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New Beta Patch - April 7th (4-7)

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Also what would be considered the last stable beta that most people are using? I really on play with 3rd and 4th unique component. And Meaningful Colors although I would be surprised if that was the CTD problem mod.
Do you think its safe to continue playing even tho if I click my portrait I crash or is the whole save gonna be messed up? If its just that one thing I could work around it I guess, but I dont know if CTD bugs corrupt everything eventually or they can be very specific?

I didn't have have any other CTD. Sometimes my games "Alt+Tab" to desktop when I press next turn, without crashing, but I'm not worried.
Do you think its safe to continue playing even tho if I click my portrait I crash or is the whole save gonna be messed up? If its just that one thing I could work around it I guess, but I dont know if CTD bugs corrupt everything eventually or they can be very specific?

Should be fine IMO. I experienced that crash in the past but it doesn't seem to have any other associated issues :).

(I just more or less never open the advisor screen. I think opening it via the hotkey can also cause a CTD sometimes which is annoying if you're not aware of what happened.)
@Recursive Have you ever planned to add typical Alliance to the game? Declaration of Friendship is quite close to that, but... nah, and Defense Pact is quite different thing.
@Recursive Have you ever planned to add typical Alliance to the game? Declaration of Friendship is quite close to that, but... nah, and Defense Pact is quite different thing.

I've thought of adding a permanent alliance mechanic to the game, as in Civ 6, disabled by default, but that can be enabled in Advanced Game Options. Permanent alliance would change players into teammates. Did you mean something else?
I've thought of adding a permanent alliance mechanic to the game, as in Civ 6, disabled by default, but that can be enabled in Advanced Game Options. Permanent alliance would change players into teammates. Did you mean something else?
I think he meant from like the civ 3 days, military alliance, where you do it through trade deal. They replaced it with defensive pact now. But with a military alliance in civ 3 if your ally went to war you went to war with them, not just in defense like the defensive pact.
I think he meant from like the civ 3 days, military alliance, where you do it through trade deal. They replaced it with defensive pact now. But with a military alliance in civ 3 if your ally went to war you went to war with them, not just in defense like the defensive pact.

Hmm, an aggressive pact? :)
Will consider.
Yeah, I think it's for balance reasons.

When someone declares war on one of your CS allies it's then up to you to either
-Declare war on the aggressor or
-Revoke pledge of protection

Or do nothing and have the CS upset at you for not fulfilling your promise to protect them

There are a few problems with declaring war on bullies. Diplomatically, everyone treats you as the aggressor. So if the bully has defensive pacts, they will be added to the war and any of your DP allies will not be. If anything, it should be 1-on-1 with no DP allies
Also you get warmonger penalty for declaring war.

@Recursive is there a way to make a "special" DoW that ignores DPs on both sides and ignores warmonger penalty for declaring?
Alliances were somewhat game-breakingly OP in Civ 4, and would be a crapshoot with the current diplo since it's so fluid. Civ 4 you'd pick a particularly strong neighbor usually and spend half the game cultivating them into an alliance partner, then just crush the later game. Instead of having to actually overcome your most challenging rival you'd "join them" and nullify the hardest and most rewarding part of a typical playthrough. I cheesed a lot of games while I was still learning the game doing that.

Like in my current game I'm next to Washington (his only border at that), and he's an absolute aggressive beast to have to contend with right now (ofc he's DPd the only real expansion opportunity I have). If I knew I could just "join forces" at, whatever age it was, Renaissance, the game would go far differently. I'd basically just be his right hand man, lollygag about as a 3rd party to whatever wars he wanted, ally him, and crush the lategame.

It's extremely hard to balance and handle the diplo of. And you get a musical chairs situation a lot of games where your first choice for whatever reason doesn't like you enough, and then you're rushing about chasing down an ally while #1 and #2 just joined forces into an unstoppable bloc.
Only just updated to 4-7 now.

... why did you make this such a pain in the ass? I have to go through each individual folder and replace files folder-by-folder. Why on earth didn't you just make a full (1) Community Patch and (2) Balance Patch, and then people just click and drag those 2 folders into their MODS folder?
There, people can just download these, delete their VP 3-15 (1) and (2) folders, and extract these anywhere in your MODS folder. Includes Illteroi's 04-10 DLL


Only just updated to 4-7 now.

... why did you make this such a pain in the ass? I have to go through each individual folder and replace files folder-by-folder. Why on earth didn't you just make a full (1) Community Patch and (2) Balance Patch, and then people just click and drag those 2 folders into their MODS folder?

Maybe just be thankful that other people stepped up to manage distribution while I'm absent? :thumbsup:

There are a few problems with declaring war on bullies. Diplomatically, everyone treats you as the aggressor. So if the bully has defensive pacts, they will be added to the war and any of your DP allies will not be. If anything, it should be 1-on-1 with no DP allies
Also you get warmonger penalty for declaring war.

I know it's annoying, but like I said I'm sure it's for balance reasons. You have to weigh up your decision of whether or not the CS is worth the diplomatic hit or not.

Alternatively, you could of course just denounce.
Maybe just be thankful that other people stepped up to manage distribution while I'm absent? :thumbsup:

Well, to be fair, he did go and do and set up the folders himself
As far as I can tell it was in fact as simple as overwriting the 3-15 version with the two folders along with the added hassle of dropping the 4-10 dll in the CP...
There are a few problems with declaring war on bullies. Diplomatically, everyone treats you as the aggressor. So if the bully has defensive pacts, they will be added to the war and any of your DP allies will not be. If anything, it should be 1-on-1 with no DP allies
Also you get warmonger penalty for declaring war.

@Recursive is there a way to make a "special" DoW that ignores DPs on both sides and ignores warmonger penalty for declaring?

I would agree that if you come to the defense of a CS, the defensive pact of the aggressor nation should not trigger. Diplomatically the aggressor nation should be looked at as the bad guy.

Not a fan of alliances. Nations should be convinced (or bribed) to go to war, it shouldn't be automatic.
There are a few problems with declaring war on bullies. Diplomatically, everyone treats you as the aggressor. So if the bully has defensive pacts, they will be added to the war and any of your DP allies will not be. If anything, it should be 1-on-1 with no DP allies
Also you get warmonger penalty for declaring war.

@Recursive is there a way to make a "special" DoW that ignores DPs on both sides and ignores warmonger penalty for declaring?

Yes, this is possible. Although, I wouldn't implement it for merely bullying a City-State, now that Mongolia's annexing ability is removed. For wars on allied City-States, I could potentially implement this, although it'll require changes to the UI and leader dialogue, which I'm not doing at this stage (hopefully soon, though; it's among my priorities after better logging and memory management).
Anyone else experiencing an unavoidable crash when ending on a specific turn on the 4-10 patch? I have tried reloading to earlier auto-saves, re-saving, reloading, etc., and it still crashes on the same turn. I had this same issue on my last play-through but was able to "fix it" by reloading an earlier auto-save--that doesn't seem to work this time around. Any suggestions?
Anyone else experiencing an unavoidable crash when ending on a specific turn on the 4-10 patch? I have tried reloading to earlier auto-saves, re-saving, reloading, etc., and it still crashes on the same turn. I had this same issue on my last play-through but was able to "fix it" by reloading an earlier auto-save--that doesn't seem to work this time around. Any suggestions?

Crashes should be reported on the mod's Github page, ideally along with the logs and CvMiniDump file. I fixed one of them for the next version, but there were several reported.

All right, will do. Thanks
And if you want to salvage your current game, you can use IGE and delete the civ / unit / city causing it. It often works, but identifying the problem can be tedious. If it CTDs during a specific AI's turn, try deleting the whole civ (if it does not work, then try the AI civ whose turn is before and after). Once you identify the civ, reload and try deleting its units / or cities. Better try with deleting whole groups of them, 1 by 1 would be a nightmare.
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