New images for the Futur DaoNE v2.00

I had to restart my game. Turns out that I got a hardy pioneer early in the game and I made a farm in my two cities in the plains, but when I got my agronomist and my cotton seed, I couldn't plant it. ACKKK.

I restarted my game, got the agronomist in the plain square, tested it to see if I could get the seed planted and voila. After I made sure, then I got my agronomist to plant it.

Do you know where is the data of the seeds and where you could plant them?

Hmm, when the pirates started, not sure but by turn 141, I owed the king
39,000 for an escort. The pirates had sunk my galleon and 2 merchantmen.
I was just getting by with a caravel.
I got a sailor in this game in the 90 turn aproximately. An experienced sailor, the one in the blue dress!
I have now a Naval Escort with an experienced sailor with cannons. Hopefully it will work.

Now to some bugs that I have encountered:

1. The seeds farm thing. As I explained above, that sucks.
2. Taxes, sometimes the King sends me the message that he's going to raise taxes, but he actually lowers them. From 13 to 10. Not that I'm complaining.
3. When you first get attacked by pirates, the king offers a Naval Escort, but when I happened to me, I had no sailors available, so it was useless at that time, and for 30,000 too. You should get one fully armed and manned.
4. When you hire a immigrant, it says that they will charge you 34857573, and you don't see the real number only after you agree to his fee. With the sailors, you see the right fee right away.

JRL I'm curious, how much money can you get by trading with the indians in the beginning of the game? Say in turns 10 -40.
I suposse that you inmediately buy 25 horses to equip a settler and turn him to an explorer.
How many different seeds you have planted? Wheat is only a food bonus right?
Now I don't bother with elder statesman becuase I'm not getting any bells from them.


I don't know why but I get super excited when I'm able to plant seeds. That is cool.
I had to restart my game. Turns out that I got a hardy pioneer early in the game and I made a farm in my two cities in the plains, but when I got my agronomist and my cotton seed, I couldn't plant it. ACKKK.

I restarted my game, got the agronomist in the plain square, tested it to see if I could get the seed planted and voila. After I made sure, then I got my agronomist to plant it.

Do you know where is the data of the seeds and where you could plant them?

My first game, I could not plant cotton either.

Dazio said the information is in the Civipedia but I havn't seen it.
Some of it:

Seeds ..... Best Lat, Type of Square
Coffee...... 0-26, in Grasslands
Indigo ...... 0-18, in Grasslands
Peanuts.... 0-34, in ?
Corn......... 0-54, in ?
Wheat..... 20-54, in Plains
Sugar....... 0-20, in Marshs
Tobacco..... ? , ?
Cotton........ ? , ?

I got a sailor in this game in the 90 turn aproximately. An experienced sailor, the one in the blue dress!
I have now a Naval Escort with an experienced sailor with cannons. Hopefully it will work.
I would like to be able to run down the pirates after they attack my ships.
I also put the experienced sailor in the escort. I figured the escort has the best
chance of surviving and gaining military experience.

Now to some bugs that I have encountered:

1. The seeds farm thing. As I explained above, that sucks.
2. Taxes, sometimes the King sends me the message that he's going to raise taxes, but he actually lowers them. From 13 to 10. Not that I'm complaining.
3. When you first get attacked by pirates, the king offers a Naval Escort, but when I happened to me, I had no sailors available, so it was useless at that time, and for 30,000 too. You should get one fully armed and manned.
4. When you hire a immigrant, it says that they will charge you 34857573, and you don't see the real number only after you agree to his fee. With the sailors, you see the right fee right away.

1. I see where the scout has which seedling he has now,
but it goes away after returning to a city.

2. seen

3. sounds familar, I think I had to switch in a sailor from one of my other ships.

4. seen too

JRL I'm curious, how much money can you get by trading with the indians in the beginning of the game? Say in turns 10 -40.

Ok, I went back and restarted another game yesterday.
I wandered around, like normal, trying to find a good spot
to establish my first colony. Whenever I located a native village
on the coast, I let my pioneer talk to the chief and then used
the ship to see what the village had to offer. I found a good
spot with a fish resource, lumber and plains for food. It happened
to be right between 2 villages. I founded the colony and went back
for about 10 trade goods(14 gold each).
I dropped off all but 1 in the colony
went to the left village and got:
40 food, 24 lumber, 26 ore. drop off loot and pick up 1 trade good.
far left village(took 2 turns) ,trade for 41 food, 24 lumber, 24 fur, 1 tobacco.
left : 36 food, 2 peanuts, 18 ore
right village: 37 food, 22 lumber, 23 peanuts

headed back to europe sold the 24 fur and 25 nuts for $1900.

each time I was trading in a native village, they would trade me
everything except 15 food for 1 trade good, so I was getting
between 20-40 food and about 25 lumber each transaction plus other stuff.

The lumber allowed the soldier to become the carpenter and speed
warehouse and docks. The pioneer built roads to the villages and
then I built a wagon to free the ship for longer trips.

The food I turned into my first free colonost (turn 46).

So if my math adds up correctly, by turn 46, for 13 trade goods(~$180),
I received 423 food, 288 lumber, 89 ore, 81 peanuts, 73 fur, 3 tobacco

(423x$10)+(288x$8)+(89x$13)+(81x$37)+(73x$44)+(3x$48) = $14,044

of course, the food went into the colonist, the lumber into the city, the ore
was waiting for a blacksmith. so that leaves $6200 surplus.

highlight: found a village to trade me 24 silver ($8136) for 1 trade good($14)

free colonists on turn 46, 65, 76, 83,

I suposse that you inmediately buy 25 horses to equip a settler and turn him to an explorer.
How many different seeds you have planted? Wheat is only a food bonus right?
Now I don't bother with elder statesman becuase I'm not getting any bells from them.

for bell production:
I think in the 1st era you get a small bonus to production.
Then in the 2nd era you get expansion of territory
and in the 3rd you start getting rebel %
(since the 3rd era began, my smaller cities were up to 40% liberty)


I don't know why but I get super excited when I'm able to plant seeds. That is cool.

I like to build the infrastructures too. Expanding the food supply, planting seeds,
balancing the production of finished goods with raw materials, building roads
I prefer lots of different raw materials/goods.

What driving me crazy right now, is how to get more speciaists.
what drives the recuiting percentage? What can I do to improve
my odds of getting , let me say thinking back to my 1st game,
another agronomist. I think I'll try putting the original to work in
the city and trying to training a colonist at a college.

Maybe I will put an ad in the newspaper saying the candidate agnomist
has only to teach others, not work in the fields himself.
;)A cushy faculty postion.
Dazio said the information is in the Civipedia but I havn't seen it.
Some of it:

Seeds ..... Best Lat, Type of Square
Coffee...... 0-26, in Grasslands
Indigo ...... 0-18, in Grasslands
Peanuts.... 0-34, in ?
Corn......... 0-54, in ?
Wheat..... 20-54, in Plains
Sugar....... 0-20, in Marshs
Tobacco..... ? , ?
Cotton........ ? , ?

I have tobacco at 21 -50, grasslands
Cotton 26 -38, plains
Wheat 20 - 54 plains.

Now we have most of the seeds information.

I dropped off all but 1 in the colony
went to the left village and got:
40 food, 24 lumber, 26 ore.
You got all that from 1 trade good. WOW.
I usually trade like 26 ore for 15 trade goods.
Hi everybody,
I am happy to see this sub forum is still alive. :)
I moved in an other city, and studies begin. So, it will be hard for me to work well on the mod.
But I will try to fix the bug you met.
I will read better tomorrow but I can say you one thing.

How we can have a sailor?
- If we have a sailor proposal
- We can double click on a criminal or a colonist on the european dock, then you can choose to form him to a sailor. It will be not good but you will able to use your ship ^^.
- If you have an high school, you can form a sailor if he becomes a student (like me :p, but I don't want to be a sailor :lol:)

Good game!!
Hi everybody,
I am happy to see this sub forum is still alive.
I moved in an other city, and studies begin. So, it will be hard for me to work well on the mod.
I was wondering if you could explain to us how the immigration works in the 2.0 version.
You got all that from 1 trade good. WOW.
I usually trade like 26 ore for 15 trade goods.

I am playing on, (looks), explorer difficulty. Are you on harder?

I don't like that the natives can see all my wares in the ship/wagon.

If I went to the village with 1 goods they would give me 30 food,
30 lumber and 20 fur. If I went there with 15 goods, they want all 15.
I've tried to offer, for example, 1 goods for 20 furs but the natives
call me arrogant and then boycotted me.

so I want to go to the village, trade goods for furs and then
go to the next village and do the same, and again, until the wagon is full.

There is no way to "refuel" the wagons cargo (outside of the city).
My first game I had to make a city in the most southern part of
the map. The wagons were going 10 turns to the villages for resources.
the city was just a place for the wagons to load (1) trade goods
and drop off resources.

The natives seem to have too many resources. I can return to
a village 2-3 turns later and have to pick and choose, so as not to overfill
the wagon. Maybe I am abusing of the system.
I was wondering if you could explain to us how the immigration works in the 2.0 version.
You have reputation in Europe. This reputation is defined by unemployement, your wealth, religion rate, food rate...
For each unit in the immigration screen, there is a percentage of appearance.
For example, if a fisherman has 30% of appearance and if you select it you will have 30% of luck to have a fisherman on your dock.
If you have a good reputation, this percentage can be increase or decrease if it is bad.
Every turn, the system will pick 1,2, or 3 units (according to era) in all units you selected to recruit.
Then when you have a proposal of your unit, you can negotiate the price or accept its offer.
Finally, you must quickly take him in the new world otherwise he leaves.
You have reputation in Europe. This reputation is defined by unemployement, your wealth, religion rate, food rate...
For each unit in the immigration screen, there is a percentage of appearance.
For example, if a fisherman has 30% of appearance and if you select it you will have 30% of luck to have a fisherman on your dock.
If you have a good reputation, this percentage can be increase or decrease if it is bad.
Every turn, the system will pick 1,2, or 3 units (according to era) in all units you selected to recruit.
Then when you have a proposal of your unit, you can negotiate the price or accept its offer.
Finally, you must quickly take him in the new world otherwise he leaves.
Thanks, I hope that you doing fine in your new city.
Just for curiosity, how do you define unemployment in Col?
The part when you have to take him quickly or he leaves, Hmmm. I had many immigrants that I was about to get and they leave.
Always when I try to negotiate, they just flat out refuse.

Yesterday, I was able to plant both cotton and sugar. What a happy day. :)
JRL gave me the tip that your seasoned scout has a line that says what seed he has. I didn't know that you had to bring him back to the colony that was going to plant that seed.

My question is: If I bring a cotton seed from a native village to my colony X, does that means that it will only be available in colony X or in all of my colonies.
Also, it seems that two agronomists working in the same tile doesn't seem to speed up his production.

When do I get those extravagant Master Distillers?
Also, there is something that I find odd. In the beginning of the game there is no Rum in Europe, and I can't make it in my colonies, how does some Natives tribes want to exchange some of their goods for Rum?


If I went to the village with 1 goods they would give me 30 food,
30 lumber and 20 fur. If I went there with 15 goods, they want all 15.
I've tried to offer, for example, 1 goods for 20 furs but the natives
call me arrogant and then boycotted me.

so I want to go to the village, trade goods for furs and then
go to the next village and do the same, and again, until the wagon is full.
Wow, you are making a killing deal!
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