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[MOD] Genetic Era for Warlords


Even though, after half an hour, the game crashed in a turn, and i can't get past that turn. I just hope this is a temporary problem, otherwise this would be a new bug.

I just encountered the same problem. Overwrote 0.32 with 0.8 (because of the pink circles) and played as arabs, 3rd diff level, normal speed, can´t get past 60BC. Reloaded some turns before several times, changed research, production, move orders of units, even changed resoultion and graphics details but my computer hangs up. In the problematic turn, my empire did´t produce a new building or units nor make a research.

Will start a new game and see what happens.

started a new game, 3rd diff, english and didn´t encounter this bug (at least untik now, 1400AD, just building cannons).

Tried the savegame a player postet earlier in this thread said to have the same bug and it didn´t also work with my computer - so the error doesn´t seem to be related to CPU oder RAM or graphics adapter and so on


Ok everyone,

After fixing several issues, (almost all having to do with the activation of events), the game went at least 516 turns on autoplay (in around 5 hours) without a crash (to the year 2122 at Normal Speed)... I accidentally shut down the computer when I woke up this morning but the last save game time stamp was very close to the time I woke up so I don't think it crashed at ALL!

Pink boxes are fixed. One event does not report correctly but other than that, I don't see any problems. This mod stands alone. Put it in a new folder.

I made the following changes AFTER testing:

The event engine only reported events to human players. I am removing that stipulation so that multi-player games can be joined and you can know recent events that have occurred in your absense. The rest were XML changes: Dub added a few text changes. A few changes to event odds. None of these changes should affect crashes.

I am uploading the working version as I type this.
@primemover: You'll only need to apologize to us when somebody around here pulls of a massive expansion of the game and does it flawlessly without bugs. I have faith in your abilities. I will of couse continue to test those abilities by reporting what I find however ;)
LOL... I am really ticked off because Snapdrive is NOT working. I cannot even access my files. I uploaded the zip file to megauploads so I will post a link in a bit.

I just updated the link in the first post with direct ftp (faster is better).
great. i've spend last hour trying to cheat megaupload and get this file :D
i will check this version and also check your mod with full english civ4 edition, maybe then there will be no more crash for me :confused:
i will check this version and also check your mod with full english civ4 edition, maybe there will be no more crash then :confused:

PrimemOver made a great work, and i think there will be no crash or "loop";) , and you can play the mod in your language, you'll just have english terms for the things added in the mod.

Your saves are compatibles
I downloaded from the link 3 - 4 posts above, and I have this error when loading the mod.(See attached)


  • crashpic.JPG
    21.8 KB · Views: 74
just recognize where the problem was... in My Games directory, my config or maybe blue marble/etc.
it's strange cause it was working well with warlords and other mods, only GE get crashes. anyway i'm happy cause i know now i can play GE :D
Problem solved for me too. And even that old bug (the one primemover said was very hard to track) is aparently solved. Damn you guys! I played the whole night, and now i have to wake up in 3 hours... Tomorrow will be a VERY sleepy day... :sleep:

Just two more words for you modders: ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!
I don't understand. What was the problem exactly? This mod won't load for me but other mods do.:(
my problem was crashes during game, very often.
i go to: My Documents\My Games, move both civ (Civilization and Warlords) dirs to any other place, then run Civ4 and load mod, this solve problem with crashing. your problem is different cause your mod isn't even load, anyway you can try if it's works

huh... it's crashing again. really can't understand whats wrong with my PC :( maybe few other players will have crashes and maybe they will localize the problem
I downloaded from the link 3 - 4 posts above, and I have this error when loading the mod.(See attached)

Duh... this was one of my last minute XML changes. Thanks for posting that picture because I know from it exactly what the problem was. I copied some text without changing the prefix. I can fix XML right now where I am but not SDK. But if Dub fixed the problem I won't worry about it.

Sounds like it is working for Lerinor. Let me know if the new version Dub just posted is helping or hurting.... hopefully helping though. It worked fine for me.
All I can say that I can do nothing to solve crashes.
I've reinstall civ4 to full english edition (I must get a copy from web cause I only own polish edition of the game).
I try to play GE without any custom settings, all on default values, identically like after reinstall (My Docs\My Games has been reinstalled too).
game still crashes...
if anyone could help that should be GREAT!! I don't except that dev team will be working on my problem cause they have already done lots of hard work but maybe someone else?
My saves are useless here cause they will work fine on your PC, problem is somewhere else :(
This is a report returned after civ4 crash. The strange thing is there apear other mods dlls on it. It looks like Civ4 GE load other mods dll :confused: but I'm pretty sure it's not, it just looks like it is :crazyeye:
Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="boost_python-vc71-mt-1_32.dll" SIZE="176128" CHECKSUM="0x2133DF70" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="08/11/2005 23:00:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/11/2005 23:00:13" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Civ4Warlords.exe" SIZE="9809920" CHECKSUM="0x8038E9CE" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="2, 0, 8, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Sid Meier's Civilization 4 : Warlords" COMPANY_NAME="Firaxis Games" PRODUCT_NAME="Sid Meier's Civilization 4 : Warlords" FILE_VERSION="2, 0, 8, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="Civ4Warlords.exe" INTERNAL_NAME="Sid Meier's Civilization 4 : Warlords" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) Firaxis Games.  All Rights Reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="10/19/2006 14:14:22" UPTO_LINK_DATE="10/19/2006 14:14:22" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Civ4Warlords_PitBoss.exe" SIZE="8589312" CHECKSUM="0x140EC8E1" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="2, 0, 8, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Sid Meier's Civilization 4 : Warlords" COMPANY_NAME="Firaxis Games" PRODUCT_NAME="Sid Meier's Civilization 4 : Warlords" FILE_VERSION="2, 0, 8, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="Civ4Warlords.exe" INTERNAL_NAME="Sid Meier's Civilization 4 : Warlords" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) Firaxis Games.  All Rights Reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="10/19/2006 14:46:27" UPTO_LINK_DATE="10/19/2006 14:46:27" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="d3dx9_26.dll" SIZE="2297552" CHECKSUM="0x76D7A5AE" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="" FILE_DESCRIPTION="" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®" FILE_VERSION="" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="D3DX9D.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="D3DX9D.dll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x238729" LINKER_VERSION="0x50002" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="05/26/2005 22:17:37" UPTO_LINK_DATE="05/26/2005 22:17:37" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="dbghelp.dll" SIZE="640000" CHECKSUM="0xABE087E9" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Windows Image Helper" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="DBGHELP.DLL" INTERNAL_NAME="DBGHELP.DLL" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xA8824" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" LINK_DATE="08/04/2004 07:56:10" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/04/2004 07:56:10" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="hapdbg.dll" SIZE="57344" CHECKSUM="0xB23802D4" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="06/02/2005 15:23:05" UPTO_LINK_DATE="06/02/2005 15:23:05" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="msvcp71.dll" SIZE="499712" CHECKSUM="0x961BEC37" BIN_FILE_VERSION="7.10.3077.0" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="7.10.3077.0" PRODUCT_VERSION="7.10.3077.0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET" FILE_VERSION="7.10.3077.0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="MSVCP71.DLL" INTERNAL_NAME="MSVCP71.DLL" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x8657E" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="7.10.3077.0" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="7.10.3077.0" LINK_DATE="03/19/2003 04:14:51" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/19/2003 04:14:51" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="msvcr71.dll" SIZE="348160" CHECKSUM="0x448A147E" BIN_FILE_VERSION="7.10.3052.4" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="7.10.3052.4" PRODUCT_VERSION="7.10.3052.4" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Microsoft® C Runtime Library" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET" FILE_VERSION="7.10.3052.4" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="MSVCR71.DLL" INTERNAL_NAME="MSVCR71.DLL" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x5F1E9" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="7.10.3052.4" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="7.10.3052.4" LINK_DATE="02/21/2003 12:42:20" UPTO_LINK_DATE="02/21/2003 12:42:20" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="msxml3.dll" SIZE="1236480" CHECKSUM="0xD9E0E45B" BIN_FILE_VERSION="8.50.2162.0" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="8.50.2162.0" PRODUCT_VERSION="8.50.2162.0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="MSXML 3.0 SP 5" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft(R) MSXML 3.0 SP 5" FILE_VERSION="8.50.2162.0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="MSXML3.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="MSXML3.dll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. 1981-2003" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x138815" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="8.50.2162.0" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="8.50.2162.0" LINK_DATE="08/04/2004 07:59:24" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/04/2004 07:59:24" VER_LANGUAGE="J&#281;zyk neutralny [0x0]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="PSAPI.DLL" SIZE="17408" CHECKSUM="0x5B56E746" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.1106" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.1106" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.1106" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Process Status Helper" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="PSAPI" INTERNAL_NAME="PSAPI" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xFB5A" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.1106" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.1106" LINK_DATE="08/29/2002 10:40:33" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/29/2002 10:40:33" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="python24.dll" SIZE="1867776" CHECKSUM="0xD406D46D" BIN_FILE_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" PRODUCT_VERSION="2.4.1" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Python Core" COMPANY_NAME="Python Software Foundation" PRODUCT_NAME="Python" FILE_VERSION="2.4.1" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="python24.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="Python DLL" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © 2001-2004 Python Software Foundation. Copyright © 2000 BeOpen.com. Copyright © 1995-2001 CNRI. Copyright © 1991-1995 SMC." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" LINK_DATE="03/30/2005 07:13:58" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/30/2005 07:13:58" VER_LANGUAGE="J&#281;zyk neutralny [0x0]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="vort_dls.dll" SIZE="66048" CHECKSUM="0x7BFE6684" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="06/11/2005 02:34:30" UPTO_LINK_DATE="06/11/2005 02:34:30" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="zlib1.dll" SIZE="59904" CHECKSUM="0x7697A3DC" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="1.2.3" FILE_DESCRIPTION="zlib data compression library" PRODUCT_NAME="zlib" FILE_VERSION="1.2.3" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="zlib1.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="zlib1.dll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="(C) 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly &amp; Mark Adler" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x10004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xF587" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="07/20/2005 09:48:10" UPTO_LINK_DATE="07/20/2005 09:48:10" VER_LANGUAGE="Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone) [0x409]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll" SIZE="3858432" CHECKSUM="0xD45FF053" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="10/19/2006 14:25:09" UPTO_LINK_DATE="10/19/2006 14:25:09" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="CvGameCoreDLL\Boost-1.32.0\libs\boost_python-vc71-mt-1_32.dll" SIZE="176128" CHECKSUM="0x2133DF70" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="08/11/2005 23:00:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/11/2005 23:00:13" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="CvGameCoreDLL\Boost-1.32.0\libs\boost_python-vc71-mt-gd-1_32.dll" SIZE="294912" CHECKSUM="0xE5F29D39" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="08/11/2005 23:05:24" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/11/2005 23:05:24" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="CvGameCoreDLL\Python24\libs\python24.dll" SIZE="1867776" CHECKSUM="0xD406D46D" BIN_FILE_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" PRODUCT_VERSION="2.4.1" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Python Core" COMPANY_NAME="Python Software Foundation" PRODUCT_NAME="Python" FILE_VERSION="2.4.1" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="python24.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="Python DLL" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © 2001-2004 Python Software Foundation. Copyright © 2000 BeOpen.com. Copyright © 1995-2001 CNRI. Copyright © 1991-1995 SMC." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="2.4.1150.1012" LINK_DATE="03/30/2005 07:13:58" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/30/2005 07:13:58" VER_LANGUAGE="J&#281;zyk neutralny [0x0]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Mods\Earth24\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll" SIZE="5070848" CHECKSUM="0xE2BA7F1D" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="11/02/2006 05:38:08" UPTO_LINK_DATE="11/02/2006 05:38:08" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Mods\GeneticEra.v0.8\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll" SIZE="4116480" CHECKSUM="0x29AC9CCD" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="06/13/2007 15:05:42" UPTO_LINK_DATE="06/13/2007 15:05:42" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Mods\Giant Earth Map\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll" SIZE="5070848" CHECKSUM="0xE2BA7F1D" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="11/02/2006 05:38:08" UPTO_LINK_DATE="11/02/2006 05:38:08" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Mods\Giant Earth Map\PrivateMaps\Testing.dll" SIZE="2048" CHECKSUM="0x196EFBC8" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="12/28/2006 05:12:24" UPTO_LINK_DATE="12/28/2006 05:12:24" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="Mods\Speed Mod\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll" SIZE="3854336" CHECKSUM="0x3344BF24" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="04/29/2007 18:06:10" UPTO_LINK_DATE="04/29/2007 18:06:10" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="CvGameCoreDLL.dll" SIZE="4116480" CHECKSUM="0x29AC9CCD" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" LINK_DATE="06/13/2007 15:05:42" UPTO_LINK_DATE="06/13/2007 15:05:42" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="kernel32.dll" SIZE="1012736" CHECKSUM="0x52E85D6E" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Biblioteka DLL klienta Windows NT BASE API" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="System operacyjny Microsoft® Windows®" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.060704-2349)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="kernel32" INTERNAL_NAME="kernel32" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrze&#380;one." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xFC75C" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" LINK_DATE="07/05/2006 10:56:45" UPTO_LINK_DATE="07/05/2006 10:56:45" VER_LANGUAGE="Polski [0x415]" />
spoiler in a file:
I actually fixed the problem I posted earlier myself. By just changing it to Cannabis, etc.

I made it through to the 1400's then same problem I experienced before, there is an infinite loop getting executed either in the python (most likely) or the .DLL. It my comp. Luckily I can navigate to log-off user (win XP) in the dark (actually with civ 4 just hanging on my screen) so i don't have to reboot. This is happening during the ren. era, or maybe AI causing it at end of Middle ages. I have a save a few turns prior, but this is def. a killer. Can I access AI Auto play to see if this error is skipped? If so how? Also maybe i will comment out some python mods and see if I can narrow it down to the one that is causing this.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
I'm downloading as we speak. This looks amazing.

My only question... how good is the AI at figuring out how to use all this stuff?
I have a save that is stuck in infinite loop. Wont let you alt tab, as soon as you end turn, the cursor justs spins forever. Left it for 5 minutes and no luck. Reloaded 4 turns prior , with no luck. I can't get past this. Save is attached.

I actually fixed the problem I posted earlier myself. By just changing it to Cannabis, etc.

I made it through to the 1400's then same problem I experienced before, there is an infinite loop getting executed either in the python (most likely) or the .DLL. It my comp. Luckily I can navigate to log-off user (win XP) in the dark (actually with civ 4 just hanging on my screen) so i don't have to reboot. This is happening during the ren. era, or maybe AI causing it at end of Middle ages. I have a save a few turns prior, but this is def. a killer. Can I access AI Auto play to see if this error is skipped? If so how? Also maybe i will comment out some python mods and see if I can narrow it down to the one that is causing this.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Hi. I Had the same proble in my first game, but didn´t reach 1100AD, cause I got stuck in 60BC; reloaded up to 8 turns before, altered orders of units, research etc. but the problem persistet., between 60 and 40BC the comp ut stuck, the cursor spinning and no ways to exit-->reboot

Then I tried your savegame and experienced the same crash/loop/hang when ending the turn. Even the task manager was no more aviable, I had to manually shut down/reboot.

My next game started was similar to the "problematic" game before, but I got past 60 BC and past the middle ages. Right now, I m in the 2000nds and producing cyborgs and krakens and never hat a crash in this game. Don´t know whats the difference between the two games, it just worked this time.

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