Moore to shoot sequel to ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’


Jun 26, 2003
Cape Cod
LOS ANGELES - Michael Moore plans a follow-up to “Fahrenheit 9/11,” his hit documentary that assails President Bush over the handling of the Sept. 11 attacks and the war on terrorism, according to a Hollywood trade paper.

Moore told Daily Variety that he and Harvey Weinstein, the Miramax boss who produced the film, hope to have “Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2” ready in two to three years.

“Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them,” Moore was quoted in Thursday’s edition of Variety. “They weren’t told the truth. We’re communicators and it’s up to us to start doing it now.”

A spokesman for Fellowship Adventure Group, formed by Weinstein and brother Bob to help distribute “Fahrenheit 9/11,” did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

“Fahrenheit 9/11,” which won top honors at May’s Cannes Film Festival, became the first documentary to top $100 million at the domestic box office. Moore, who won the documentary Academy Award for “Bowling for Columbine,” is pushing “Fahrenheit 9/11” in the best-picture category for the upcoming Oscars.

The issues for the follow-up film will remain the same, Iraq and terrorism, Moore said.

“The official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining: George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again,” Moore said

Joy :rolleyes: :wallbash:

ON a happier note

LOS ANGELES - They may have triggered controversy and packed theaters, but two of the year’s hottest films — “The Passion of the Christ” and “Fahrenheit 9/11” — have been ruled ineligible for one of Hollywood’s top prizes.

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which Jan. 16 hands out the Golden Globes, an important precursor to the Oscars, said Tuesday its rules disqualify “Passion” from consideration for the group’s best drama prize and “Fahrenheit” from being eligible for any award, including best drama.

The group said “Fahrenheit,” Michael Moore’s searing denunciation of President George W. Bush and the Iraq war, was ineligible because it is a documentary, and the Foreign Press Association does not give awards to documentaries.

“Passion,” Mel Gibson’s movie about the final hours in the life of Jesus, filmed in Aramaic and Latin, did not qualify for the best drama award because that category is limited to English-language films.

But “Passion” could be eligible for best foreign-language film — even though no country speaks Latin and Aramaic — and its actors, screenwriter and director would be eligible for awards in their respective categories.

Lawrie Masterson, the chairman of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s board of directors, said in an interview the group’s rules limited its actions.

“As you know ‘The Passion of the Christ’ is not in English and under our rules it qualifies as a foreign-language film even though it was produced and directed by an American...We also do not have a documentary category, so we could not consider ‘Fahrenheit.’ It is a shame, but we cannot change the rules in the middle of a race,” he said.

With the competition for February’s Oscars still wide open, many in Hollywood wonder if the films by Gibson and Moore could end up in the running for top prizes despite the controversy they have engendered.

Gibson’s film sparked a storm criticism before it even opened as some Jewish leaders claimed it could flame anti-Semitism by suggesting that Jews were collectively responsible for the death of Christ.

Gibson denied that this was the case, and said after accepting an award from a Catholic journalists’ group Sunday: “Sometimes when you just want to tell the truth you’re going to get walloped around a lot. In many respects, the aftermath was more furious than making the film.”

Moore’s movie, denounced by Republicans as a piece of political propaganda that distorted Bush’s record, won the top prize in May at the Cannes film festival and has been submitted for consideration for the best-picture Oscar.

While the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s membership is small — just over 90 members — many in the film industry say its Golden Globe Awards can often foreshadow the Oscars in February.
If by educate the 51 percent he means forcing his political beliefs down their throats then yes, a new movie is just what he needs. He does have a lot of experience cramming things down his throat, so it will be a natural thing for him. ;)
I was quite pleased to hear that Passion of Mel Gibson's Ego is not elligble for the Golden Globe awards. Some for Farenfart 911.
Well, There will be a sequal to F 9/11 since Bush won his 2nd term in office ;)
I can just see Michael Moore and Mel Gibson joining forces... oh, the horror... :shakehead
The group said “Fahrenheit,” Michael Moore’s searing denunciation of President George W. Bush and the Iraq war, was ineligible because it is a documentary, and the Foreign Press Association does not give awards to documentaries.

Well, at least, they view the movie as a documentary.

Hundegesicht said:
I can just see Michael Moore and Mel Gibson joining forces... oh, the horror... :shakehead

Gibson and Moore present: "The Passion of W" :p
damn it Moore, stop! Cant you see you're only hurting the party you're trying to help?
MattBrown said:
damn it Moore, stop! Cant you see you're only hurting the party you're trying to help?

Doesn't moore also hate the Democrats for being too conservative? Just shows how hopelessly far to the left he is.
Bugfatty300 said:
Doesn't moore also hate the Democrats for being too conservative? Just shows how hopelessly far to the left he is.

I know it. He's made himself so easy to write off now too. Everytime Moore crows against bush, some moderate is turned off. He just needs to go back to eating, and not talking.
People like Moore and Howard Dean is what the Dem party needs. We need fighters, people who arn't afraid to take a stand. What's hurting the party is people like Kerry who try to maneuver themselves into the middle. people didn't buy his crap that he is for the war yet against it. For gay marriage yet against it. For nationalised healthcare yet against it.
we need a fighter for the middle. We need Clinton again. A fighter is all well and good, but not if he scares everybody away.
i guess he wants to turn that uneducated 51% into an uneducated 60% when we elect dick cheney as prez :D
After hearing this, it is time to slit your wrists. I cannot stand these crap movies.
Actually I'm looking forward to its release! Doesn't matter if its about facts or propaganda, he always puts up an entertaining show.
Michael Moore said:
“Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them,” Moore was quoted in Thursday’s edition of Variety. “They weren’t told the truth. We’re communicators and it’s up to us to start doing it now.”

Now There's an original spin I've never heard before.. :lol:

andrewgprv said:
People like Moore and Howard Dean is what the Dem party needs. We need fighters, people who arn't afraid to take a stand. What's hurting the party is people like Kerry who try to maneuver themselves into the middle. people didn't buy his crap that he is for the war yet against it. For gay marriage yet against it. For nationalised healthcare yet against it.

MattBrown said:
we need a fighter for the middle. We need Clinton again. A fighter is all well and good, but not if he scares everybody away.

If you thought Kerry stepped a little too far towards the center, just wait until Hillary steps onto the floor.. She is going to dance so far to the right your Head will spin, mark my words. :goodjob:

And as I have mentioned before.. I Just Can't Wait..

:clap: Run, Hillary, Run!! :clap:

The Hunt For Blue November! ;)

Get it? 'cause Democrats are blue etc?
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