Musharaff the president again

I don't like american backed dictatorships that claim that they are a democracy!

in my eye, they are no better or worse than any of the other dictatorships that are out there. dismantle them all
So the opposition is all taliban?? Are you crazy?
Settle down and take a deep breath. The situation in Pakistan could get real ugly if the opposition to the current govenment was to take over. Like Skad suggests, they are mostly fundamentalist religious nut jobs.
What about Dutch-backed ones?
Nope; I don't like those either. In fact, I don't like any dictatorships.

The focus on the part you quoted was on "that I don't like em, but they are IMVHO stable", not on specifically liking the backer. :)
The Pakistani's are better off under Musharaff then they are under Benizhar Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif remember those two were overthrown for a reason.
Who elected the parliament?
Considering the alternative is it really all that bad.

Huh? The alternative to Musharaff would be *gasp* democracy! The last few democratically elected governments were secular, including Benazir Bhutto, one of the few female heads of state the Islamic world has ever had. Those governments were corrupt, but I'm surprised and disappointed that people actually prefer a weak pro-US secular dictator over a not-so-pro-US secular democracy.
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