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New mod: Humankind Personas

Kudos to NombreyApellido, as both Hatshepsut and Zheng Yi Sao tend to be excellent rivals. Sadly, my poor Hannibal often seems to be subjugated quite early, though he might earn his bread yet.

Also, curious whether others have had this issue. No matter which persona I load in the config file, that persona is always duplicated and part of the pool. So, if it's my home persona, I play as the persona but then my persona also pops up when randomized. Likewise, I load another persona, and that persona is duplicated. Any idea what's going on?
Also, it's been a little while, but I'm happy to introduce my North Sea set of Early Modern personas! We have two sovereign cousins and a Hapsburg regent. I've played with all, and they seem to stand up for themselves. Of course, I'm happy that's the case, as I couldn't resist appropriating the curls for some 17th century dapperness.

Charles II [advanced]

benevolent / open / forgiving

exhibitionist / charmer


Spoiler :
Charles II.png

Louis XIV [expert]

militarist / adaptive / extrovert

engineer / showboater

prideful / vauban

Spoiler :
Louis XIV.png

Margherita [advanced]

loyal / pacifist / forgiving

magnate / uniter


Spoiler :


  • North Sea Personas.zip
    2.3 KB · Views: 77
Kudos to NombreyApellido, as both Hatshepsut and Zheng Yi Sao tend to be excellent rivals. Sadly, my poor Hannibal often seems to be subjugated quite early, though he might earn his bread yet.

Also, curious whether others have had this issue. No matter which persona I load in the config file, that persona is always duplicated and part of the pool. So, if it's my home persona, I play as the persona but then my persona also pops up when randomized. Likewise, I load another persona, and that persona is duplicated. Any idea what's going on?
Currently, the way the mod is working is that the persona named in the config is added to the pool of potential adversaries. This allows people to play against themselves if they want to. If this isn't what's wanted, and I guess now with the randomization feature, it really probably isn't, the mod can be updated so this will no longer happen. I'll post again when it's updated so people can grab the new version that will not cause this to happen.
Kudos to NombreyApellido, as both Hatshepsut and Zheng Yi Sao tend to be excellent rivals. Sadly, my poor Hannibal often seems to be subjugated quite early, though he might earn his bread yet.

Also, curious whether others have had this issue. No matter which persona I load in the config file, that persona is always duplicated and part of the pool. So, if it's my home persona, I play as the persona but then my persona also pops up when randomized. Likewise, I load another persona, and that persona is duplicated. Any idea what's going on?
In my game, Hannibal was a little on the aggressive side, and he was not subjugated. :)
if there is a AOM feaure wishlist somewhere, i'd love to see a couple more slots opened for new strenghts and biases. for instance, there's not much linked to religion and trade in the default ones...


i played hannibal with gedemon's TLC. perhaps the location doesn't help him but he usually gets relegated after warring his neighbors

i feel the difficulty setting may cover up part of the persona characteristics... but in general, it's an awesome system that adds lots of deep for those of us into the worldbuilding details. hopefully, amplitude expands this feature someday. i'd love to see wearables linked to the era star system. the more unlocked, the more swag

yeah, i need a feather crown for my olmec spyder queen :)
Currently, the way the mod is working is that the persona named in the config is added to the pool of potential adversaries. This allows people to play against themselves if they want to. If this isn't what's wanted, and I guess now with the randomization feature, it really probably isn't, the mod can be updated so this will no longer happen. I'll post again when it's updated so people can grab the new version that will not cause this to happen.

That makes so much sense. I was wondering why I was just noticing it, and it was driving me a little up the wall, but totally makes sense it's only due to the randomization feature. On a side note, I occasionally see posts on other forums where folks bemoan the lack of persona diversity and historical figures. I certainly hope BepInEx and your mods gain steam if Amplitude doesn't outright adopt them!

In my game, Hannibal was a little on the aggressive side, and he was not subjugated. :)

i played hannibal with gedemon's TLC. perhaps the location doesn't help him but he usually gets relegated after warring his neighbors

This is good to hear. On GEM, with TCL, I tried him in both Slot 1 and 4. Both times he ended up Hatshepsut's vassal! The most recent non-TCL game I just wrapped up, however, although he was vassalized, Hannibal also pulled through to be the first in the contemporary and the first to complete the nuclear test sequence. He ended up third (Zheng Yi Sao took second, after me.)

hopefully, amplitude expands this feature someday. i'd love to see wearables linked to the era star system. the more unlocked, the more swag

yeah, i need a feather crown for my olmec spyder queen :)

I certainly hope they add more assets. Using 16th century garb for the 17th century sovereigns was quite the compromise. I'm also looking forward to using some more of your personas in my next TCL game, regardless of feather crowns.
Hammurabi [expert]

careful/cool headed/open

note: the agrarian strength is intended to help him in his TCL spawn point, tested builder variant did not provide desired results. Ḫammurābi may be a better spelling fit to keep with the general theme


  • hammurabi.zip
    123.1 KB · Views: 73
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Ītzpāpālōtl had some issues with character rendering when I loaded the persona. Anyone else?

Spoiler :
Persona character rendering.png

Also, that's a great point about testing for the spawn location. I've been focusing more on evocative traits, but I'll try to incorporate that into my due diligence!
looks like your system doesn't like special characters (letters)

you may need to manually change to regular ones using the .json file

sorry about that, i thought the game handled them with issues
Jezebel, Princess of Sidon [expert]

cruel/traitorous/risk taking



  • Jezebel.zip
    409 bytes · Views: 52
Kubaba, Queen of Kish [expert]

risk taking/adaptative/extrovert
luxurious/hired swords



  • Kubaba.zip
    406 bytes · Views: 54
Enheduanna, High Priestess of Akkad [expert]




  • Enheduanna.zip
    415 bytes · Views: 56
During my most recent Zhou game, Khutulun and Rudrama Devi were the greatest competition score-wise. My Charles II was my primary rival, but his launching a forever-war against me led to my taking ten or so regions off him and hence taking him out of the running.

I met Khutulun in the Medieval, and she quickly vassalized the north. What's worse, she even called my bluff, and I opted to withdraw several demands against her vassals because I had no direct path to assault the capital of her vast empire. I only discovered Rudrama Devi in the early modern up to which point she had the highest score. Of course, by then, her empire was in shambles for completely unknown reasons as I had not ventured that far before. I particularly appreciated being outplayed by Khutulun in the Medieval.
If only this feature could be implemented into the game officially. It's such a waste of a character creator without it.
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