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Most annoying "features" in A New Dawn

Sorting is entirely possible - But I haven't a clue how to make it intuitive enough to be worth my time.
sorting by category - i.e. depending on which bonus you get from a building. i originally suggested to utilize the flavor tag since it already existst - but you could also use the building stats: modifies food => food category, modifies production => production category, commerce, specialists, science, gold, happiness (>0), health (>0). if a building modifies two different stats the one with the higher priority is used where the priorities follow the order i gave above.
No - I know how to do the code - but not how to do the interface so that it's intuitive.
do building have a # in the code? you could assign new #'s and then sort by that?

I know how to do that just fine. The problem is making buttons that intuitively allow you to resort the building list. For example, if you click the culture sort button, does it hide culture buildings, bring them to the top, what?
I know how to do that just fine. The problem is making buttons that intuitively allow you to resort the building list. For example, if you click the culture sort button, does it hide culture buildings, bring them to the top, what?
oh, you what to make it that way? okay: clicking on culture separates all buildings that give culture into a separate group (like buildings and wonders are two distinct groups) and puts this group in front of the buildings. clicking on another category buts the prior separated buildings back to the list building list and separates out the other category buildings.
I'm in the middle of my first game using realistic corporation spreading. And I have to say I like the idea, but they seem to be a little over-active. I'm only playing a standard-sized map and have 19 cities, but as soon as I hit free-market all hell broke loose. I spend my entire turn listening to the jangle of coins as I get message after message about guilds switching cities - getting about ~10 or so flops per turn = 20 jangles. I don't mind all the switching itself (although as I mentioned, the amount of switching may be a bit extreme), but if there were some way I could disable the alert it would do wonders for my sanity. (Hearing those coins jingle in my head as I type this)
Most annoying feature?

Richileu. Why is that creep always in my games?
Most annoying feature?

Richileu. Why is that creep always in my games?


Really? Don't you have other problems? You are a very lucky man :)

But he looks wierd, indeed.
I'm in the middle of my first game using realistic corporation spreading. And I have to say I like the idea, but they seem to be a little over-active. I'm only playing a standard-sized map and have 19 cities, but as soon as I hit free-market all hell broke loose. I spend my entire turn listening to the jangle of coins as I get message after message about guilds switching cities - getting about ~10 or so flops per turn = 20 jangles. I don't mind all the switching itself (although as I mentioned, the amount of switching may be a bit extreme), but if there were some way I could disable the alert it would do wonders for my sanity. (Hearing those coins jingle in my head as I type this)

I totally forgot this! Yeah make it an option to turn of corporation messages or sounds, it becomes quite annoying on large maps.
It is still the case that if I accept a civ as my vassal, I cannot cancel it? To me, this one simple issue is the #1 reason I don't allow vassals ('cuz if they do something I really don't like, then I want to be able to cancel the agreement)
Most annoying feature?

Richileu. Why is that creep always in my games?

I don't mind him so much. At least it looks more or less like you'd expect him to look.

I did delete Kangxi from my install. He looks terrible. It's Alexander the Great in a not very good disguise, which is normally fine, but he makes a very unconvincing Chinese Emperor.

If Richelieu is annoying you, just delete his folder in the custom leaderhead folder, and he'll never trouble you again.
I actually might delete both. Richelieu is much much creepier than Suryavarman, and Kangxi, as you said, looks awful.
Would it be possible to sort the city building list and resource list by name? Right now they seem to be sorted in a random order and it makes it difficult to find which city has which wonder, resources, etc.
One other annoying thing is with Revolutions. When a destory a civ destoryed, then it comes back as rebals on the other side of the world. Its culture still comes back in the old cities.
Would it be possible to sort the city building list and resource list by name? Right now they seem to be sorted in a random order and it makes it difficult to find which city has which wonder, resources, etc.

Yes; that is possible, and a really good idea. I'll add that next beta. ;)

One other annoying thing is with Revolutions. When a destory a civ destoryed, then it comes back as rebals on the other side of the world. Its culture still comes back in the old cities.

Does everyone agree that when a civilization dies, ALL it's culture should disappear? Right now, only it's tile culture is cleared.
Yes; that is possible, and a really good idea. I'll add that next beta. ;)
note: religious buildings won't be next to each other anymore since the religions are not alphabetically adiacent. this will cause some disorder with other buildings too because the loading order has some order in it (similar builinds types were added directly after each other; only buildings from mods had no kind of order).

just making thing alphabetcally isn't really helpful. this will cause the buildings boni on the right to be in totol disarray. thus it will be even harder to gain information from it.
I think that the Advanced Economy component could do with an in-civilopedia guide to... well... economics. I'm having a tough time keeping an economy in the black. An explanation of how inflation works in the game would be most welcome.
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