So i had to abandon that old save. I get an auto collapse no matter what I did.
Started a new game and it’s the best one I’ve had so far! Taking all the advice given in this thread helped. I have gotten 8 of the global civs, but now the US is pulling away only taking 1 turn per tech

that takes me 7 turns.
I have an army ready for conquest but I fear I waited too long trying to get some key military techs. The year is 1975 a little late for ww3 to start but if my stability can handle it (cannot afford to lose China if I collapse) I think I can reverse HIROSHIMA the US. It seems leoroth left is no choice I have my zeros and army ready for invasion.
For anybody who’s still interested here’s what I did that made a difference in this game.
1. Early game, only one city to get to the first UHV as quickly as possible. Switched to citizenship and cranked out all necessary culture buildings in capital and got two great artists, one settled and one culture pop (could have done two culture pops here not sure which was best). Himeji castle straight away and walls+castle add a 100% culture boost, tributaries ASAP to use japans food for military
building. Got first UHV done by 1245AD, built my other cities right away.
Tech traded everything and used spy points to see what Indonesia and Korea were researching to set my self up for key tech trades, getting out of the medieval era early is crucial to get japans Unique ability.
Japan is 100% a specialist economy. Never went for this startegy in civ4 so did not know how important it was. Metroicracy was crucial to run this in the early stage. Focused on all specialist buildings I could in core cities Korea
Conquered Korea straight away, sent out cravels to maintain contact with other civs. Tried to get good relations with other civs.
That’s it for early game.
2. Mid game, so here’s a technique I used to get me quickly caught up with the rest of the world, I’d research a tech up till one turn left and switch techs, I’d do this with multiple techs until they hit modernization boost, then I’d finish it and get a HUGE beaker boost from this, if I timed it right I could do this with 3 techs I already preloaded with beakers and then use all those beakers for any key tech I needed, machine tools for example, engines was another as I needed to get all my cities powered on ASAP
Conquerored China right away razing two of their cities.
Also another key thing for Japan is growing Kyoto and Tokyo, building national theater for +6 happiness was a huge help. Getting them as big as possible as quickly as possible.
Vassalized Thai and gave them cities and a gifted a couple workers to get their resources connected and making them give them for tribute (not all of them didn’t want them to collapse).
Went for Philippines and Indonesia respawned after Spain collapsed in the year 1924, could not declare war on them. I was sweating here. Built as many tanks as possible and preparad for invasion, only had 2 turns to vassalize them but barely pulled it off.
3. Late game switched to egalitarianism straight away, very crucial for my specialist economy, was able to run 8 or so scientist or at a time in my food rich cities or merchants if needed.
Focused on all finance buildings in shrine cities. Spread religions around with tolerance (didn’t notice a huge boost but anything helps).
By late game tech trading slowed down considerably and nobody wanted to trade any more. But by this time I could crank out most techs in 3-4 turns running slider at 100%. Golden ages helped. Didn’t settle that many great people holding them for more golden ages, just used great engineers for key great wonders
Well get a save attached when I get home if anybody wants to see what they can do to help me beat the US. Hoping I can get this UHV done once and for all
Edit: I just realized this the first time I’ve made it this far so I’m in uncharted territory. Have no clue how to increase my beakers