Ninja Imperium Offtopicum I: A New Age

As the Union of Australia being the only true democracy left besides these united 50 states, we must accept
Name of Country: South American Alliance
Name of Leader: John Cruz
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
History of Nation: During the great war, the South American states were united in a mutual defense alliance. This Alliance slowly turned into a centralized republic. Much of South America's infrastructure was still lost in combat, but enough remains to sustain a nation and hopefully restore its former glory.
Color:See Map
Starting Claims:
After John Cruz read the message from the US he was quite surprised. Was the US unawhere of our existance, unawhere that we were a republic, or planning to attack us and refusing to recognize us? He decided to send a friendly letter to the US president in order to clarify this error. He also asked if the US would want an alliance to protect democracy in this world, where dictatorships seem to be winning and liberty is in more danger than ever?
After John Cruz read the message from the US he was quite surprised. Was the US unawhere of our existance, unawhere that we were a republic, or planning to attack us and refusing to recognize us? He decided to send a friendly letter to the US president in order to clarify this error. He also asked if the US would want an alliance to protect democracy in this world, where dictatorships seem to be winning and liberty is in more danger than ever?

After hearing rumours of a letter from the SAA to the USA about the fact that the USA had stated that only they and the AU were demorcacies Francois Tavernier decided that it was time to clarify the system of the CSS. They may not be a traditional democracy the world had known in the pre-WWIII era but they were a democracy none the less.

OOC: as soon as I have time I'll do a "detailed" update about the system. suffice to say that the Piratekings are choosen.

I'll do the first update when I get the map ready.
Republic of greece wants to join The Commonwealth of Nations.

GM NOTE: Originally, I thought that I would use a month system. However, I realised that would have made the game too slow paced. This means that there are some very minor rule changes. Please check the OP for more details.


Picture of UN Building, day of peace. The UN has flown the Flags of dead and new nations to pay respect to the wars. Inside, various delegations from all the nations in the world are signing the documents to officially end the bitter war. Will the peace last?


NPC Nations:

Republic of Canada:

Canada was largely unaffected by the war. They did send their soldiers to help other countries, but they backed out of the war much earlier than most other nations. They also took Alaska as a protectorate state after the fall of the North American Independence Alliance (NAIA), a brief alliance between Texas, Hawaii and Alaska. If Canada plays its cards right, it could become a major power in this new age.

Colour: Dark Red

Controls: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Spanish Empire:

Spain was on the front line of WWIII. They needed a strong leader and they got one in the form of a king. The king disbanded the constitutional democracy in favor for a monarchist one.

The King was obsessed with the Spanish empire of old, so he turned to Spain’s most famous colony; Mexico. After Spain’s borders were secure, Spain successfully took over a fractured Mexico. Using Mexico as a beach head, Spain then attacked Texas as they were busy fighting the USA.

After WWIII was over, the King seems to have toned down his expansionist policies. However, they could become dominant at any time. Could Spain be the catalyst of another war?

Colour: Pink

Controls: 25, 11, 13, 14, 15

Portuguese Empire:

Portugal went through a similar reform as Spain, a King in place of an elected government. Was this why the two nations seemed to get along so well? Unlike Spain, Portugal turned to Africa. After conquering most of North Africa, they became one of Africa’s most powerful players.

Colour: Dark Green

Controls: 24, 50, 51, 52, 53

Scandinavian Union:

During WWIII, the Scandinavian countries combined their military efforts to defend their nations. This union of their armed forces eventually ended in the merging of the three Scandinavian countries into one powerful nation.

The Scandinavian Union took Belgium under its wing after their military was pummeled by opposition forces. The only Scandinavian country that is not part of the Union is Denmark, who sealed their fate by joining the losing side of the war. Greenland and the Faroe Islands quickly joined the Union after the fall of Denmark, making the Union a force to be reckoned with.

Colour: Lavender

Controls: 31, 32, 33, 37, 5

Federation of Moscow:

Russia was on the wrong side of the war. Allied with China and a few other nations, it was fighting most of the world. Russia managed to briefly conquer the whole of Europe (minus Iberia, Greece and the British Isles), however, they were stopped in their tracks by strong resistance and the fierce soldiers of Greece and the New Holy Roman Empire.

Then, disaster struck. Siberia went into open revolt, starting the Second Russian Civil War. Russia was being pressed on both sides. They had no choice left but to surrender.

Russia was split in half. The short lived Siberian Federation was completely consumed by the Mongolian Empire and the Korean Empire. The rest of Russia was succeeded by the newly formed Federation of Moscow, which consists of the rest of Russia and Upper Eastern Europe, which joined the Federation after pressure from the Federation.

The Federation is ruled via a democracy. They have a bitter government who is still en angered by the downfall of Russia. Will this bitterness reignite war?

Colour: Russian Red

Controls: 37, 43, 44, 45, 46

Mongolian Empire:

Initially, Mongolia joined the war on the side of the Russians and Chinese. They did this because they would have been surrounded by enemies if they had joined the other side. However, they did not contribute much to the war. Both the Chinese and the Russians knew about it, yet they could do nothing.

Mongolia's chance finally came with the Second Russian Civil War. Their leader, who saw himself as the next Genghis Khan, attacked China, Russia and the Siberian Union at once. They made significant progress in the West, however Siberia and Eastern China put up a harsher resistance so Mongolia left them to the Koreans.

Mongolia was one of the last nations to declare peace, wanting to gain more land in Russia. However, they eventually declared peace and gave recognition to the Federation of Moscow. WWIII transformed Mongolia from nobodies to a significant Asian power. Will this new empire survive or will it crumble like many of the pre-war superpowers? Only time will tell.

Colour: Brown

Controls: 71, 70, 69, 47, 48

Korean Empire:

Korea didn’t really choose a side during WWIII. They attacked their neighbors, whether they were on the winning side or the losing side. Eventually, Kim Jon Il was overthrown by his son in a military coup. Korea then paid reparations to countries they had damaged and focused solely on China and Russia.

Korea now owns Far Eastern Asia, as well as Papua New Guiena. Kim Jon Un also has started to give his people more freedoms, however he still rules with an Iron Fist. Will this dictatorship survive or will it be blown away by the winds of freedom and revolution?

Colour: Cyan

Controls: 73, 74, 72, 49, 85

The Burmese-African Union:

Of all the nations that emerged after WWIII, the most bizarre would probably be the Burmese-African Union. After war ravaged through of Africa, the nations that weren’t part of the New Zulu Empire or one of Portugal’s colonies formed the Central African Republic. They had a constant fear that if the very European Portugal and the very anti-European Zulu-land went to war, they would suffer the consequences, being in the center of the two. At the same time, Burma, in between British India and the Heavenly Theocracy of Dai Wan, were worried that they could become one of Britain’s colonies or one of Dai Wan’s new conquests.

Seeing that they were both in similar situations, they decided to form a union. They thought that their combined military would discourage people from invading them. Will they be correct?

Colour: Grey

Controls: 78, 55, 56, 57, 58

Independent Hawaii:

America was on the winning side of the war. However, the political instability that happened during the war damaged America. Three nations succeeded from the USA, Texas, Alaska and Hawaii, which formed the North American Independence Alliance (NAIA).

The three states succeeded from the Union succeeded because of the war. Texas was concerned about Mexico, which was on the side of Russia and China, invading Texas. Alaska was concerned about the Russians attacking them from Siberia. And Hawaii was concerned about being destroyed, as it was America’s most prominent Naval base. America’s military was so weak that they could do nothing to relieve these aliments. So NAIA was formed.

NAIA signed non-aggression pacts with Mexico, Russia and China. They were at constant war with the USA, as they were succeeded territories. Texas invaded some nearby northwestern states to put pressure on America to recognize them as a country. However, this war was a fatal mistake for Texas. The newly formed Spanish Empire, who sided with the USA, invaded and conquered Mexico. They then proceeded to invade Texas while their troops were attacking America. Once 90% of the Texan Republic was under Spanish control, the rest of Texas could do nothing but surrender to them.

Alaska, concerned about the fall of Texas, became a protectorate of Canada, which officially dissolved the NAIA. The only free former NAIA state left was Hawaii. Will they remain independent or will they become part of a bigger nation?

Colour: Orange

Controls: 91

it was the Spring of 2020 when the two PirateKings met during the 2nd Conclave of St. Helena . The Kings had agreed that this would be a yearly event during which the Coalition would have it’s internal diplomacy and where the global strategies and which course the CSS would sail would be discussed.
This was the moment on which the PirateChiefs could choose a new King if they deemed it necessary or where they just simply could change allegiances by simple moving from the Coalition of Atlantic Buccaneers to the Coalition of the Indian Ocean or vice versa.

Tavernier and Garcia had retreated to a small office in which they could discuss the plans for next year. A large meeting with al chiefs was all very nice but you just couldn’t get things done. “Tell me” Tavernier started “who is you peaceful annexation of Greenland going?”
“Could be better, could be worse” Garcia answered. “They have joined the Scandinavian Union which could become a problem in the future. The people however seem to be content with our enclaves there. They freely provide us with food, equipment and even manpower. The only thing standing in the way of Greenland joining us is Politics and the army of SU, the people self seem willing enough.”
“Very good” Tavernier replied “I understand that you have ordered the Atlantic Islands to increase the recruiting of troops?“
“Yes, they have sent out recruiters and recruits come from all over the Atlantic to our islands. Men and women from the Portuguese Empire to the Holy Roman Empire, we even have some men from the Republic of Greece. And off course the people from Greenland whom I mentioned before”
“Excellent, I myself have ordered Oceania to increase the recruiting and with similar effect. I’ve got Australian, Korean and Japanese men and women joining us. I have also ordered the wharfs on Madagascar to build a new fleet. This fleet will be charged with claiming and c controlling the waters surrounding Madagascar. You would be wise to do the same with the Caribbean”
“true” Garcia said with a smile and continued “That’s why I’ve already ordered that. But I’m not only gonna claim and control the Caribbean I’m also gonna claim the seas on the other side of the Spanish lands there. You know there is a passageway to the other side of the Spanish lands there? Well, that passageway gives me the opportunity to lay claim on those waters”
“Very smart” Tavernier said “We seem to be on the exact same page concerning our fleets and troops”
“Now you tell me who you are doing with your attempts to get control of the Horn and of Hawaii” Garcia asked Tavernier.
“well actually, I want to talk to you about that. I’m making steady progress in the Horn but nothing really noticeable yet. However I have an idea I want to run by you. I’ve sent an emissary to Hawaii with the offer of them joining the coalition. I don’t know yet what there answer will be but if they accept I suggest the following. We create a third coalition within CSS. This coalition will consist of Hawaii and the Oceanic Islands and will be ruled by a third King.”
“So you relinquish your rule on the Oceanic Islands and therefore decrease your power?”
“Sure, It is ridiculous that those island in the Pacific are part of the Coalition of the INDIAN Ocean, don’t you think? And furthermore, they are to far away from Madagascar for me to effectively control those islands. At this point our territories there are to small to have their own King but with Hawaii it’s possible.”
“So that means that when Hawaii accepts you’ll effectively offer them a increase in territory”
“Yes” Tavernier answered simple “and I’m sure we could arrange for a Hawaiian to be the third King”
“Sounds like a plan”
And with that both Kings clasped their hands and went back to their Chiefs.

Spoiler orders :
The Coalition of the Seven Seas construct 1 ship in the Caribbean(16) and 1 in Madagaskar(64).
They conscript 1 troop in the Azores/Canary Islands (23) and 1 troop in Oceanië(87).

The Caribbean fleet will claim the Carribean watertile (AK)
The Madagaskarfleet will claim the Madagaskar watertile (BK)


The Coalition of the Seven Seas offers Independent Hawaii a place in the coalition
CSS sees mutual profit if Hawaii accepts a position in the coalition.

The Coalition of the Seven Seas offers a trade agreement to The New Zulu
An investment of 1 IP each will bring profit to both nations.

Edit: I'll be niceifying the Diplomacy soon (I like that word: Niceifying :p)
Independent Hawaii:


While we appreciate your offer, however Hawaii would like to remain independent for the time being. However a NAP, or even a DP could help solidify our relationship further.

NINJA'D: The Caribbean is in the water tile AK. Yes, I know that is on the other side, there is a connection between the two areas however I removed it from the current map because I am silly. :p
The Coalition of the Seven Seas

The CSS understands that Hawaii prefers to stay independent for the time being. After all they have only just started to govern their own island. And even though Hawaii would still be highly indepentend withing the coalition the CSS respects the decision of the people of Hawaii and they are always welcome to join the coalition if they want that.
That being said, the CSS gladly accepts the offer of a DP with Hawaii. Our ships will be your ships and our men will be your men if another nation threathens the indepence of Hawaii.
(I know: double post)

I've got a question about the Scandinavian Union. The desciption of Scananavian Union states that Denmark isn't part of it and it in the numbers Denmarl (30) isn't mentioned.
However according to the colormap Denmark is part of the SU.
According to the description of SU they claim tile 5, which is currently controlled by Canada (who also claimed it..)
what gives?
The temple was empty.
Except for one chair.
this chair was a simple chair.
it was a smaller chair than the large, illuminated - no wait, throne would be an understatement. No common word could describe it.
It seemed to be floating in the air, a ladder leading up to a cushion made of japanese silk.
and on this construction sat the great god Fong. (OOC: cookie for reference)
And on the other chair sat the diplomat of the Burmese.
"but sir, we cannot possibly-"
"what you ask of us is most ridiculous"
"no. Goodbye sir."
and at that more armies would be trained and plans for Burma were made.
Of course, I am but an humble scribe, and this were the most accurate descriptions of the great god's words.
And then he said we should trade with the False Koreans, as to lull them into a sense of security.
- Qin Manchu (no relation to Fu Manchu. Really)

(1) the writer seems to have been a Fongian for he wrote Fong's words in caps.
Orders: Construct 1 troop in Indochina and 1 troop in the Guanxi Clique (Southern China), 1 ship in the Guanxi Clique (Southern China) and 1 ship in the Ming Clique (northern china)
Offer trade agreement to Korea.
Diplomacy matters:

Nations Invited to the Commonwealth for Senior Membership Status: Great Britain, Canada. Please let us know as soon as possible.

Nations that have been accepted into the Commonwealth: USA

Nations Declined from the Commonwealth: Greece

Orders and story to come later.
To: Spain, Canada
From: USA

You hold lands that are part of the enternal bond of the Union. Release these lands, or we will release them for you.

From: USA

I suggest you stay out of Hawaii...

From: USA

...and you come back.
(I know: double post)

I've got a question about the Scandinavian Union. The desciption of Scananavian Union states that Denmark isn't part of it and it in the numbers Denmarl (30) isn't mentioned.
However according to the colormap Denmark is part of the SU.
According to the description of SU they claim tile 5, which is currently controlled by Canada (who also claimed it..)
what gives?

OCC: Yeah, I kinda failed with the Scandinavian Union. I'll fix it soon.

EDIT: Ah, yes. I fixed the nation numbers on the front page but not the update page. Denmark IS part of it, but Belgium isn't. Use the OP for a more realistic description of the Union.
the great god Fong. (OOC: cookie for reference)

OOC: Sounds like Discworld to me.

IC: The Mesopot offers a Defensive Pact with all states with a presence in mainland Africa.

OOC: Further orders to come later, when I have time.

"Admiral Johnson, sir."
"Admiral Se, sir."
"Admiral Pinison, sir."

William Hatter looked up from the map of Australia that set on his desk, seeing the Admirals stand before him. He looked at each, Johnson with his tall stature, Se, the complete opposite of Johnson, was the smallest, and Pinison, who had lost his leg in the Monsoon Assault. After glancing at each, he made a mark with his pencil on the map and stood up. He shook each of their hands, and finally asked, 'Do you know why you are here?"

"I heard we are being moved, is that right?" Pinison answered with his low voice.

"Correct, each of you are being stationed here, here, and here." Hatter was pointing to he map on his desk. The admirals gathered around glancing at it. Giving a chuckle, Johnson pointed out, "The Koreans will not like this."

"Of course they will not." Hatter said smiling.


3 new Navies.

Stationed at: 82 (It doesn't have a number) The one by Borneo (Has no number either) and 86 (Same as the last two.)

2 New armies

Stationed at: 83, and 82.

To Canada and Great Britain: You are being offered a chance at Senior Membership in the Commonwealth, do you accept?
"In the history of Texas, there has been six flags that waved proudly over it. Spain was the first, with Texas being the northern frontier of New Spain. For a little bit, a French colony also existed, but it was abandoned and absorbed into New Spain. But when New Spain rebelled, the new nation of Mexico formed, under the grasp of Sanna Anna. Anna, wanting to get immigrants to Texas, invited Americans to come over if they assimilated to Mexican culture of Spanish, Catholic, and lack on bondage. The colonists refused to give up English, Protestantism, and their slaves, so they hijacked a independence movement for their own revolution to rejoin America. Texas would remain independent after it successfully fought of Sanna Anna, and would, after a decade, join the United States of America. During the Civil War over various topics that won't be covered due to the flame bait, Texas decided to throw their cowboy hats over to the Confederacy. When the Confederacy lost the war, they went back into the Union, along with all the other states..."

This plaque is outside the town hall of Houston. It is both in English and Spanish, and was built to accommodate the surrender of Texas to Spain. The rest of the plaque, which talks about the rest of Texan history, is covered in graffiti and is currently unreadable. No matter if they were pro-Texan or pro-Union, one thing was for sure; no one was happy being under Spain's thumb.

Distipe the wave of Latino immigration into America during the early 21th century, America was a predominantly a English-speaking state, and the American way of life prevailed. The secession of Texas during the middle of war is still a divider to this day. However, now being under Spain, the only official language was Spanish, and their culture of gun-toting and beer-chugging was now frowned upon by the authorities.

Some people became disgruntled but carried on with their lives. Others, however, took matters into their own hands. pro-Texan and pro-Union militias inside the city stopped shooting at each other and looked at their common foe; the Spanish. Dubbed the "Houston Coalition", partiality after the city and partilarly after the man, they fight for the withdrawl of the Spanish from Houston, Texas, and, if possible, the new world itself. Later, more resistance groups formed, from the Rio Grande to the Rockies, with the outcry being more unified in the Texas vs. Union debate the more north you go.

The Lone-Star Banner and the Gonzalez flag used to stare down the Star-Spangled Banner and the Gadsden Flag. Now, all four flags in the city have the same meaning: This is a English-speaking country.

Build two navies:

One is built on either East Coast province, will be henceforth called "United States Second Fleet" (Or Atlantic Fleet for clarity), and shall be moved to AL.

Other navy is built on either West Coast province, and will be called "United States Third Fleet" (Or Pacific Fleet), and shall be moved to AJ

Other three IP shall be reserved for now, but I may edit this later
Democratic countries should work together, would the US, Australia or any other Democratic nation be interested in a trade agreement?

To America:

Alaska left your Union and does not want to come back. We will not give you back Alaska as it is not in their wishes.

To Australia:

We will not join any alliance with the imperialist Americans. We will join if America is booted out.


To America:

No, Texas is a rightful part of the Spanish Empire. Many loyal Spaniards died to return Texas to its rightful owner, Spain. We will not give it up without a fight.


To America:

We left the Union to avoid Hawaiians dying in a useless war. Our independence was fought hard and we had to make many sacrifices. We will not join because of some president's attempt to revive an old Union.

And the CSS can do diplomacy all they want with us. You can't stop us, or them.
To Canada: We are all brothers born under the banner of the British. The US has helped us many times in the first two World Wars, remember? Australians, Canadians, Americans, and British all died on the day in 1944, storming Normandy and liberating France. Whether we (or they) like it or not, we are indebted to each other, for without cooperation our great ally France would remain under the German Flag, Ottawa would be flying the Chinese one, and the Monsoon Assault could have never occurred. We ask that you rethink your decision, so that we can work together once more.
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