[MODCOMP] - XML Cleanup & Expansion

I had some questions about AutoAcquire... figured them out, though, so I'll just say:

:goodjob: Very nifty feature. I replaced a pyperturn, improved how the HL work for undead and can now even have units undergo a visible transformation in the "Haunted Lands".
Yeah, those 2 tags rule (MustMaintain lumped in with it). Makes it possible to do a ton of things from PromotionInfos that would require jumping through hurdles of code to do elsewhere and most people wouldn't think to do via promotion at all. I still don't even know all the uses of it myself :D
As I've recently said in the FF thread, I think that a new boolean tag which makes a promotion's effects (combat bonuses, invisibility, everything) be disabled outside of the owner's (or maybe the owner's team's) cultural borders would be quite useful. Similarly, it may be good to have tags that make promotions only work in enemy territory or in unowned territory.

This should probably go on my wishlist at least.
I am away from my ffh2/ff install - so I can't check myself. Is there an attribute in your promotion schema that increases the maintenance cost per turn of the promoted unit?

On another note, do you think the resource granting units and ability to have a no cities civilization would be a soon addition to FF's dll?

I've been kind of waiting on FFH2/FF latest versions to get through the "patch week" to start converting all I've done so far to new schema files. If those additions are coming the next version - I'll just wait till then to build and release test version of nomadic modmodmod ;) If it is not likely - I'll just make it with the work-around solutions - which are in case of movable/harvested resources is a lot of python and xml grunt work ;)

Probably not going to be added too soon, but I can't be completely certain. Classes and work just started back up, so time is a random element now for me. Those two ought to be fairly simple things to add, so they might get done some day when I just don't have much time but feel the need to code. But they are kinda buried in the list of things which I want to add to the DLL right now as well, so could get overlooked when that time comes.

Increasing Maintenance cost is in the PromotionInfos right now as iExtraSupport
Would it be possible to limit the number of units that can get a specific promotion? (Basically meaning adding world and national limits for promotions?)

(It could also be nice to have the ability to require a unit has a higher level than any unit that already has a promotion in order to get it, so I could re-implement Patriarchs and add a Cassawallan promotion.)
Would it be possible to add a system setup similarly to invisibility where units instead of being unable to be seen are unable to be attacked unless if the certain unit has the ability to attack that type of "unattackability"? This system could be useful to make flying units act like they are actually flying.
Nifty concept. Should be quite possible to set it up, would probably just copy the data for invisible for the most part, except not allow one unit who is able to attack the flier to enable ALL units to attack it while he is nearby (and obviously skip the whole visibility aspect of things, just the interaction stays the same)
Nope, I'd rather mimic Invisibility completely so that you can define entire classes of attackability. Then you could have an air unit who can only attack ground, a ground unit who can only attack air, and a unit of either type which can attack both (and even add in more levels, like ethereal units which need a special indication to be capable of being attacked)
Oh, thats good I just misinterpreted your last explanation as saying that units couldn't attack other units outside their group.:blush: Now I see you meant to fix what stopped me from using invisibility to make airships.
Could you make it so that a unit can never get less than 0 movement, regardless of promotions, just like you made it so they can't get less than 0 strength? Having negative movement causes problems much worse than negative strength does and is one thing I've had to be very careful to avoid in my modmod in the past.
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