don’t waste money on superlikes. Like get some halfway decent pictures and write a cute bio. Higher visibility counts for very little if the profile you’re boosting makes you look like a creep.
I'll go again on Bumble when my current subscription runs out.
Your suggestion is funny, but I'm sure that'll just make me look like a loser :/.

At the risk of sounding mean, you just spent €200 on a dating app. As Gori said, now you have a funny story to tell - tragedy + time = comedy, right?
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