New Omnipotent Dominion (EQNES)


My current user title
Oct 13, 2002
San Francisco
Welcome to the official NOD thread. We will discuss public NOD policy here, and any questions to the NOD as a whole can be posted here.

Current Members:
-Andes Confederation

Invitations to:

NOD Resoultions
Green=Resolution Proposed
Blue =Resolution Passed
Red=Resolution Defeated

All resolutions will have one turn to be voted on.

Resolution 1: The dual headquarters of the NOD shall be Alexandria, Egypt and Brasilia, Brazil. This shall be to ensure that one headquarters will survive and also to have representation for both sides of the world.
Yay: 5, Nay: 0

Resolution 2: All NOD members shall be required to help an ally under attack unless circumstances require otherwise. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the alliance.
Yay: 5, Nay: 0

Resolution 3: The NOD can only go to war with a nation if it is deemed to be threatening the peace and if 2/3 of the alliance agrees upon it. If there is a war with another nation, all alliance members must send troops to help.
Yay: 5, Nay: 0

Resolution 4: The NOD is a peaceful alliance, and any nation showing agressive tendencies without consulting alliance members will be considered for explulsion from the alliance. Furthermore, any nation involved in an agressive war will not be allowed entry into the NOD. Exceptions to this are nations retaking rebellious provinces.
Yay: 5, Nay: 0

Resolution 5: The American Alliance, comprising hereof the Andes Confederation, Azteca, and the Argentine Republic is to be another alliance within the NOD, an alliance within an alliance if you will, that may operate outside the NOD, but each nation will fully fulfill their duties of the NOD alliance. This includes possibly wars of the American Alliance, but not operating from the NOD.
Yay: 4, Nay:0

Resolution 6: Protect China, a fellow alliance member, from USNA agression, should it ever come using military force.
Yay: 10, Nay: 0

Resolution 7: Use military force against Texas for using nuclear weapons against troops of Aztecea, a fellow alliance member.
Yay: 5, Nay: 5

Map, etc to come later
reserved for map
Egypt Votes
Resolution 1: Yay
Resolution 2: Yay
Resolution 3: Yay
Resolution 4: Yay
OOC: I just wanted to tell GDI members that we made the name, yes from C&C but we diddent make the name to have full out war like in the game we made the name from C&C because yours was too so dont start war with us because oh there NOD from C&C so they must be bad, have a good reason please.
huh, its ok, i dont even have C&C :p
Brazil Votes

1: Yay
2: Yay
3: Yay
4: Yay

Resolution 5: The countries Eygpt, Brazil and China have full Veto powers. This means that when a resolution comes up and one of these three countries say VETO the Resolution is dead and can not pass till 2 turns pass then it can come back for revoting or to be vetoed.
All NPC vote yes for all resolutions with exception of resolution five which all 3 NPC say no too because if those 3 nations get that power so should they.
alright i remove resolution 5 from voting
We welcome Arabia into the NOD. Also, resolution 5 will not be added to voting since its sponsor has withdrawn the resolution. We also look forward to the possible entry of the American Alliance into the NOD.
The Andes Confederation is happy to join the NOD, with it's American Alliance as a subsidery.

Furthermore, we present this resolution:

Resolution #5
The American Alliance, comprising hereof the Andes Confederation, Azteca, and the Argentine Republic is to be another alliance within the NOD, an alliance within an alliance if you will, that may operate outside the NOD, but each nation will fully fulfill their duties of the NOD alliance. This includes possibly wars of the American Alliance, but not operating from the NOD.

And Andes Confederation votes yay for all 4 resolutions.
Jason youts is #6

6 Why not, YAY

We as a member of the American Alliance agree to join the Nod.

We vote:

1# Yay
2# Yay
3# Nay
4# Nay
5# Nay
6# Yay
No, Jasons resolution is 5 i removed mine since i dident consider it long enough
I will contact you over PM as to were our secret forums will be
Resolution 5: Yay
human slaughter, your PM link did not work, explain exactly what i need to do to get it to work please.
never mind the above post.
resolution 5: Yay
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