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[MOD] Fall from Heaven

Xanikk999 said:
I also have gotten the same issue with a size 0 city i recently captured in my current game. Does the patch you mention fix this? thanks by the way for the hard work! :goodjob:

Im doing so well in my current game i dont want to start over once i download the patch if this is indeed a bug. Because the city wont grow at all and it is a nuisance. :(

This is resolved with the latest patch. Check out the first post for the link to the patch.
I think there is a bug with Command Post since I was able to construct one without the Religious Law tech. I have previously the Form of the Titan in that city.
Thanks for the patch. You rock
Kael said:
Yeah, its fixed in .95. What happened was I had spell effects in the 0.90 beta. So when you cast a spell you would see a visual effect. They weren't working well so right before 0.90 shipped I took them out. Well.... I thought I took them out. I missed one, on Cure Disease.

So when you went to try to cast Cure Disease it tried to create the ffect and failed. If you had debug on you would have seen an error. It was supposed to create a new event and then at the end of the turn it was supposed to come and clean it it. It failed to create and the cleanup routine is probably where your game died.

But its all fixed in 0.95, and thanks to Talchas 0.95 even includes working spell effects. Sorry about the error.

Awesome! Glad you got it fixed. I'll just start a new game in .95 today! I'm loving this mod by the way!!
Czar II said:
I think there is a bug with Command Post since I was able to construct one without the Religious Law tech. I have previously the Form of the Titan in that city.
Thanks for the patch. You rock

You can make one with a Great Commander without the Religious Law tech. Otherwise you need to have the tech and be a civ with the Organized Trait to build them.
Kael said:
You can make one with a Great Commander without the Religious Law tech. Otherwise you need to have the tech and be a civ with the Organized Trait to build them.

It was my thinking. Just to be sure.
A Random Person said:
In .95, for some reason you can build some of the trapped animal buildings without having a carnival. Is this intended (since animals disappear eventually)?.

Had the same issue and was going to report it. Started a game with overlords civ and was able to build dancing bear first round with a build time of one round. Shuld have gotten a screen cap for you.
A Random Person said:
In .95, for some reason you can build some of the trapped animal buildings without having a carnival. Is this intended (since animals disappear eventually)?.

If you are a seafaring trait you can build the Dancing Bear. Its not intended and is fixed with the patch. (I was doing some testing to make sure the seafaring trait was being applied correctly and having it add a building you shouldnt have was the easiest way to see if it was there).

Outside of that you can place a Dancing Bear in any city, regardless of if it has a carnival or not (makng it the most useful of the captured animals). But you should never be able to build one.
Kael said:
Outside of that you can place a Dancing Bear in any city, regardless of if it has a carnival or not (makng it the most useful of the captured animals). But you should never be able to build one.
Ahh, okay, I just wanted to report this as a bug :mischief:
UPDATE: I found that captured lions and panthers can also be transformed into their respective building without the need of a carnival.

On another note. Someone mentioned he allways got techs from goody huts. In the first game I tried I also got a lot of techs. Shortly after I started another game and I allways got settlers.
Did you change anything concerning goody huts? To me it looks like there is one (changing) "gift" with higher probabilty in each game.
Kael, either the Seafaring trait dosn't work properly or i'm an idiot.

Started with a seafaring civ next to some crabs and fish. Made a work boat. Used workboats on fish. Discovered sailing. Still no production bonuses on fish with work boats working them.

Not only that, but the seafaring tooltip in the leader discription dosn't mention anything at all about this bonus, or the farm thing, or anything for that matter besides +1 naval movement - which makes it by far the worst trait in the game.
Another bug I forgot to report, my Priests of Leaves can't spread religion or build a temple. Not sure if its specific to Leaves or an issue with all Priests.

Also, could you find some better leader portrait pictures? Some of the ones included here are rather pixelted and detracts from the rest of the mod.
I just founded OO and have the religion in three of my 5 cities. However I still can't select it as my state religion. The religion screen just has the cancel button on the bottom and that doesn't even work. You have to switch to another mini menu like civics to exit the religion one. I never had this issue with 9.0 so maybe something new going on?
Bloodington said:
I just founded OO and have the religion in three of my 5 cities. However I still can't select it as my state religion. The religion screen just has the cancel button on the bottom and that doesn't even work. You have to switch to another mini menu like civics to exit the religion one. I never had this issue with 9.0 so maybe something new going on?

Check out the patch on the first page.
ok I just thought I give a comment on that goody hut thing... it also occured to me that the first few huts all gave money. later that changed I think.
sorry Kael, found another bug.

Apocalypse doesn't affect the population of the cities, the effect on units remains the same though.

[edit] forgot to mention, war wasn't declared on the civ either.
I was wondering if someone could check something out for me.

I've lost 3 of my last 4 games to to crashes, and I want to know if it's my computer, or just bad luck in making decisions that crash the mod. If anyone could try playing the attached game, and see if you can get past the next turn or two, I'd greatly appreciate it.

This game always crashes for me during the next turn. I've gone back a few saves, and it still crashes on or about the same year.

If it doesn't crash for anyone else, then I know that I need to do some more tweaking on my computer. It's played using FfH version .95 and the patch.
Lunargent said:
I was wondering if someone could check something out for me.

I've lost 3 of my last 4 games to to crashes, and I want to know if it's my computer, or just bad luck in making decisions that crash the mod. If anyone could try playing the attached game, and see if you can get past the next turn or two, I'd greatly appreciate it.

This game always crashes for me during the next turn. I've gone back a few saves, and it still crashes on or about the same year.

If it doesn't crash for anyone else, then I know that I need to do some more tweaking on my computer. It's played using FfH version .95 and the patch.

I downloaded and crashed after one turn.

*I loaded the game
*clicked end turn
*completed hunting and chose elven studies for tech and at that point it crashed.

*Stopped researching hunting and changed to dwarven mining
*switched religions to leaves
*end turn - No Crash
*Attacked Karak-Azul and razed
*end turn - No Crash
*end turn - No Crash
*end turn - No Crash
*Dwarven Mining finished chose hunting again
*end turn - No Crash
*Hunting finished chose stirrups
*end turn - No Crash
*Convert back to ashen veil
*end turn - No Crash
*end turn - No Crash
*end turn - No Crash
*Completed Stirrups CRASH

It seems to me that completing a tech when the Ashen Veil is causing the issue. Not sure why but that's what I've found.

The only time FFH has ever crashed during my games was avatar of wrath in .7 and that was a known issue.

BTW Typhoid Mary with Orthus Axe made me chuckle ;)
Thanks alot Kopaladin. :) Something is acting screwy with the Veil then. I wonder if anyone else is having the problem.

Yeah, Typhoid Mary with the axe rocks. Too bad I've not seen her spread disease once yet. I've lost and regained that axe a few times this game, it was only luck that she has it now.

One rather amusing event that happened in that game that you can see if you go back in the event log is a series of elemental town take-overs. What happened is that One of my towns was close enough to my neighbor(humans)that with spell extension, I was able to send fire elementals into the town and take it. My army was too busy taking a different town to the west to do more than that. But then the elemental would dissapear, and the enemy, also too bogged down to send in a real unit, would take the town back with a fireball! This went back and forth ( I got a bit of gold each time, and it was hilarious) until the city got knocked down to size one and I razed it.
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