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New Idea: The Preview Thread

Cuiv, make a party or something :) You seem more of a moderate then those crazy liberal hippies...

And India is the US's ally along with the EU against Russia-China-Iran :p
alex994 said:
Cuiv, make a party or something :) You seem more of a moderate then those crazy liberal hippies...

And India is the US's ally along with the EU against Russia-China-Iran :p

Ah, makes sense, fixing accordingly...
JosefStalinator said:
OOC: WHat's the status of social security and medicare- have they exploded our economy yet? Or all our wars? And our debt?

Social Security hasn't done much--it's still there, and still declining due to the whole aging thing. Medicare--again, nothing much, though many are complaining as to its ineffectiveness. America hasn't fought a war since the Thune administration in 2013. Debt is through the roof, as usual, and though a few presidents managed to barely balance the budget, it wasn't really that effective. The economy is staggering from various blows, most of all the quickly increasing gas prices, and competition.

To be honest, me=moderate. Swing vote, will agree with some on one side, will agree with another side on other stuff. Anyone else interested in forming a "moderate" party?
Do you mean, where in the 9th am I, or where is the 9th?

Where in the 9th?

For me, I call Hillbilly Hell home.

Roanoke, of course ;].

What is the deal with you and your phobias of hippies? Its not like any time I see a conservative I scream, wet my pants, and run the other way -_-.
Oh nothing, it's just that you're all a bit too radical. The right is too reactionary alas...

No abortion in first trimester??? I would agree on no abortion in third trimester, but THIRD? :eek:
John Douglas–~Darkening
Representative from 6th District {Democratic}
Money: 1 per turn
Voting Record: Moderate Democratic
Approval rating: 50%

Yes, I'm not going all liberal. Why? Because I don't want to be booted out first thing. Yep.
Shawn Bell - LittleBoots
Representative from Texas (Dallas area, perhaps? Not Austin for God's sake :p) - American Patriotic Party
Money: 1 per turn
Voting Record: Along the party platform
Approval rating: 50%

@NK: H. Clinton will be president when Hell freezes over. Not making a judgment on her or her politics, simply the American situation. Also, abortion and gay marriage appear to be going in the conservative direction as of today, so I'm not sure I would agree with that decision, but oh well. Civil unions make sense, I suppose, but then you're assuming the public understands an intelligent decision.
~Darkening~ said:
Where in the 9th?

For me, I call Hillbilly Hell home.

Roanoke, of course ;].

haha, Roanoke is San Francisco compared to where I'm from. I'm from Carroll County (about 1 1/2 hrs southwest of Roanoke on 81 then 77). Conservative and redneck, for the most part.


Character Name–Malcolm Jennings
Representative from Virginia 9th district (independent so far)
Money: 1 per turn
Voting Record: Center-left; socially a bit liberal, economically moderate (it's a bit unlikely I'd be elected in my district, tbh--maybe the incumbent was corrupt or something. The current representative is a Democrat in his 12-13th term, though.)
Approval rating: 50%


I'd consider joining a center/center-left party if anyone wants to make one.
LittleBoots said:
Shawn Bell - LittleBoots
Representative from Texas (Dallas area, perhaps? Not Austin for God's sake :p) - American Patriotic Party
Money: 1 per turn
Voting Record: Along the party platform
Approval rating: 50%

@NK: H. Clinton will be president when Hell freezes over. Not making a judgment on her or her politics, simply the American situation. Also, abortion and gay marriage appear to be going in the conservative direction as of today, so I'm not sure I would agree with that decision, but oh well. Civil unions make sense, I suppose, but then you're assuming the public understands an intelligent decision.

By party platform do you mean mine? :p

Also don't do Texas if you can... do someplace else we needs lots of support from. Like Midwest somewhere.
Allen Cohen - ZanyPlebeian

Representative – New York’s 8th Congressional District

Personal Facts:
• Born September 12th, 1980 in Minneapolis, Minnesota
• Graduated from High School, 1998, New York City
• Religion: Judaism – Reformed
• Wife: Elizabeth Johnson-Cohen
a. Chair, New York City Democratic Party 2023-2028.
b. Chair, National Organization of Women 2028- Present
• Children:
a. David Cohen, b. 2007. 24 years. Attending NYU Medical School.
b. Rachel Cohen, b. 2009. 22 years. Attending Brown University.
• Residence: Greenwich Village, New York City, New York.

Career History:
• B.A., English and Political Science – New York University, 1999-2003.
• Juris Doctor – Columbia University, 2003-2006.
• Congressional staffer, Jerrold Nadler, Washington D.C. 2006-2010
• New York City Council, District 2, 2011-2015 (Democrat)
• New York State Senate, District 29, 2017-2021 (Democrat)
• United States House of Representatives, 2021 – 2028 (Democrat)
• U.S. House of Representatives, 2029 – Present (Independent)

Voting Record:
• Minimum Wage: Has supported every minimum wage hike since 2021, except one (which he considered too small of an increase.)
• Healthcare: Voted YES on Universal Healthcare Proposal
• Gun Control: Has consistently voted against banning personal weapons for hunting. Opposes repealing second amendment. However, supports background checks and safety implements and a ban on assault weapons.
• Defense Spending: Supports increases in military pay, benefits, and pensions. Supports increases in spending for troop equipment such as body armor. Opposes increased spending on weaponry. Vehemently opposes spending on any military action abroad.
• Childcare: Co-sponsored Universal Childcare proposal in 2025.
• Business: Has broken from Progressive Caucus repeatedly in opposing economic isolationism. Opposes tariffs, trade restrictions. Supports human-rights based business initiatives. For full disclosure: owns several million dollars in real estate stocks.
• Foreign Policy: Supporter of “two-state plan” in Israel/Palestine. Has openly criticized Israeli human rights abuses. Supports friendship with China, but also supports democracy in China. Opposes nation-building. Participated in massive investigation of CIA in 2026. (His name first became well-known during the investigations; he exposed a litany of outright crimes of the CIA.)
• Morals/Religion: Strongly in favor of separation of Church and State. Opposes government funding of religious community initiatives. Supports gay rights, pro-choice through second trimester.
• Education: Supports state-run, federally-funded education. Added-on an amendment to education bill that would have begun process of having equal allotments to all students across nation. (Bill was forgotten about and not voted on during the “collapse of ‘29”.)
• Energy resources: generally followed the Democratic Party line to 2029. Very strong supporter of public transportation, using New York’s system as an example of success.
• Statehood: Strong supporter of D.C. statehood. Supported Puerto Rico statehood.
• Environmental regulations: Democratic Party line to 2029. In State Senate and City Council, supported regulations on New York City emissions. Also supported bill to implement minimum gas efficiency in vehicles in New York State. Has stated, “Humanity is a part of the environment, and the part I am most concerned with.”
• Civil Liberties: 100% rating by ACLU.
• Space travel: has vocally opposed increased space exploration funding. Quote: “Let’s worry about other planets as soon as we clean our own up.”
• Africa: Has generally supported the “Africa Plan” to ally with African nations, and to develop their economies. However, opposes “strings attached” loans that are meant to benefit U.S. corporations or to affect the governments of said nations.
• China: Has visited Beijing on several occasions. Supports friendly diplomacy with China, mainly to improve working conditions, human rights, and the democratic process. Supports a “free and independent Taiwan.” Has not committed for or against military action in case of Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
• India: has abstained from most votes on Indian issues, and makes virtually no public statements on the subject.

Yes, I have way too much free time.
The Center-Left Coalition

I’d like to propose a coalition of slightly-left-of-center-to-Left congresspersons who may be of any party, or independent, and would like to caucus together as soon as congress convenes. This is essentially a moderate progressive coalition.

Our Platform is pretty self-explanatory:
-Support a moderately more progressive tax structure. (i.e. lower taxes on lower and middle classes, raise them on the wealthy.)
-Expansion of social services such as healthcare, childcare, social security, and public transportation.
-Conservative foreign policy; generally opposed to pre-emptive wars; in favor of streamlining (but not necessarily decreasing) defense budget; in favor of nuclear disarmament.
-Pro-Free Market: opposed to tariffs, in favor of economically open borders. Opposed to nationalization of any industries.
-Civil Liberties: Strongly in favor of first ten amendment rights.

The coalition is essentially a collection of current and former Democrats who are disgusted with the leadership of the party.
JosefStalinator said:
By party platform do you mean mine? :p

Well duh. I did say "American Patriot Party" :p

Anyway, thats fine. I'd rather be Old South than Midwest. North Carolina for instance :D

@NK - New Stats:
Shawn Bell - LittleBoots
Representative from North Carolina - American Patriotic Party
Money: 1 per turn
Voting Record: Along the party platform
Approval rating: 50%
LittleBoots said:
@NK: H. Clinton will be president when Hell freezes over. Not making a judgment on her or her politics, simply the American situation. Also, abortion and gay marriage appear to be going in the conservative direction as of today, so I'm not sure I would agree with that decision, but oh well. Civil unions make sense, I suppose, but then you're assuming the public understands an intelligent decision.

Clinton? Oh, I can see her being elected president. Admittedly it was New York, but she earned nearly 70% of the vote--hardly a bad showing in any sense of the word. She can raise a lot of money, has immense name recognition, and for all the talk of her being a highly polarizing candidate, I can't imagine it being any worse than alienating the conservatives more than they are today; independents I've talked to simply don't care. Ultimately it will come down to either money or charisma, and the fact that she's a woman, while it makes the rednecks cringe secretly, will be very helpful in certain swing states...

If it makes you feel better, she only had one term. :p

Abortion won't ever be overturned. Note that the Conservative legislature isn't even bothering to try. Partly because it simply wouldn't work, and partly because if it dissapeared as an issue, they'd have to find something else to motivate the base with.

Gay marriage will almost certainly end up in civil unions. I can't see the conservative backlash lasting more than a decade, especially with the mess it's landed us in already.

Simply put, America is exceptionally conservative when compared to Western Europe. Not only will the globalizing world put pressure on us to go the other way, but the Conservatives have become rapidly less popular.

In any case, that's my decision. :p But since you'll have clean slates if you start a new party, Conservatism has a chance once again. ;)
Well, it is quite probable to surpass us in the military field, but even so, it's not technically stronger than the USA. Yet.
Name: Lillian McGillivray - Cuivienen
Party: Liberal-Progressive Party of the United States (LPP)
Seat: Maine's Second Congressional District
Money: 1/turn
Popularity: 50%
Voting Record: Party-line (below)

Personal Facts:
• Born May 3rd, 1981 in Lewiston, Maine
• Graduated from high school, 1999, Bangor, Maine
• Religion: Unitarian Universalist
• Husband: Michael Caulfield
a. Born August 11, 1982 in Bangor, Maine
b. Bangor City Council, District 4, 2011 - 2017 (Democrat)
c. Maine House of Representatives, District 15, 2017 – 2021 (Democrat)
d. Maine House of Representatives, District 15, 2021 – Present (LPP)
e. Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, 2029 – Present
• Children:
a. Elizabeth Caulfield, b. 2009. 22 years. Attending Smith College.
b. Glenda Caulfield, b. 2012. 19 years. Attending Middlebury College.
c. Louis Caulfield, b. 2014. 17 years. Attending Bangor High School.
• Residence: Bangor, Maine

Career History:
• B.A., History and Political Science, Amherst College, 2000-2004.
• M.A., Political Science, Carleton University, 2004-2007.
• Bangor City Council, District 4, 2008 – 2011 (Democrat)
• Mayor of the City of Bangor, 2011 – 2017 (Democrat)
• Maine State Senate, District 32, 2017 – 2021 (Democrat)
• United States House of Representatives, Maine District 2, 2021 – Present (LPP)

Voting Record:
• Minimum Wage: Voted for minimum wage hikes in 2022 and 2030. Voted against a minimum wage hike in 2027 during the Import Crisis.
• Healthcare: Voted no on the 2023 Universal Health Care proposal because funds would be unevenly distributed by population nationwide, voted yes on new bill in 2030 but still expressed some hesistance about funding.
• Gun Control: Opposed 2025 proposal to repeal 2nd Amendment. Otherwise silent.
• Defense Spending: Voted for 2029 proposal to slash defense funding by half and abolish nuclear weapons programs. Outspoken advocate of small special arms forces and opponent of heavy weapons technologies, including and especially nuclear weaponry.
• Childcare: Voted for failed Universal Childchare proposal in 2025. Has, however, advocated strong local programs over a national solution, and achieved such a solution while Mayor of Bangor.
• Business: Has maintained a centrist stance on corporate taxation and has stridently advocated closing loopholes in corporate taxes and forcing American companies headquartered in tax havens to continue to pay corporate tax. Has opposed tariffs in all forms.
• Foreign Policy: Has on occasion been openly critical of nations with records of human rights abuses but takes a pragmatist stance on negotiations with such nations, especially China. Has criticized Israel for exacerbating its problems through military action and advocates a two-state solution.
• Religion: Opposed to what she has called “religious interference in government affairs”, especial opponent of federal money spent on church initiatives and has supported the removal of “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.
• Civil Rights: Supporter of gay marriage; introduced 2018 bill in Maine State Senate that made same-sex marriage legal in Maine. Has supported abortion prior to the third trimester and in the case of potential danger to the mother; voted against proposed blanket ban on abortion in 2026. Co-sponsored a rerun of the Equal Rights Amendment in 2024 that included discrimination by ability, age and sexual orientation as well as race and gender; amendment passed but was not ratified by enough states.
• Education: Has supported school voucher systems in the past at the local level, but has emphasized the problems with a national system. Has proposed additional federal funding for education and for auditing of educational spending, and has advocated movement of funds through state rather than local governments.
• Statehood: Has openly supported D.C. statehood in the past. Considered friendly to Puerto Rican statehood.
• Environment: Pragmatist environmental legacy includes making the City of Bangor run entirely on renewable energy sources in 2016 without additional annual cost, an achievement which the City of Bangor was first city in the country to manage. Has supported the use of solar power and development of solar panel sails and well as other efficient energy forms. Proposed numerous bills to provide tax incentives for environmental efficiency; believes that market will help to solve environmental issues if the government encourages it.
James Lee–alex994
Representative from California, 42nd District–Independent
Money: 1 per turn
Voting Record: Left-Centrist *more detail below
Approval rating: 50%

Personal Details:
-Born July 5th, 1994 in Los Angeles, California
-Moves to Rowland Heights, California at age of 4
-Son of a Chinese cook later turned businessmen
-Second Generation Chinese Immigrant
-Religion: United Church of Christ
-Married with 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter
-Currently living in Walnut, Los Angeles County

Career History:
-B.A in Law from UC Berkely
-Lawyer for ACLU, 2016-2025
-U.S House of Representatives, 2025-Present (Independent)

Voting Record:
-Minimum Wage: Has supported most increases but voted against bills which raised the minimum wage too high. Believes minimum wage should not cripple the ability of business and business owners to prosper and profit
-Gun Control: Has supported gun advocates on occasions and opposes the repealing of the second amendment advocating a much more detailed background check on the individual and any possible motives for murder. Supports banning assault weapons for the safety of law enforcement officers
-Defense Spending: Opposes US policy of foreign bases, advocates the closing and shutting down of unnecessary military bases throughout the world, advocates limited approaches and researching defensive technology
-Economy: Pro-small business supporting and advocating for the rights of small business owners, supports low tariffs on consumer goods as a way to increase revenue as well as aid domestic industry. Supports lower subsidies on American food products believing it is a drain on the American treasury and in essence, the American taxpayer. Believes in higher taxes for the major corporations as well as the rich and maintain taxes on the middle and poor classes
-Morals/Religion: Heavily supports the separation of Church and State opposing Government funding of any faith based community programs instead preferring to support “independent” entities such as the Red Cross and etc. Support gay rights but insist that it’s not a matter for the nation but a matter for state and local governments to decide
-Education: Against Federal Government intervention in education, prefers decentralized local governments to be in charge of education funded and backed by the Federal Government. Ethnic identity should not play a role in gaining a higher level of education in college and universities
-Energy Resources: Supports Public Transportation as opposed to private transit. Is a strong advocate of alternate energy resources such as wind, solar and hydro-power. Supports tax on coal power and advocates money for research on alternate forms of energy for cars
-Environment: Supports the environment for future generations in continuing to defend America’s pristine National Parks. Encourages minimum gas efficiency in cars as well as taxes on cars using only petroleum as opposed to hybrids and etc, strongly against encroachment on natural parks for resources
-Civil Liberties: Was a lawyer for ACLU for 9 years, go figure. Though is strongly anti-smoking saying that this right intrudes on the rights of others, supports tax on tobacco and cigarettes. However, is against abortion during the Third Trimester
-Space Travel: Supports space travel and exploration in the opening up of the universe for the betterment of mankind. “We must lay the foundation for our children and their children to follow into the stars.”
-Africa: Supports African Plan to ally with African nation, suggests diplomatic connections are to be increased with the opening of the American market to African goods
-China: Strong supporter of good relations with China, neutral on the Chinese acquisition of Taiwan as long as the democratic rights of Taiwan are maintained under China’s one country, two systems. Supports gradual moves towards democracy understanding China’s sensitive issues
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