New units: 5 futuristic tanks

Red Threat said:
I'm gonna build a modern earth scenario with all these units! :goodjob:

But what about the Unit32.pcx file for tanks?!

If the unit has both civilopedia files(large and small) just open the small one and the civilization 3 main 32.pcx files with GIMP or a program like it. Copy the civilopedia picture and paste it in a blank square. Fill the white with magenta(default color of blank square) and save.
Khai said:
Can anyone post animations for a couple of these?

You must download them, they are GREAT! I had added them into my game! :)
/note: you must add the hover tank first bec. of the .ini-s/

-EDIT: Here is an In-game pic!
Left to right: Laser Tank, HWP, Heavy Plasma Tank, Hover Tank, Plasma Tank


  • futuretanks.bmp
    185.3 KB · Views: 384
jzsf said:
Khm, BeBro... :p
Here are they:

Umm, thx again - I think I have to double-check next time when I post units if those icons are included....;)

Re preview anims - at the CDG are some animated previews including two of these tanks here:

CDG Preview Thread

However, bear in mind that you have to be logged in at the CDG site (means you must be a registered user there) otherwise the anims are not displayed ;)
I am a first time poster here and I am very sorry if I am doing this wrong. I have tried for over 3 hours to install the Future tank called HL Tank or Heavy Palasma Tank to my civ3. That is so cool of a tank I might add. I guess I am the stupidist person around when it comes to getting this done.. :blush:

when I start the game, I keep getting getting:

Missing text pediaicon/animname_PRTO_HLTank

I am sure I am messing up in other areas too. I really feel dumb here and probably have every right too after admitting I cant do this install thing. Can someone email me step by step on how to do this? I know it's asking so much of your time but at 38 years old here, I am losing my mind trying to figure this out. :(


I have read through the forums here but the step by step is not to clear for a newbie like me. I am begging you...Please help me. :)

OK, I am embarrassed now for asking but I am hooked on this game.

Thank you kindly for reading this and again, I am sorry if i posted in the wrong area but I thought with the tanks there I would try.
ozymandias said:
Did you try one of the step-by-steps from the Tutorials section, like this one?


Yeah, I read that one you provided. Just got done with reading it actually.

See, I think I am having problems on what to type in the add units screen.

Example: PRTO_HLTank or PRTO_HeavyPlasmaTank or PRTO_HL_Tank etc...

The message I get is: Missing entry: text" \pediaicons\aninmname PRTO_HLTank or something close to that. Can't remember exactly

As for the link you gave me (step by step). Remove the read only? where is that?Gawd am I really embarrassed here. I can build a commercial airplane but I can't install a unit in a game. Jeesh.

mikeakrem said:
See, I think I am having problems on what to type in the add units screen.

Example: PRTO_HLTank or PRTO_HeavyPlasmaTank or PRTO_HL_Tank etc...

The message I get is: Missing entry: text" \pediaicons\aninmname PRTO_HLTank or something close to that. Can't remember exactly

Hi Mike,

The problem may very well be in the naming. Here is how it should work.
First lets add the hovertank without the .pcx files. When you have unzipped create a new folder called


and put the following files in it.


Now move this folder into the art\units folder of you game or scenario

Now go to the editor and open the file to which you want to add the unit. Now go to the units tab of the rules. Add a unit and name it how you like this is what it will be called in the game. Take for instance

Hover Tank

Then you have to fill in the civilopedia entry box beneath it, take:


give it some stats and any icon (I'll tell you how to get the correct one later) and save and close the editor.

Then you have to open the file called text\pediaicons.txt in the same root folder as art\units. In the file look for a list of entries all called animname_PRTO_XXX where XXX are all the different units.
Here you must add two lines:


Now try it in the game. Don't open the civilopedia in the game as this will not yet work.

First try this and let me know if it works.

All the names can be chosen randomly but there are a few rules:

The name of the folder you create must be the same as the name of the .ini file in it and must be the same as the second line you add in the pediaicons.txt

The name of the unit in the game must be unique this is the first name you enter in the editor.

The second name you use in the editor (ciliopedia entry) cannot have spaces and must begin with PRTO_
this has to be the same as the first line you add in the pediaicons.txt beginning with #ANIMNAME_PRTO_

Hope this helps cheers,
I don't usually include futuristic units into my personal mod, but I may have to make room for these guys... Thank You!
black_rose said:
Hi Mike,

The problem may very well be in the naming. Here is how it should work.
First lets add the hovertank without the .pcx files. When you have unzipped create a new folder called



WOW, thanks. It works awesome. I LOVE it!!

BUT....for some reason i am having trouble adding other units. The names of the *other* units won't show up on the list where you give yourself that unit in the editor so when you start the game, you start off by having it like you do your settler, worker and scout. The Hover Tank is there but I tried the F22 Raptor following the same steps above but <sigh> it wont show the name for me to add it to the start of the game. I deleted everything about the Raptor.

Will I have this problem adding other units, like I did with the Raptor?

mikeakrem said:
Which one is the Hovertank.ini ??
a configuration thing which gives the speed of the tank etc..
That's it!

mikeakrem said:
I put the Hovertank folder in conquests art/units. I now realize (thanks to your help) I can only play in the Mod I created in conquests instead of scenerios or I will have to put the unit in that area as well, *I think*.
Yes and no, for scenarios civ3conquests also looks in the general unit folders, but you would have to add it in the .biq file with the editor and also in the pediaicons.txt

mikeakrem said:
Now how can I get the large and small picture.pcx's to work in my list of units to create? Jeez, I need to send you beer or something. :) I really do appreciate what you have done for me here.

Beer would be a good idea if I didn't live in the Netherlands shipping costs might be a bit high ;)

Oke there are two more things to do. First:

download the files xtanksu32 files by jzsf and open the Hovertank_u32.pcx (even microsoft photo editor is good enough) select all and copy the image. Now open units_32.pcx in the art\units folder and paste the hovertank in an empty box (somewhere at the end). Save it and open the civeditor. Now you can select the correct icon on the units tab for the hovertank it will be a high number.

It might be a good idea to test it in the game at this point. (There will be a placeholder in the civilopedia as well, but it will not look very good.)


Move the Hovertank_large.pcx and the Hoverank_small.pcx to the following directory


now go back to the pediaicons.txt in the text folder you used earlier. look for a list with entries like

art\civilopedia\icons\units\x2_MobileSAM lg.pcx
art\civilopedia\icons\units\x2_MobileSAM sm.pcx

for all units (in fact this is the last one in the list). Add the following three lines:


That's it! All the artwork will be in the game. Don't forget to check the civilopedia. I'll leave the text entries for next time, maybe after the beer has arrived ;) Hope this works.

oh and btw I realised I have posted here without commenting on the tanks :blush:

Bebro as I said before your X-com scenairio makes those by atari pale by comparison. One of the reasons is this bach of tanks!

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