News: GOTM64 Pre-Game Discussion

I'll be starting this one later tonight. I'm hoping that it's not one of those all alone on a small island with no goodie huts. At emperor it'll be a lot tougher to play an EXP tribe when there are not huts available. The last game (Zulu) I found a single hut (25g). I think there needs to be a discussion on a replacement bonus for EXP tribe, if we're going to eliminate local huts. Maybe adding a curragh in PTW for EXP tribes at Alphabet or 2nd settler/ worker would replace the virtual loss of a trait. I'm not sure that I've played a single non-xotm game as EXP that I didn't pop at least 3 AA techs and at least 1 worker, settler or city.
This looks like a good game. I like playing on Archipelago.
I usually build a Spearman first and then a Settler, and on and on. I'll probably make improvements and warriors until I get Bronze Working (I always go for Construction first).
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