[MOD] Age of Discovery II

Check out his threads under project and mod development... he's working on 1.11 right now.
Something to try with AoDII mod.

This is not completed map (although quite playeble), so please post comments, I plan to upgrade the map further.

Map of western hemisphere, 72x100.
For version AoDII 1.10
Map version 01.
- all human civs, including Russia, China and Australia coming from the Pacific.
- more original locations of native nations, as much as you can do with all 8 of them and cover both Americas. Sioux span to Alaska, Inca quite far south with Tupi.
- Caribbean region made with larger islands, so now many settlements can be placed there, this is because Columbus settled Hispaniola and it was important in early colonization. Having 1-tiled islands there did not seem right to me considering gameplay. Now you can have tobacco farms in Cuba, rice farms on Haiti etc.
- Civs start in moment when discovering land, that is why there is a trail of uncovered tiles.
- I did sea homeland zones away by 7 tiles. This is to give more meaning to naval units, privateeres, naval war. In combination with standard east distance of 2 turns this still plays ok.
- Panama cannot have a canal by settling there, unless natives also have a village. This is intentional. Panama Canal, as far as I know, was built in early 20th century, so if we cover ages 15-18, there should be no sailing through panama region.
- Native burial grounds placed everywhere, but ruins only in places where, I think, more significant ruins are. I know southern Nevada has some, and this is most north. In Southern America they are south till lake Titicaca or so... I would appreciate help of someone with better knowledge of history.

That's all for now...


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I forgot the smiley after my question. I was just making sure nothing serious had happened to Dale. Although becoming a father is serious. I know. Happy Fathers Day to all you dads.
Dunno if anyone has encountered this 'bug' yet, but when playing AoDII 1.10, custom game, map faireweather, speed epic, no victory conditions, the ai-colonies magically recieve several galleons(around 3-5 at round 20-30!!!!). for me it seems the script for the kings getting free galleons for ref transportation to be faulty

Auntie €dith says:

seems like this cheat/bug only appears if the mod is not put into the installationfolder of the game, very strange
Not really a bug, but the AI focused more on galleons in the early phase than it should've. This is resolved for the up-coming 1.11. :)
Long time reader first time writer here.

To cut a long story short, I only recently downloaded AODII 1.10 after a 5 month hiatus from playing civ4 col all together. Previously I was playing 1.06 for about a month after first buying Civ4 Col, prior to that I had only been playing the original Col on dosbox.

Firstly, Dale, great MOD (esp 1.06 over vanilla, can't believe Fraxis released vanilla the way it was), however I am finding myself turning the eastern civs off (australia, russia and china). I am also wondering why the more buildings thing has been added. For one it does make the game more realistic, but then adding in the eastern civs takes the added realism away ... so why the eastern civs? I like the idea of the extra buildings but the added time to construct them (from what I've seen) makes the game much more difficult.

The only other thing I've noticed about 1.10 over 1.06 is no matter how hard I try or what I do, the AI seems to be mopping the floor with me. I thought I was doing well on the easiest difficulty level; I had several colonies (about 8) and a reasonable income after 150 turns or so on epic, but when I met a fellow European they had twice the number of colonies and at least 4 times the number of citizens. I don't mean to sound like a pu**y, but I figure if I don't even stand a chance on the easiest difficultly level, then the game is not fun.

In order to make it fun, can somebody possibly point me in the right direction or at least towards a decent strategy guide for AODII 1.10? Who are the best or better Civs/Leaders to be and why? and what are some good tips and strategies that work for 1.10 that didn't for the other editions?

Long time reader first time writer here.

The only other thing I've noticed about 1.10 over 1.06 is no matter how hard I try or what I do, the AI seems to be mopping the floor with me. I thought I was doing well on the easiest difficulty level; I had several colonies (about 8) and a reasonable income after 150 turns or so on epic, but when I met a fellow European they had twice the number of colonies and at least 4 times the number of citizens. I don't mean to sound like a pu**y, but I figure if I don't even stand a chance on the easiest difficultly level, then the game is not fun.

In order to make it fun, can somebody possibly point me in the right direction or at least towards a decent strategy guide for AODII 1.10? Who are the best or better Civs/Leaders to be and why? and what are some good tips and strategies that work for 1.10 that didn't for the other editions?


Try 1.11beta2.It slow down the AI expansion
I've been a fan of AODII for quite some time, but I've given up playing the latest (1.10) version due the AI balance issue, and wanted to give my feedback.

I'm an experienced Col player from way back, but even playing on "Pilgrim" level I find that, not just one but ALL of the AI factions are rapidly outpacing me from the get-go. Within the first 25 turns (on MARATHON pace) they're establishing 3-4 colonies, ferrying galleons and wagon trains all over the place. By Turn 50 (maybe 1510 or so) they're ridiculously far ahead of me. Not only is this annoying, it's extremely unrealistic. One of the reasons I like Marathon play is the slow build-up of colonies over a historically accurate period of time. Now it's just a big land grab, and a losing one at that.

I agree that the AI needs to be tuned up and should be more aggressive than vanilla in recruiting colonists and building their colonial empire. But I don't think I should be having my butt handed to me on Pilgrim level.
Play 1.11 beta2 then.
Regarding these balance issues...
1) Dale has recognized that the AI expands far too rapidly in AoD1.10, and has corrected it in the AoD1.11 beta.
2) Even with the rapid AI expansion, I think a lot of folks are missing the point of the game. So what if the AI colonial powers expand faster than you? They are still unable to effectively defend their homeland from a properly organized and highly concentrated attacking force. They are still unable to win against their own kings if they should be so foolish as to declare independence. The only real downside of their rapid expansion is the fact that they will get nearly all of the FFs, whereas in earlier versions of AoD2, and even moreso in vanilla Civ4Col, a determined player was able to grab all or nearly all of the cool FFs.

All I can say to folks who are dismayed that the AI is expanding faster than they are is: bide your time, then disembark 12 veteran soldiers onto a forested hill hex next to their major city, and watch their defending forces commit suicide attacking your killer defensive stack. Move in a few canons and half a dozen dragoons after the initial attack dies down, and take out their cities, one by one.

After all, the victory conditions of the game do not require you to beat the competing AI colonials. All you have to beat is your own King, after declaring revolution.

And having the game be more challenging is a highly desirable outcome.

Kudos to Dale!!! --- Wheldrake
Cheers guys.

Just found the Beta2 in a different thread and downloaded it now. I'll give it a bash over the next week or so and let you guys know if I find any issues (in the right thread of course).
Playing Beta2 and I noticed on gov'r level, the AI really, and I do stress REALLY, seems to snag up ALL the founding fathers. The Aussies took 13 before I had 6!! Next in line was the Russians with 6 (I was sitting with 5). AI still seems to be cranking out Galleons by the handful.

Also, was the FoY removed from Beta2? I've not seen it so far.
Well I'm off on hol for 2 weeks, looking forward to 1.11 when I come back. Cheers Dale and g'luck with whatever you do after this. Not so much on The Ashes tho :p

See ya :)
Hi everybody!

Since the age of times, I've played the old dos Colonization. I've spent so much time having fun at that game that I was almost halfway done translating to french.

A few months ago, when I heard about the Civ4Col, I rushed to buy it but it left me cold, it wasn't as exciting as the original. Then came AODII. This mod is really a good leap ahead the game, thank you Dale!

While playing v1.10 I was wondering if there was bugs in certain aspects :

- "Peace treaty 10 turns" don't seem to cancel after 10 turns. It don't even increment down at each turn.

- Why do we need to wait until next turn to promote units if they already reached their level?

- Can bombardments destroy buildings after reducing colony defenses to 0?

- Why can't we loot and destroy colony ruins next to native villages?

- What is the point in giving ships to natives? Can we disable the option?

- Can scouts will spy on enemy colonies in the next update? It was a cool feature in the original Col.

- In the foreign advisor screen, why do I see contact with the homelands of China, Australia, Russia while I'm playing English? Why not the European ones?

- Also while playing English, I get popups of fluctuating prices in China, Australia and Russia. Do I care of foreign prices if I can't trade with them?

Thank you for answering my questions.
- "Peace treaty 10 turns" don't seem to cancel after 10 turns. It don't even increment down at each turn.
- Why do we need to wait until next turn to promote units if they already reached their level?
These are standard features of Civ4Col, and may be impossible to change.
- Can bombardments destroy buildings after reducing colony defenses to 0?
- Why can't we loot and destroy colony ruins next to native villages?
No and no - why would you bother removing ruins through looting?
- What is the point in giving ships to natives? Can we disable the option?
Giving ships or wagons to natives seems to have no effect on native attitudes, I suggest simply not doing it.
- Can scouts will spy on enemy colonies in the next update? It was a cool feature in the original Col.
In Civ4Col, scouts are treated as military units, so they can attack but there is no spying option.
- In the foreign advisor screen, why do I see contact with the homelands of China, Australia, Russia while I'm playing English? Why not the European ones?
This is a bug in v1.10 and appears to be fixed in the v1.11 beta builds. It happened because the various kings got free galleons.

- Also while playing English, I get popups of fluctuating prices in China, Australia and Russia. Do I care of foreign prices if I can't trade with them?

I've seen those too, and it does seem strange and irrelevant. This said, it seems to have no effect on game play, so I just ignore them.

FWIW, Dale has stated that v1.11 will be the final build of AoD2, so if any further features are to be added, it'll be by somebody else, like the lads on the Age of Further Discovery team.

Cheers, --- Wheldrake
v1.11b is now uploading and will be available tomorrow. :)

PS: this is an updated version to what is posted at WPC. ;)
gah, will there be some patch from the WPC one? =X

As far as the WPC version goes:

This might be because I was playing on Conquistador and not the hardest difficulty but the battles seemed way too easy, especially against the REF where freshly armed Free Colonists had a 70% chance of taking on Red Coats while their Dragoon counterparts had a cushy 90%+.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'm getting the fountain of youth event even when one of the AI finds it.
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