(My first SG)For newbies

lurker's comment: Out of curiousity when do you plan on using BW? How many spears will be built over the next 30 turns? Are you planning on building more spears or horses?
1) As soon as its done researching :lol:
2)Can´t really answer that :(.......but i would guess at least one for every city, and maybe a few more if we plan an invasion against Monty :D
3)Well, if we DO invade, then i think it´d be better to build more horsemen rather than spears......but if we are just looking for a more defensive stance, then i gues spears it is
lurker's comment: Why would you be on the defensive and why do you need one in every city? In reality, aren't horses better at defense than spears? You ask how? Think about the benefits a horse offers that a spear does not. Same with offense. What can attack Monty faster?
Whomp said:
lurker's comment: Why would you be on the defensive and why do you need one in every city? In reality, aren't horses better at defense than spears? You ask how? Think about the benefits a horse offers that a spear does not. Same with offense. What can attack Monty faster?

1) I was just saying IN CASE we ever were in the defensive:p . I´d like to send the warriors that are currently defending to attack Monty, as i find that spears are better for defending.
2)I don´t know:( , i DO know that i find them better at offense:D .
3)Certainly the horse would attack him faster, thats why i said i´d rather have the spears for defending;)
Pequenino said:
That´s exactly what I said a few posts ago;) :D :D :lol: :king:

lurker's comment: No, I think you are missing my point. You said that you would build spears in case you were on the defensive; even if you are on the defensive, horses are the best units to build as they make more effective defenders.
Bucephalus said:
lurker's comment: they make more effective defenders.

Everybody keeps on saying that, but i would swear they die more often than spears while defending..at least in MY games.:confused: :confused: :confused:

BTW, I couldn´t load the saved game. I ran CivIII and it wouldn´t let me load it (there r some pix of the messages i got below), if somebody knows whats wrong plz say so fast (and how to fix it :D). Also, i could load it with CivAssistII just fine:confused:



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lurker's comment: @ Peqeunino --Bucephalus makes a good point.

There is very little need for spears at this and potentially any stage of this game.

Would you agree the focus should be on expansion not military?

From what I can tell you have plenty of warriors running around and may even be at a cost to your economy at this point. Monty won't bother you till he runs out of space. Trust me on this.

I think goodsmell also made a very good point when he asked why BW? AI behavior tells us they will defend first so that's a tech they'll research (for you). Another tech research could've resulted in an eventual trade for BW and later IW.

By the time you're ready to go military you'd rather have horses and swords. Initiate the action rather than absorb the action.
The idea is to always put yourself at an advantage to your enemy. Horses cover more ground on offense and defense and can retreat from a skirmish. A spear will always defend to the death.

An example, Since I know you won't let Monty anywhere remotely close to a city and if he does you probably have a sword there not a spear. ;)
If an enemy archer or warrior is 3 tiles away a horse can move up 1 tile and still be out of range. If the AI moves up another tile the horse can attack that unit. The spear will need to fortify and absorb the onslaught. Now add terrain to the equation and you have a winning proposition. Let the AI walk into your "funnel of death". :D
Pequenino said:
Everybody keeps on saying that, but i would swear they die more often than spears while defending..at least in MY games.

If I understand you correctly, you are literally defending with horses? A horseman defends by attacking the AI offensive units before they reach your cities, then retreating to the safety of the city until next turn.

It is likey a vanilla or ptw save was loaded and saved in C3C. It could also happen with a down level patch.

As to the horses and defending. what I think they are trying to say is not that a horse will do as well on being attacked as a spear, but in the aggregate you will comeout as well or better with a horse.

This is due to the horse being able to get to an invader from farther away and being able to retreat if it is in the open at times. Add to that the ability to attack, where a spear has very low attack probabilities.
lurker's comment: Another point to consider is that should hostilities break-out you will be facing JW's which have two movements. If you sit in cities waiting to be attacked they will pillage your infastructure, ruining your economy and damaging your ability to replace lost fighters. Also their first victory will give them a GA, increasing the production of further JW's.
Bucephalus said:
A horseman defends by attacking the AI offensive units before they reach your cities, then retreating to the safety of the city until next turn.
How might you apply the same concept with slow movers like Swordsmen or MDI? (Hint: This is as much a question about game mechanics as tactics...)
Pequenino said:
I think that´s it, cuz Little Corporal had some icons in his screenshots, that Vanilla doesn´t have. So how do i fix it?:confused:
lurker's comment: So far as I know, DataIO errors always mean the save is in a newer version of the game than you have. The only cure I know of is for Little Corporal to replay his turns in vanilla from the old save file (unless you want to upgrade your game version ;) ). I have no idea if replaying will change anything that happened, but he could try doing it using his own turnlog to remember what he did and in what order.
Pequenino said:
I think that´s it, cuz Little Corporal had some icons in his screenshots, that Vanilla doesn´t have. So how do i fix it?:confused:

I doubt it can be done, other than reloading prior that point. If the reserve is on and the same things are done in the same order, it won't change anything.

Actually it is only things that use the RNG need to be the same order.
My standpoint on military: Offense: Swords, Archers, Horses. Defense: Spears, a few swords. On city placement: I like the red dot. However, I think scout or gmh should do the dotmap.
lurker's comment: An observation
scoutsout said:
How might you apply the same concept with slow movers like Swordsmen or MDI? (Hint: This is as much a question about game mechanics as tactics...)
I'm not playing, but I'd like to throw something out, case I'm not too sure either.

If the enemy had sent a giant SOD at you, it could be employed the same way, because even after your swords victory, he would retreat to the safety of the city. This would not work as effectively if the forces we surrounding your city, as the sword would remain in the square, open to counter attack.
lurker tags: lurker's comment: [ /delurk] ommiting the space.
Theryman said:
If the enemy had sent a giant SOD at you, it could be employed the same way, because even after your swords victory, he would retreat to the safety of the city.
Exactly. :thumbsup:

@Choxorn: I'm not going to do the dotmapping here... part of the reason I suggested that the team go through that exercise is so that the players would see things they hadn't seen before. I think this is every bit as important as seeing what I might see.
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