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Most annoying "features" in A New Dawn

Does everyone agree that when a civilization dies, ALL it's culture should disappear? Right now, only it's tile culture is cleared.

Actually, tbh, I'm sick and tired of a culture I've destroyed coming back 20 years later and hating me for whatever I did to them, even if they're a revolutionized offsplit of some nation three continents away that couldn't possibly have anything to do with the original nation and has no real proper reason for behaving that way to me.
In one of my 1.74 games I must have killed Nebuchadnezzer like five times, and after the third time it was just really annoying. :mad:
Does everyone agree that when a civilization dies, ALL it's culture should disappear? Right now, only it's tile culture is cleared.

No. It's more realistic to have resurgent cultures.
Does everyone agree that when a civilization dies, ALL it's culture should disappear? Right now, only it's tile culture is cleared.

Yes! For the purposes of the game, if you destroy a civilization, it should be gone for good. If, due to barbarians spawn civs option (or the like), that same civ re-spawned, it should be a new civ with no prior "memory" of events.

The only exception I could see is with respect to revolutions. If my city defects to Washington, and I re-capture the city, I wouldn't oppose it if Washington eventually led another rebellion.

So maybe the best solution is:
- If revolutions are off -- once a culture is dead, it's GONE
- If revolutions are on -- cultures can re-spawn since "the rebellion lives on"
I think the Culture can respawn.I find it far more interesting to have Cyrus if he is wiped out re-organize a rebellion and try to capture a city or undermine you Via Freedom fighters etc. If I wanted total realism anyway in response to other complaints I would play Rhyes and Fall etc. I already Miss stuff such as the "sea Monsters" add on and other fun optional Mini modules in Previous versions.

Just my 2 cents.
Yes! For the purposes of the game, if you destroy a civilization, it should be gone for good. If, due to barbarians spawn civs option (or the like), that same civ re-spawned, it should be a new civ with no prior "memory" of events.

The only exception I could see is with respect to revolutions. If my city defects to Washington, and I re-capture the city, I wouldn't oppose it if Washington eventually led another rebellion.

So maybe the best solution is:
- If revolutions are off -- once a culture is dead, it's GONE
- If revolutions are on -- cultures can re-spawn since "the rebellion lives on"


And another thing: The change to Culture thru Military influence from City Influence changed the Culture picture significantly(as intended for the ones that "wanted" military to be the driving force for culture spread). For those of us that prefer the original CIV/BtS Culture method even turning Military influenced Culture off, Culture is still impacted by it somehow. Maybe a side effect of the building chain effects? IDK?

Also with Entertainers considered an Exploit for players (but in my games the AI also used Entertainers to influence territory) Culture influence "wars" are smothered. The Entertainer needs to be revived.

Science and culture has been curtailed thru commerce, and that mostly intended, but it's too much IMHO. If I build a school of scribes in 2500BC all I get is .9 culture and a big -2.58 to science and a price tag of -0.48 gold. Which makes building it something I won't do. By 250 AD I do get +science(varies on size of city) and still +0.9 culture but cost is still there. So it is marginally useful at that time. Early Universities suffer from the same early malaise. They do improve as time moves on. But the lifetime for SoScribes is limited and should never have a -Science influence.
And another thing: The change to Culture thru Military influence from City Influence changed the Culture picture significantly(as intended for the ones that "wanted" military to be the driving force for culture spread). For those of us that prefer the original CIV/BtS Culture method even turning Military influenced Culture off, Culture is still impacted by it somehow. Maybe a side effect of the building chain effects? IDK?

Also with Entertainers considered an Exploit for players (but in my games the AI also used Entertainers to influence territory) Culture influence "wars" are smothered. The Entertainer needs to be revived.
agree, never liked that feature.

Science and culture has been curtailed thru commerce, and that mostly intended, but it's too much IMHO. If I build a school of scribes in 2500BC all I get is .9 culture and a big -2.58 to science and a price tag of -0.48 gold. Which makes building it something I won't do. By 250 AD I do get +science(varies on size of city) and still +0.9 culture but cost is still there. So it is marginally useful at that time. Early Universities suffer from the same early malaise. They do improve as time moves on. But the lifetime for SoScribes is limited and should never have a -Science influence.
yeah, the loss in research comes from the elder council because it gives static :science: (and the priesthood +1 increase). the elder council is too powerful right now thus it's overshadows the school (it wasn't a problem when the elder council wasn't there). at the other hand the school should get +1 (or 2) static commerce gain in addition to easier beat the elder council.
yeah, the loss in research comes from the elder council because it gives static :science: (and the priesthood +1 increase). the elder council is too powerful right now thus it's overshadows the school (it wasn't a problem when the elder council wasn't there). at the other hand the school should get +1 (or 2) static commerce gain in addition to easier beat the elder council.

Since the school is an upgrade from elder council, perhaps the school could have the same exact stats as elder council with an additional +.9 culture? Seems easiest and fairest...
Since the school is an upgrade from elder council, perhaps the school could have the same exact stats as elder council with an additional +.9 culture? Seems easiest and fairest...

Would you build it just to get extra 0.9 :culture: ?

This problem concerns not only SoS, but other buildings as well (can't remember which ones exactly). I noticed other paradoxes as well: commercial ports or jewellery giving more :science: than monastery or SoS.....
Would you build it just to get extra 0.9 :culture: ?

No I won't. Eventually the SoS around 200AD in an Epic speed game will start to give + :beaker:. But by that time it's just a filler. Early game is when it's needed most.

And I agree there are other building similarities which now make me avoid buildings I have traditionally built in the past.

I found out in this last beta game that if I wait till AD time frame that I can build the Village Center (or whatever it's name is) and finally not have to take a hit to the cities gold or culture. So I don't build the Town hall chain till Medieval Era. The Early Era's they are too much of a strain on the budget and have no real return.

I found out in this last beta game that if I wait till AD time frame that I can build the Village Center (or whatever it's name is) and finally not have to take a hit to the cities gold or culture. So I don't build the Town hall chain till Medieval Era. The Early Era's they are too much of a strain on the budget and have no real return.

You see how your cool and polite disagreements of how the game work with good analysis help you? In next beta (now I'm playing with Revision 373 that is alpha testing toward Beta2), admin building line will no longer cost you citizens. Oh there will be other buildings that do, but not this line :).
I'm curious to here what bugs you, what seems wrong, silly, or just outright wrong. Candid opinions are welcome. Anything in the game, whether it be from A New Dawn, to some mechanic in Civ4/Warlords/BTS. Anything is fair game, from annoying Animal barbarians, to a lack of a Zebra resource. :p

Go at it! :mischief:

2 things that bug me and it maybe someone else rather than yourself.

Slavery Civic not longer allowing sacrificing people to build improvements/wonders.

Guilds Civic full stop. I always edit any downloads to remove this, and the corresponding requirement to use this civic.

1 minor quibble I have (but I understand the reasoning for having it). I remove the requirement to have some resources (eq stone) in a city square to build the improvement (Stone masons). For the majority of requirements, it wasn't historically correct.

All that said, I would prefer the content to come and be able to tweak to my satisfaction, than not have it at all; and I'm too lazy or unskilled to create it myself.
To All:

The School Of Scribes has been changed for future releases to give 5:science: and cost 0 maintenance. Hopefully this is acceptable. ;)

2 things that bug me and it maybe someone else rather than yourself.

Slavery Civic not longer allowing sacrificing people to build improvements/wonders.

Guilds Civic full stop. I always edit any downloads to remove this, and the corresponding requirement to use this civic.

1 minor quibble I have (but I understand the reasoning for having it). I remove the requirement to have some resources (eq stone) in a city square to build the improvement (Stone masons). For the majority of requirements, it wasn't historically correct.

All that said, I would prefer the content to come and be able to tweak to my satisfaction, than not have it at all; and I'm too lazy or unskilled to create it myself.

Slavery Whipping was disabled because the AI was so bad at it.

I'm not I understand what you are trying to say about the Guilds civic.
Yeah! Applause! :D


Edit: Now about Universities.....I learning how to play with out them too....until at least Ren Era. Again too costly when they 1st come available. Unfortunately this also applies to Libraries. :( I do bite the bullet on Libraries but I grit my teeth at the costs.
Slavery Whipping was disabled because the AI was so bad at it.

Didn't know that, as the only evidence I see is when I lose control of a civ in Revolutions and the AI used to go ballistic killing everybody.

I'm not I understand what you are trying to say about the Guilds civic.

I'm saying I don't like the guilds civic, but I am not sure who created this (so it might be aimed at the wrong person).

My reason for not liking it is almost everything that uses the guilds civic (excluding the new additional guilds, which I haven't tried so I can't comment on them) also use the guilds technology as a pre-req, so why have both?
The castle gatehouse bugs me! It never seems to go obsolete. I just got Rifling and I still can't attack a city because of those gates. Both castles and walls are obsolete by this point, so why do the gates live on?
One thing that I really wish could be adjusted is the number of religions in the game.

There are like 15 different ones, and there are more religions than civs for any games my computer can handle. When I play with limited religions, every civ has its own, and religions become pointless, and without limited religions, one or two civs get most or all of them.

If someone could just tell me where the xml files are for the extra religions are, that would really add a lot to my games, which are never larger than standard size (to keep turn lengths down in late game.)
There are many issues with this great mod.

1. Withdraw chance

Already made a thread about it. Once you reach 100% (which is uber easy!), you can't lose the unit. It it has a small-to-none chance of victory, whenever it withdraws it will be considered as epic victory in the game, and the unit will receive max exp from battle (6). If you have leadership from warlord, it will get 12 exp for basically nothing that can be repeated every turn, leading to 200-300 exp in a VERY short time. While I loved the withdrawal feature, the fact it gave exp in vanilla BTS and always had a horse archer warlord with tactics+flanking to gain massive exp in every battle with minimum risk, +12 exp per withdraw is too much, and 100% chance of withdrawing is too powerful, especially with withdraw-on-defense feature because that essentialy is immortality.

The dynamic exp system was meant to prevent abuse, but actually it's WAY more abusive than the Vanilla BTS exp system. Maybe withdraw should grant a minimal bonus only? +0.25 exp and that's it? I find it hard to like that solution though, I would never reach the high tiers with my Warlord units if they were receiving +0.5 exp per battle... :/

I've conquered whole empires with two warlord units + great commander because they couldn't be killed, and with all heaing promotions AND medic they regenerated their health super fast. It was fun for the first time, but with third empire falling to two units, I got bored. What's the point of building units if you have immortal one that kills everything?

I suggest putting a global cap at withdraw chance at 90 or 95%. Reducing the bonuses to withdraw great commanders grant would also be fun. At fourth level all armies have +60% withdraw chance! Isn't this a bit too big? 10-20-30-40% would be already a huge bonus... Right now it takes any unit with withdraw chance AND access to flanking to immortality instantly. I recommend the numbers that the great commander grants to be greatly lowered - maybe even to 5-10-15-20? Or 10-15-20-25? +25% withdraw chance is a lot already with units that have access to flanking and natural withdraw chance, like all cavalry/helicopter units.

2. Upgrades of some buildings actually downgrade their usefulness

The most notorious example is Grocer and Supermarket. The Grocer adds +25% :gold: and a LOT of :commerce: for access to certain resources. You lose ALL of that when "upgrading" to supermarket, and get what... a bit of :health: ? Why would you want that?

Either the upgrades should carry out ALL of the replaced building's bonuses, or they shouldn't be replacing them!

3. Future tech upgrades not really well thought

A few complaints - The archer, riflemen, mech.infarty and all of that have one similar bonus - they are good at defending cities. And they get replaced by Tesla infantry that sucks against wheeled/tracked units (which will probably be your main enemy at that age) and helicopters (which are great units). The idea was that the archer line is good for defense, and tesla units are more of a offensive unit (100% collateral damage to 10 units!) rather than defensive. Which is weird.

Why can't plasma armors upgrade to Dreadnought Armor? Seeing that Drednaught armor has no drawbacks (compared to Plasma Armor) and should be a natural replacement...

Why isn't there a natural progression for artillery units? NLOS cannon is the last artillery unit. Sure, there are others doing collateral damage - like that siege droid with 170 :strength: - but why can't they be an upgrade? It's more logical than cavalry upgrading to tanks, anyway.

4. Religion bonuses not mutually exclusive

Why is it possible to take ALL the religion-based upgrades? Most of the time I just get all religions first then just convert to allow my warlord to get another bonus. Shouldn't it be like that: you pick one religion-based promotion, say crusader, and the rest becomes unavailable. Because the unit being a crusader and muslim's equivalent at the same TIME is pretty illogical.

Religion-granted wonders don't stop working when you convert! You only lose their :) bonus, the rest remains. In a Islamic country, would you expect a wonder like King Richards Crusade to work? Not to mention that some are definitively bigger than others (see Buddhism wonders - Palace of Potala: +50% :science:, +20% :gold, +20% :food: stored after growth and +20% :culture:, never becoming obsolete? That's like the best "commerce" wonder there is for a cottage economy! Compared to, say, Apadama Palace of Zoroastrianism.. lower maintenance and a free promotion? nice, but doesn't even compare.)

So, the player isn't rewarded for getting a religion... he's awarded for getting all of them since he's pretty much the only one who can gain access to powerful wonders and promotions thanks to it...

It worked better in Vanilla Civ4: BTS, imho. I absolutely love the new bonuses of religions, but they ought to be mutually exclusive. (Afaik a wonder like Palace of Potala keeps working after you convert to a different religion, you just lose the ":) bonus if Buddhism is state religion"... while logically it should cease giving bonuses)

So, a better balance of bonuses for religions and mutual exclusiveness of them would be a step in right direction.

5. Too much :gold:, :food: and :health:

The cities grow large even if poorly placed, the :yuck: is never an issue because there are millions of ways to increase :health: and each country is swimming in :gold: even when REXing at 95% :science: rate. I literally swam in gold in this game. I expanded to 10 cities quickly and got +5 :gold: at 95% rate very early. When I turned it to 90%, I got +23 :gold: per turn! It's too easy to get rich, and REXing is not punished at all.

6. AI is still too weak...

Defends cities with 1-2 stacks, even Capital at wartime - BTS civ would have like 10 units there! Here I land on AI's territory, destroy 4 cities without any resistance, and reach capitol guarded by a single longbowman... after 20 turns or so.

And it wasn't a pea-sized civ, it was 2nd Civ on the scoreboard!

Where's the resistance? I know my warlord unit would trample the down even if there was 10 longbowmen there, but the AI doesn't even try.

There are many other issues but I think those should really be fixed soon :) The mod has incredible potential... but is plagued by those problems right now.

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