[MOD] Fall from Heaven

Is it intentional or a bug that I can't create demon summoners as the Order? IT would make sense but I can't find any information to that effect. I have the required tech and buildings but can neither build a demon summoner nor upgrade any of my adept class units to it.
azzacanth said:
Is it intentional or a bug that I can't create demon summoners as the Order? IT would make sense but I can't find any information to that effect. I have the required tech and buildings but can neither build a demon summoner nor upgrade any of my adept class units to it.

Its supposed to block them. I attached a screenshot of the updated religion screen. I added listing of everything the religion allows and blocks to help make these relationships clearer.
ditb said:
Hi Kael!

I am not sure if this has been suggested or not, but I think a hydra-type unit would be cool. Whatever its starting strength was would be increased at the end of the round if it was attacked, but not killed. That would kind of emulate the "growing two heads for every one that got hacked off" feeling. Is that possible, from a coding standpoint?

An entire ocean-living species would also be interesting, but probably difficult to implement and balance.

Anywho, just a couple ideas from someone having fun with the mod. Thanks again to you and your team. :goodjob:


Edit: P.S. What exactly does Typhoid Mary do? I created her in the 90 version, and I couldn't see what her "talents" were. Thanks again!

The Great Apple (not to be confused with the medicore apple) is working on trying to get dynamic adds and removals of parts from models. I dont know if it would be possible but if they could do it a hydra unit would be very cool.
Kael said:
Its supposed to block them. I attached a screenshot of the updated religion screen. I added listing of everything the religion allows and blocks to help make these relationships clearer.

nice - is that in .95 and I just missed it, or is that from a later version?

Like I said, it makes perfect sense. although, if I had known ahead of time, I wouldn't have wasted the tech points ;) Can I sell off a building once its built? I dont need summoning chambers causing unhappiness then.
TheJopa said:
Ashen Veil Wonder that gives diseased promotion to 50% or so units... That is great idea. If Kael would want to add second (and third and... ;)) religion specific wonder in phase 2, this one definitely gets my vote. It has good use in war, and possibly in peace, if Kael adds that diseases spread in cities. But maybe limit it that it doesn't affect you, your allies or other AV followers?

I like new spell sistem already. Will some spells cost money? I guess mana nodes will be worth like mythrill, if not more. Will mana types be tradeable like resources?

Spells dont cost money. The starting spells are determined by the mana resources that civ has access to, then additional spells are learned as the unit levels up.

Mana resources will be valuable and tradeable. Nodes will be rare, so players will have to be careful about what kind of mana they decide to turn a specific node into. There are also late game wonders that require 2 mana of the same type to incent players to "go deep", while "going broad" will give their units access to a greater variety of starting spells.
azzacanth said:
nice - is that in .95 and I just missed it, or is that from a later version?

Like I said, it makes perfect sense. although, if I had known ahead of time, I wouldn't have wasted the tech points ;) Can I sell off a building once its built? I dont need summoning chambers causing unhappiness then.

I don't think its in 0.95, that screenshot is from 1.0.

I should block the summoning chambers too. I don't know why I left those available.
Kael said:
I will probably leave the 'kill a unit/convert it to your control and creature type' as a uniquely werewolf mechanic. I think the mechanic fits best with the werewolf flavor and i hate to water that down by using it for another unit type.
:hmm: Ok, then how about we just make the unit able to cut a city's population in half and leave it at that. As for the Ashen Veil idea, I agree that a Black Death wonder should be religion specific. Though I still like my Idea of the "Bring out your dead!" sound
Kael said:
Mana resources will be valuable and tradeable. Nodes will be rare, so players will have to be careful about what kind of mana they decide to turn a specific node into. There are also late game wonders that require 2 mana of the same type to incent players to "go deep", while "going broad" will give their units access to a greater variety of starting spells.

I should really stop reading this thread. I just get more and more "drool drool Phase 2 drool drool MUST HAVE!!!!1"-hyped each time I look here.

This and I don't even have a computer where'd Civ 4 would run at the time... ah well, maybe the new patch would finally fix that when it does come out.
Nikis-Knight said:
An above post gave me an idea--can you make it so that each diseased unit in a city lowers the health by 1?

Yes but 2 problems:

1. The AI wouldn't understand it.

2. I don't know that it would be fun. It would require players to keep there units outside of cities which wouldnt offer much strategic or "fun" value even though I like the flavor of the idea.
Hey Kael - I just had an itch to write some tech quotes, and I checked out the file, and I didn't see any of the ones I'd written.

So should I spare my fingers some exercise, or are you accepting tech quotes?
erikg88 said:
Hey Kael - I just had an itch to write some tech quotes, and I checked out the file, and I didn't see any of the ones I'd written.

So should I spare my fingers some exercise, or are you accepting tech quotes?

Send me the ones you have already written, I must have missed them because I don't remember seeing them (which doesn't mean I didn't see them, I just may have got on to other things and forgot about them). I would definity love to get more good writing in 1.0.
Hey Kael.

Ive been mulling over an idea i have for another mod based entirely on the Warhammer World, and was wondering if you would mind if i used your mod as a skeleton for it, because the rules you have put in place are excelent and the magic system is briliant and i want magic in my mod also.

also, just wondering if you could tell me how to add and change leader traits, i have looked through the modding forums and could not find any tutorials on that, and i know that SOMEONE knows how to do it as in your mod there is the 'arcane' trait.

i was planning on makng race specific traits to give my civs more variety, and i also wanted to add a couple other generic ones like 'territorial'.

i hope you dont mind, and hope you or someone else can help.

Thanks in advance.
Psychic_Llamas said:
Hey Kael.

Ive been mulling over an idea i have for another mod based entirely on the Warhammer World, and was wondering if you would mind if i used your mod as a skeleton for it, because the rules you have put in place are excelent and the magic system is briliant and i want magic in my mod also.

also, just wondering if you could tell me how to add and change leader traits, i have looked through the modding forums and could not find any tutorials on that, and i know that SOMEONE knows how to do it as in your mod there is the 'arcane' trait.

i was planning on makng race specific traits to give my civs more variety, and i also wanted to add a couple other generic ones like 'territorial'.

i hope you dont mind, and hope you or someone else can help.

Thanks in advance.

You are welcome to anything you like. Traits are created in the CIV4TraitInfos.xml file. You apply them to the leaders in the CIV4LeaderheadInfos.xml file. I use the editor to change all the leaderhead info so I dont remember the syntax anymore but it should be pretty easy to find.
Ploeperpengel said:
Please include it in your mod Kael, not only compliment it. I fear there's no place for a cyclops like this in warhammerworld this means I need you to see it in a fitting environment:D

If Kael can't find a place for it in the core game I'll personally make a scenario just to put the Cyclops into it!
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