I saw that but I don't get any.

I'm at turn 90 and nothing. When did you get your sailors.
I bought also the cannons in Europe, but when I try to buy the ammo I can't load it? Can you tell me in which screen do you buy the cannons and ammo? I try it in the Shi/War part, it says that I have 20 cannons but no ammo.
Sailors appear in Europe, when there is a red (!) on the "ships Europe" on the right.
I went back to my saved games and got a sailor(Petty criminal) on turn 78.
Earlier than that I don't have saved.
note: I able to train sailors in my colonies now. I don't know how or why but
do know the profession costs 200.
I've read the Ammo feature is only on Conquistadore difficulty.
yes, I was worried about 0 ammo in red on the ships-tatical information screen
but the strength went up when I resupplied the ship.
You can store your cannons in the warehouse to equip fighting vessels you bought.
2nd way: Buy your cannons in europe and take them to your colonies to
equip ships you build there. If you buy a ship in Europe and have to make
the run to the colonies for cannons, it is at 0(zero) strength.
I have not been able to build cannons yet. I think only swords for 1st era,
muskets added for 2nd era and then cannons in the 3rd.
Thanks. At what turn do you get the pirates, and at what turn do you get to the 2nd era? I'm at turn 90 and nothing.
Hmm, when the pirates started, not sure but by turn 141, I owed the king
39,000 for an escort. The pirates had sunk my galleon and 2 merchantmen.
I was just getting by with a caravel.
I've went back and read the messages in DoaNE thread in the
creation & customization about version 1.35. They put the eras
information in the civilopedia under /game concepts/eras.
0- 85 turns 1st era
85-180 turns 2nd era starts if founded 2 colonies and independence rate > 20%
180-300 turns 2nd era
300-360 turns 3rd era starts if founded 5 colonies and independence rate > 45%
360- 3rd era
So until Dazio tells us why we have zero independence rate,
I guess it's 180 and 360 turns for us.