My experience with the local hospital.

You should never go to the hospital. Instead, you should try knocking your head some more, to try and even out the damage.
I went to a hospital (ER) -on my own, for the first time- earlier this year, and my experience was really bad, as well (in terms of the competence and especially 'customer service' treatment I received).

Bascially, I left there receiving no medical care, fed up. I just walked out, amazed and outraged. I'll just go ahead and die before I attempt to do business with a hospital again. Well, that's probably an exaggeration, but it's how I felt. They basically said 'screw me'. So, screw 'em.
My parents used to take us to hospital.
My brother had to walk around a funfair for two hours on a broken foot.
And when I cracked my skull open falling down the stairs they just said watch a film.
I went to the ER for the first time about a week ago after I busted my head open.

It was interesting. I waited in the room for about half an hour, listening to some dudes next to me having a heated discussion in Arabic. Then a doctor came in, did such and such, and blasted 6 metal sutures into my head with a staple gun.
When I busted my head open running down a flight of stairs in the dark, I only got four staples. :( :lol:

I didn't have to wait long, though. But that was at a military hospital, where almost everyone is competent and nice. :)
Aimie: did you give a medical history?

Talk to your teacher about your fainting issues, and clean up your diet.
I got to the walk in clinic.

I had too much earwax in one ear and too little in the other. As well as a flu.
Today, during class, I was feeling dizzy...and then I fell out of my seat. Luckily, I landed on a mat (instead of the floor). From what I heard, I banged my head and MIGHT HAVE knocked me out for a few seconds.

They had several teachers come up. they made me stay there so I wouldn't fall again. and they literally had to wheel me out of the school.

Mom took me to the hospital. I waited 3 hours before leaving. They called one lady who had a little cut on her cheek 'emergency'. I think its because I'm young.

Since when is a little cut an emergency, but somebody smashing their head not?
Don't read a book by its cover. She could have had a head injury too, given that she had a cut on her face.

I used to get blackouts occasionally. Once I collapsed on the kitcheb (hard) floor holding a glass measuring jug, and woke up later with glass all around me. I just got used to it eventually and although I couldn't see a thing, I could move my arms to hold myself upright if it ever happened, or failing that go on the sofa. I don't know if any of my family ever noticed - I never told them.
There is no way they treat kids after adults, they treat them first. I know this from sitting with a broken arm waiting, soaked in ditch water, for them to set my arm, sew my bottom lip back to my teeth and close my upper lip split to the nose. Not life threatening. A coach of children had been in an RTA and every one of them was bumped ahead of me. They were fine, the waiting room was - briefly - their playground.

Now one can choose to get pissy about these things, or realise that we were all in no danger so they treat the kiddies first.
You should really tell you're mom to stop being a dumb person and tell her it's free in canada.

Military hospital and nice in the same sentence.


Are you kidding? I miss the military hospitals.

The local hospitals here are good if you go to Annapolis bad if you go to the other one. One county over its so bad they keep closing hospitals while in this county they make new bigger better ones. And one city over we have a small ER thats been there for 50 years about. Its not to bad as long as your not dieing.
My girldfriend today was bleeding badly out of her vagina and had severe pains in her groin area and it hurt to pa. Turns out she has a kidney infection and they gave her some pills. This is a severe pain with internal bleeding....we waited an hour before they got to us....we had no idea what it could be, we thoguth it was way worse.
I waited 3 hours before leaving.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this. Did you

- check in, wait three hours without being seen by anyone, and then leave?
- check in, be seen by a doctor (or physician assistant or nurse practitioner), and then leave after being there for a total of three hours?
- check in, be seen by a nurse, but after a total of three hours and not seeing a doctor, leave?
- other?
I waited for three hours. never saw anyone.

I'm sure this is in the USA, but i read about a woman who bled to death in the waiting room. the man with her had to call 911 on his cell phone. they thought he was kidding.
I'm sure this is in the USA, but i read about a woman who bled to death in the waiting room. the man with her had to call 911 on his cell phone. they thought he was kidding.

That doesn't make sense. Why would he call 911 if he was already at the hospital?

You mean where that little boy called 911 and the operator told him to stop screwing around on the phone and his mother died?
He was in the waiting room. the lady was bleeding to death and the doctors didn't do anything
Could the dizzyness be natural? Are you a blonde?

I didn't realize earwax could be heavy enough to unbalance someone.
I went to a hospital (ER) -on my own, for the first time- earlier this year, and my experience was really bad, as well (in terms of the competence and especially 'customer service' treatment I received).

Bascially, I left there receiving no medical care, fed up. I just walked out, amazed and outraged. I'll just go ahead and die before I attempt to do business with a hospital again. Well, that's probably an exaggeration, but it's how I felt. They basically said 'screw me'. So, screw 'em.

Ironic, given this in your sig: :lol:

There's a difference between giving up too easily when resistence is encountered, and using intellect to formulate an approach that seeks the line of least resistance... correcting and counter-correcting the course as need be in real time to obtain optimal gain in the end.
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