well i played and as promised was every bit as reckless and more!!!
finished teching pottery first, but that practically crashed our economy so the slider was set to 0% and a couple of "useless" quechuas were disbanded. however the best way to get the economy back on track, as anyone knows, is to brutally slaughter another empire at the hand of a quechua - and so it came to pass that Stalin received the knocking of a war hammer on his door:
hopefully this screenshot shows the state of our economy quite well: -1 at 0%
but everything cheered up next turn - not only did we capture Moscow, but we lost a quechua at the same time! less maintenance = good. pillage gold received:
i kept it and immediately whipped a monument - i want that gold online ASAP:
meanwhile, our quechuas headed over to St. Peters but couldn't resist some more pillage gold:
captured, razed and lost another quechua. yay!
eventually we reached St. Peters where we lost another two quechuas and took and auto-razed the city. brutal baby:
on the homefront we started and chopped stonehenge a little. i don't think we should complete it but the gold would be nice.....
despite all of my best efforts to lower our attack force, our power graph still grew.
a couple of cottages are being built and fishing is being teched (very slowly)