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[mod] Warlords: Total Realism Gold

I think the choice of units depends on exactly who we want represented in game.

If we want the generic "Turks" then that's one option. In that case,some overlap with generic "Mongol-like" units may make sense.

On the other hand, if we want the civilization to be the Ottomans, that would take us in a different direction all together, and I think the unit models should reflect that.

Anyway, as we've all admitted, it's up to the developers.
Also, I cannot see the year/clock on the top right, only the turn :S

it is not bug, it is feature (you can see turn or real clock - changed every 10 secx if i good remeber), game yer si not showed but represent by Era info on left side
@ DemonicInfluenc

1. AI problem. TR uses Better AI (dont know if the newest), so it is hard for us to change it. Besides, Better AI is created for Vanilla/Warlords, not Total Realism, hence "stupid" choises.

2. I belive it is Hard Code of Civilization IV. It reflects culture, population, land size and technology rather than military power. Besides with Better AI unit production, human player would be last even on settler difficulaty.

3. Yes, very annoying. Only thing you can do about it is to send a great engeiner to hurry production, or give him to your "friend". If i remember correct, wonder effects take effect in both owner and his permanent alliance buddy.
Anyway, i had this problem before Total Realism, so its also game code i belive.
We can however "forbid" AI permanent buddy from building wonders, but, if 2 AI's will be permanent allies, they will never build any wonder, thats kinda cheating.

1) and 2) can be fixed,as military is shown in score i belive. We need to rize its wage.
Hello Anaztazioch. The janissaries do have some bonuses that the minutemen dont have, there you are right. They are a bit better against melee units and fare better against archers. Which means they could be used to conquer, as they were historically.

However, the difference between the two units is very large. Both on flat ground with no bonuses the janissary only has a 25.7 percent chance or triumphing over the minuteman. Tested it and 1 in 4 did survive, just barely. Give the minuteman any sort of defence (and a minutman commnader should use it) and there is no hope. The minutemen are stronger by a point, have a first strike and have a good chance of getting away. Simply they are a fearsome gunpowder unit. Perhaps overpowered. I would like them substantially weaker, but better at guerilla tactics and defence.

Balancing units is always difficult. I just hope when im playing the turks i dont have to deal with Washingtons superior soldiers. :crazyeye:
@ Los Tirano

We will surelly debate on unit ballancing. Right now Hian the Frog and Charly77 are making more and more unique units and ethnic units. So we will have to wait till all or atleast most of them will be made, than we will ballance em up.

As for war with Washington, use mounted units to pillage saltpater resource, or simply use longbowmans vs minutemans. Only janissaries and red coats have a chance attacking longbows.

Maybe we nerf minuteman a bit more and make him unique ?
Hello Anaztazioch. The janissaries do have some bonuses that the minutemen dont have, there you are right. They are a bit better against melee units and fare better against archers. Which means they could be used to conquer, as they were historically.

However, the difference between the two units is very large. Both on flat ground with no bonuses the janissary only has a 25.7 percent chance or triumphing over the minuteman. Tested it and 1 in 4 did survive, just barely. Give the minuteman any sort of defence (and a minutman commnader should use it) and there is no hope. The minutemen are stronger by a point, have a first strike and have a good chance of getting away. Simply they are a fearsome gunpowder unit. Perhaps overpowered. I would like them substantially weaker, but better at guerilla tactics and defence.

Balancing units is always difficult. I just hope when im playing the turks i dont have to deal with Washingtons superior soldiers. :crazyeye:

Hi Man,

Your message was received loud and clear !
I agree with you. I think that 9 str is enough for Minutemen. Other bonuses are quite good IMO.
I let you test that again, as i hope to have more comments before making (maybe) a change.

Hian the Frog.
@ tahnkout

Hi Man,

We are looking for upgrading Ottoman. We need your help.
We hope to have good photos or pictures of:
- Nizam i Cedid
- Humbalicar
- WW2 time area infantry.

Maybe you know where to find that, either a link to a Turkish war museum or other....

We hope to reskin them asap. They would be used as respectively: rifleman, grenadier and infantry.


Hian the Frog.
message received, right on searching!!!!
well I have something to you Hian,...

For Nizam-i Cedid:

The man with red is Nizam-i Cedid Soldier...
about the WW II infanrty, I couldn't find anything... continue to search...
Hi, Hian!

I would like first to thank you and the entire TR team for your magnificent job!

I hope that such a request has not been posted before. I apologize in advance for bugging you guys, if this is the case.

I have just noticed that you are in charge with units design. I really like Civ IV, but I also really miss the classical artilery units in the previous game edition. I miss having a catapult or a cannon that actually bombard the enemy (not just the city walls) and do not 'charge' them, like they are cavalry. To me, the way artilery units were implemented in the game is very unrealistic, given that they could do damage at a distance and they were protected by other units. By the same token, having cruise missiles (maybe many types of them) like in CIV 3 would be useful and realistic. Do you think that such a function (bombard a given square, or bombard an adjacent unit) can be implemented in CIV 4? Do you find this idea interesting or worhtwile? It is a pitty I am not good at programming, otherwise I would have done it myself.

Thank you very much again!
Ovidiu --

Actually, small civilization can be as strong as big empires.
No domination victory is actually good for this mod. I never found it as a bug of any kind. Besides, how can you domination win, when 2 cities civ can launch its ICBM and own the crap out of you ?

Again, great job on the mod guys. After playing this I can't go back to playing a regular Civ4 game. But, in order for proper realism, shouldn't Domination be included? You already have Cultural, Space Race and Diplomatic. This can provide incentive for players who wish to win the game before the advent of ICBMs.
Good new for you. Some leaders will be added soon. Ataturk and Suleyman Kanuni, respectively Philo+charismatic and creative+financial. If i well remember.
You may be surprised by the choice of the traits, but it is not definitive. Think about them, it is maybe not a too bad choice. "Kanuni" was a great man who made many laws, very progressive. So Creative and financial. Ataturk is of course Charismatic. As philosophical, as he gave a "second" breath to modern Turkey...

Comment the leaders, please, as you a Turkish.

I am Turkish too :bounce:

1- Ataturk would definitely be Creative+Charismatic with Representation as the favored civic. No argument about Charismatic.
Ataturk devoted most of his time to define Turkish Culture, national identity and history, and to cleanse the language from foreign elements. He also heavily encouraged fine arts, theaters, cinemas, sports, etc. Yes he did all the reforms and gave importance to education, but he did that out of necessity to catch up and avoid being crushed by the developed nations in the near future, not because of his personal philosophicalness. He fought many wars out of necessity, not because he was aggressive. But improving the culture was his personal choice and aim, therefore he must be Creative.

2- I would make Suleyman as Organized+(?Financial?) with Vassalage as the favored civic.
Kanuni (Lawgiver)...made many laws...does it have to say "organized" with blinking neon lights :)? Also consider it was during his time that the empire grew to epic proportions, fitting (in game terms) the organized trait which is obviously most beneficial to large civs.
about the WW II infanrty, I couldn't find anything... continue to search...

Maybe you can try to dig up family albums for your grandfather's military service pics :)

I would do it myself - actually I even know which relative to ask - but I am not in Turkey for another month so I can't.

I suggest you to search for Korean War pictures, it is only a decade from ww2, and Turkey did participate that one, so there would definitely be some on the web.
To tahnkout,

In few days, Ataturk will probably (i say probably) be added. My wish is to have at least two choice per civs. Even if it's difficult to find some leaders for some civs (Zulu for example).

Hian the Frog.

In that case you should definately add Emperor Meiji as the second leader for the Japanese. By the end of his reign, Japan had gone from a backwoods feudal state to an industrialized great power. All this in about only 40 years! Therefore, if it were me, I would make his traits Industrious and Imperialistic and his favorite civic Representation.
Industrious yes, but imperialistic no. Trait does not show his actions. Philosophical more like.

Ane he is inculded so fat along with Nobunaga Oda and Hedeyoshi Toyotomi. But Ieyasu is gone :/, atleast his wrong traits are gone along with him.
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