[MODCOMP] Great Statesman


Jan 16, 2006
Great Statesman Mod
By: TheLopez

Last updated 11/08/06

Version: v0.9.4.1w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9.4.1w

Version: v0.9.3+SDK
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9.3+SDK

Version: v0.9
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9

Version: v0.8
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.8


This mod adds a new great person and specialist to the game. These work
mostly like the other great people and specialists in the game. Some of
these benefits include turning gold into hammers, hurrying up production,
etc. Several buildings have been updated to incorporate the features in
this mod.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Great Statesman
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Great Statesmen that join cities provide an extra 4 production

- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points

- Great Statesmen can:
- Immediately end a war between that great statesmans civilization and
civilization that they are at war with

- Improve the relations between their civilization and another civilization

- Cause insurrections in player's cities with the chance that the targetted
city will revolt and join

- If the bureaucracy legal civic option is selected by a player they will get
a number of free statesmen in their capital city.

Spoiler :

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Kremlin (2)
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
[TAB]- Taj Mahal(2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Courthouse (1)
[TAB]- Castle (2)
- The following buildings now provide free statesmen:
[TAB]- United Nations (2)

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Greate Statesman Mod in your mod I have tried to make
things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections are
enclosed by:
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Statesman Start -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Statesman End -->
<!-- -->

In the Python files I have added #<GS START> and #<GS END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.7 of CvMainInterface.py file.

All I ask is that you give me credit.

-----Version Information-----


- Updated the Specialist Stacker Mod to v0.8

Spoiler :


- Updated CvMainInterface.py to actually read in the INI variables for the
great statesman. This part of the code was forgotten somehow when the update
happened in the v0.9 version.

- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.

- Merged all of the text XML data into a single file

- Integrated Talcha's Action Button Mod v2.0


- Updated the buildings that give out great person points, free specialists and
allow citizen specialization using OzzyKP's recommendation as a guide.

- Fixed the issue addressed by talchas in his action buttons mod comp where
sometimes an exception is thrown when a action button ID number is used.

- Added the option allowing players to specify if players changing their legal
civic option to bureaucracy should give them free statesmen in their capital

- Added the option allowing players to specify the number of free statesmen
that should be added to a player's capital city if they changed their legal
civic option to bureaucracy.

- Updated civics screen to display the number of free statesmen added by
choosing the bureaucracy legal civic option.

- Updated civics civilopedia screen to display the number of free statesmen
added by choosing the bureaucracy legal civic option.


- Added seZereth's new modern statesman skin

- Integrated Specialist Stacker Mod v0.6.2

- Added the ability for great statesmen to make peace immediately between their
civilization and the civilization they are at war with

- Added the ability for great statesmen to improve the relations between their
civilization and another civilization they have contact with.

- Added the ability for great statesmen to start an insurrection in a players

- Added fix to the INI parser code provided by Dr. Elmer Jiggle


- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.4 code to the Great Statesman Mod

- Added unique graphics for the statesmen and great statesmen


- Incorporated suggestions made by Chalid:
[TAB]- Great Statesmen now give 4 to production without costing anything
[TAB]- Statesmen provide 2 production for 1 GOLD instead of 1 commerce


- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod code to the Great Statesman Mod


- Updated the join city image to match the other great persons join city

- Fixed bug causing TXT_KEY_UNIT_GREAT_STATESMAN instead of Great Statesman

- Great statesmen that join cities now exchange money for production at a
4 for 1 rate.


- Fixed the graphics from the Great General mod to use different

- Updated the statesman specialist to exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate.


- Setup Great Statesman Mod infrastructure

- Identified statesmen names - tried to balance from historical names, did
not include any names from leaders in Civilization 4

-----To Do-----

- Get unique graphics and models for the early statesmen

- Add great statesman actions: look for ideas.
[TAB]- Espionage missions?
[TAB]- Establish embassy
[TAB][TAB]- Maybe allow for the return of captured spies
[TAB][TAB]- Required for contact with other nations

-----Future Features-----

- Develop code allowing AI to use new features

- Add code and player configurable options to allow delaying the start of
insurrections in cities

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the CvMainInterface.py
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.

- Chalid
[TAB]Good suggestions for balancing the mod.
- seZereth
[TAB]Provided the great new skin for the modern statesman. :)

- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!
[TAB]SD Toolkit

- Vadus
[TAB]For his excellent popup tutorial.
- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Statesman mod.

- Talchas
[TAB]For his Action Buttons v2.0 mod
- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points

A statesman actually is: +1 Production +3 GPP -2 Commerce
Is there an advantage to an engineer (+2 Production +3 GPP)?

The great statesman is: +4 Production -1 Commerce vs great Engineer: +3 Production + 3 Gold so you actuall buy here something like 1 Production for 3 Gold and 1 commerce.

If you change the statesmen to +2 Production and -1 GOLD as stated in the text, and the Great statesmen to +4 Production it should be Balanced more. Even as he is not as good as the Engineer it seem fais as you can create a statesmen from the beginning with your palace.
Chalid said:
A statesman actually is: +1 Production +3 GPP -2 Commerce
Is there an advantage to an engineer (+2 Production +3 GPP)?

The great statesman is: +4 Production -1 Commerce vs great Engineer: +3 Production + 3 Gold so you actuall buy here something like 1 Production for 3 Gold and 1 commerce.

If you change the statesmen to +2 Production and -1 GOLD as stated in the text, and the Great statesmen to +4 Production it should be Balanced more. Even as he is not as good as the Engineer it seem fais as you can create a statesmen from the beginning with your palace.

Good points and suggestions Chalid, I will make the changes and make a new release
Just a suggestion for you but I know its something I ran into with Snaif's Great General Mod (when I incorporated it into my mod)... I wouldn't attacks GPP generation to any building that comes before library. especially not the palace.

The reasoning for this is its impossible to micromanage the citizens. Even with the govenors turned off everytime the city grows I had to go in and adjust my workers. The problem is if you attack something to the palace or other early buildings that will be the only GP you will get for the rest of the game.

Basicly it will generate 2-4 before the first wonder is even built and after that the pool is so deluted with that one time that it just keeps giving them to you over and over. Personally I like focusing on getting Engineers or Scientists and this causes a problem for me :P

Just figured i'd let you know. :)
Exavier said:
Just a suggestion for you but I know its something I ran into with Snaif's Great General Mod (when I incorporated it into my mod)... I wouldn't attacks GPP generation to any building that comes before library. especially not the palace.

The reasoning for this is its impossible to micromanage the citizens. Even with the govenors turned off everytime the city grows I had to go in and adjust my workers. The problem is if you attack something to the palace or other early buildings that will be the only GP you will get for the rest of the game.

Basicly it will generate 2-4 before the first wonder is even built and after that the pool is so deluted with that one time that it just keeps giving them to you over and over. Personally I like focusing on getting Engineers or Scientists and this causes a problem for me :P

Just figured i'd let you know. :)

I know what you mean. That's why it doesn't automatically hand out a statesman like Snaif's Great General Mod gave out free soldiers. You have to manually specialize a citizen as a statesman, giving you the choice to product the GPP or not. BTW did you like how I solved the multiple custom specialists issue in the Specialist Stacker Mod?
Great idea TheLopez. I just wanna comment on the pic use for the specialist - I think it'd be good if you removed the American flag and just left the background transparent, it would fit better with the other pictures and it would be neutral :)

Edit: Doh, forgot that I had couple of ideas about possible actions.

So the first one - I miss the fact that in Civ4 you can't be introduced to other Civs (i.e. if a civ you met knows another civ, there's an option to establish contact with them). Maybe that could be something that the great statesman can do. I'm just not sure if something like this is at all possible, plus by the time you generate one you'll probably have contact with all the civs.

The second action - how about giving him the ability to improve relationship with a civ, i.e. increase the -/+ score. It could be implemented different ways - just an action that gives you +3 (or whatever else number), or maybe it'll have a chance to actually decrease the score so that the whole thing is a bit risky, or maybe it could be a temporary boost that expires after a set number of turns.
Now i have some more ideas for this guy.

Its is obvious he has no special abiltiy yet, but we have to stick to things AI understands. So there are some things that come to my mind.

a) Give him the possibilty to culture Bomb and to conduct a trade missioin, but both abilities at a smaller extend then with the merchant or the artist. You might even add the Engineers ability to, making the great statesman something like an allrounder, but less good at the thing he is finally used to do.

b) Add the possibility to build a building to the guy. It might be the United Nations (you have to make them unbuildable on the normal way of course) and add the specific tech requirement.
Chalid said:
Now i have some more ideas for this guy.

Its is obvious he has no special abiltiy yet, but we have to stick to things AI understands. So there are some things that come to my mind.

a) Give him the possibilty to culture Bomb and to conduct a trade missioin, but both abilities at a smaller extend then with the merchant or the artist. You might even add the Engineers ability to, making the great statesman something like an allrounder, but less good at the thing he is finally used to do.

b) Add the possibility to build a building to the guy. It might be the United Nations (you have to make them unbuildable on the normal way of course) and add the specific tech requirement.

Hmmmm.... those are some good ideas.

A couple more ideas:
- Revamp the way diplomacy works basically requiring that you have an embassy in a foreign nation to do anything useful such as trade. The only way you could build an embassy is through the great statesman.
- A mission allowing your great statesman to repair/improve relations between your empire and another empire
Rabbit said:
Great idea TheLopez. I just wanna comment on the pic use for the specialist - I think it'd be good if you removed the American flag and just left the background transparent, it would fit better with the other pictures and it would be neutral :)

Already ahead of you, it is on my to do list in the mod description.

Rabbit said:
So the first one - I miss the fact that in Civ4 you can't be introduced to other Civs (i.e. if a civ you met knows another civ, there's an option to establish contact with them). Maybe that could be something that the great statesman can do. I'm just not sure if something like this is at all possible, plus by the time you generate one you'll probably have contact with all the civs.

Like Snaif's first contact mod? I was thinking about that but I was waiting for people to mention if they would like to see that or not. Maybe that should not happen automatically but could be a trade option?

Rabbit said:
The second action - how about giving him the ability to improve relationship with a civ, i.e. increase the -/+ score. It could be implemented different ways - just an action that gives you +3 (or whatever else number), or maybe it'll have a chance to actually decrease the score so that the whole thing is a bit risky, or maybe it could be a temporary boost that expires after a set number of turns.

I had thought about that and put it in my spiral notebook at home but forgot to add it to the mod notes.
TheLopez said:
Revamp the way diplomacy works basically requiring that you have an embassy in a foreign nation to do anything useful such as trade. The only way you could build an embassy is through the great statesman.
This is an awesome idea, but as you said this will require a revamp of diplomacy and maybe might be easier if we wait for SDK. One thing about it though, what happens if you don't generate a great statesman, whether because you don't invest in it or because the numbers don't work in your favor? So, basically there'd have to be a way to create an embassy without GS (weren't there embassies in Civ3, or maybe it was Civ2, can't remember how they worked).

TheLopez said:
Rabbit said:
So the first one - I miss the fact that in Civ4 you can't be introduced to other Civs (i.e. if a civ you met knows another civ, there's an option to establish contact with them). Maybe that could be something that the great statesman can do. I'm just not sure if something like this is at all possible, plus by the time you generate one you'll probably have contact with all the civs.

Like Snaif's first contact mod? I was thinking about that but I was waiting for people to mention if they would like to see that or not. Maybe that should not happen automatically but could be a trade option?
Well, actually if they (the MODs) were to work together, I would say that the dynamic would be as follows: when you make contact with someone, you can trade their connections with other civs, it would be just like trading "make peace/war with", one civ at a time, and for some sort of a price. But the GS would establish contact with all civs that a given civ knows, and he'll just have to be within their cultural borders (i.e. you'll need open borders with them, or war ;)). Obviously, if either method can get all connections at once then the other becomes pointless.

If there's only GS (without Snaif's mod) then maybe he could in fact discover all civs at once, but then you'd probably want another possible action for him (I find it annoying to get a prophet late in the game, when the only thing left for him to do is join a city, since all holy buildings have been built, and all religious techs discovered) just so there's something else to do.
Give him ability to construct building that acts like forbiden palace, but at slightly smaller scale, and that building should also give +25% industry/gold
Diplomatic mission - A great statesman can be sent to an AI's captial and cause them to change their favorite civic to match one of your current civics.
Alcatraz said:
Diplomatic mission - A great statesman can be sent to an AI's captial and cause them to change their favorite civic to match one of your current civics.

Hmmm.... Thats a good idea. Thanks
Actualy there are 2 problems with my idea...

1) it's highly exploitable. Switch to paganism and force monty to adopt it as his favorite civ then switch back. Fixable by making the effect last only so long as you keep that civic.

2) the AI can't use it against humans. Fixable by requiring you to switch civics ala the UN

Other uses for a great statesman -

Force a peace treaty.
Steal a tech (more of a great spy thing probably)
Sacrifice great statesman for x number of votes at the UN
Gain access to a civic that you don't have the tech for (a mini pyramid - you don't get the tech, just access to the civic)
Alcatraz said:
Actualy there are 2 problems with my idea...

1) it's highly exploitable. Switch to paganism and force monty to adopt it as his favorite civ then switch back. Fixable by making the effect last only so long as you keep that civic.

2) the AI can't use it against humans. Fixable by requiring you to switch civics ala the UN

Other uses for a great statesman -

Force a peace treaty.
Steal a tech (more of a great spy thing probably)
Sacrifice great statesman for x number of votes at the UN
Gain access to a civic that you don't have the tech for (a mini pyramid - you don't get the tech, just access to the civic)

One idea I have been toying around with was to allow you to sacrifice your great statesman to repair/improve relations between you and another civ.
That's useful but once again has the problem that the AI could never use it on you.

What about using a great statesman to switch civics without any anarchy, even if you're changing 2 or 3 at once.

Or a great statesman is used to wipe out resistance in a frehsly conquered city. The city assimilates as if it had always been your culture.
Missions for the Great Statesman where he is sacrificed (which is a great idea, btw, and I can't wait to see what you're going to do with it):

1. Adopt a Civic (as per Alcatraz, you gain access to any one civic)
2. Join a City as a specialist (for purposes of civic upkeep, adds bonus to output of gold)
3. Create a Legacy (for puposes of determining great person production, adds significant bonus in that city)
4. Start a Civil War (one enemy city revolts and joins the Barbarians, instantly producing the weakest units possible inside it, numbering 1 for every 4 population)
5. Start a Revolution (the enemy civ enters anarchy for 4 turns before randomly adopting one of your civs with a 25% chance of one city going Barbarian as above or joining you)
6. Force a Settlement such as a cease fire/peace treaty/defensive pact/alliance, etc. which lasts for 5-30 turns (your civ is barred from attacking the enemy civ until the time is up!)
7. Improve Relations (as per TheLopez, you might gain +10 relations with any one civ)

The Great Statesman should also have the following passive powers:

1. As per Alcatraz, no anarchy (but only if the Great Statesman is present in the capital city).
2. As per Alcatraz, complete assimilation of a freshly conquered city (but only if the Great Statesman is in that particular city).
3. During a time of war (with another civ), the Great Statesman doubles production in any city he resides in.
4. During a time of peace (at least ten turns with no fighting of any kind), the Great Statesman causes a "We Love the Leader Day!" for at least ten turns or until fighting resumes.
Alright, I have updated the great statesman to v0.7, download away!!
details, details :D
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