This thread summarizes and records the results of each Vox Populi Congress session. Proposals which were vetoed (VT), withdrawn (WD) or not sponsored (NS) prior to the session's Voting Phase will not be listed here; they can be viewed in the Failed Proposals subforum.
Valid votes (from users permitted to participate) are tallied in the rightmost column. Invalid or cheated votes are removed from the tally.
Vox Populi Congress Session #1
Valid votes (from users permitted to participate) are tallied in the rightmost column. Invalid or cheated votes are removed from the tally.
Vox Populi Congress Session #1
Spoiler Implementation Notes :
Note 1: The bonus for constructing National Wonders was not implemented. It was decided that adding a table to specifically reward National Wonder construction was unnecessary.
Note 2: Sponsor did not implement the proposal due to life challenges.
Note 3: Sponsor did not implement the proposal due to technical challenges (it was far more complicated than anticipated). After multiple cleanups of the movement code in the interim, it was eventually implemented by the Host much later, during the Implementation Phase for Session #7.
Note 4: The probabilities had to be edited when the assigned player had a low city count (< 4).
Note 5: The Camel Archer was changed as well.
Note 2: Sponsor did not implement the proposal due to life challenges.
Note 3: Sponsor did not implement the proposal due to technical challenges (it was far more complicated than anticipated). After multiple cleanups of the movement code in the interim, it was eventually implemented by the Host much later, during the Implementation Phase for Session #7.
Note 4: The probabilities had to be edited when the assigned player had a low city count (< 4).
Note 5: The Camel Archer was changed as well.
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