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No More Map Trading?


Sep 4, 2010
My apologies if this has been discussed before.

Is it confirmed that there is no longer any map trading between civilizations?

Furthermore, there are no technologies or wonders that center or reveal the world map?
I haven't seen anything about it. You can't find "trade map" or "map trad" in the manual via search either. I don't recall seeing it in the strat guide.

It would of sort of make sense. Why would you ever trade away a map detailing your resources, strategic resources, city locations/number, coastal access points, etc, to a potential rival/enemy. It's not a very bright idea. Maybe you'd give a very vague map away but in game terms that'd be so useless that why even bother.

This puts even more emphasis on exploration and/or diplo for open borders to keep up-to-date or explore further.
I also thought is was strange that the gamespot video of endgame had barely a half revealed map. This give credence to the idea that maps are not traded or revealed by anything.
This will make getting open borders agreements and actively sending out scouts/explorers significantly more important.
It also makes having a spy unit added in at a later time very appealing.
Okay! Sounds like the consensus is that map trading is indeed gone. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in game.
I hope it's gone. No more random leaders popping up four in an immediate row to ask me for my map all the time.
I think removing it will make the game more fun. Keeps the exploration aspect alive.

That being said, I hope there's a tech like Satellites that'll reveal the whole world map just for anal retentive people like myself who prefer to have everything seen at some point.
I'm glad I'm not the only anally retentive one. I have to have the map revealed by the end game.

Problem is after all the goody huts appear to be gone, I tire of exploration. In civ4 I usually just put them on auto explore. But then they are killed by barbs or a civ I'm at war with. I hope satellites reveal the map.
Well, I'll probably explore the coasts when I find a new continent and I'll probably send in a scout to explore an enemy's territory before I declare war. Between the two, I figure I'll have a decent knowledge of the map overall (a historically realistic knowledge, more or less for what it's worth).

BTW, in support of the second half of your sig, I'm drinking Dogfish Head right now. :)
Scout their territory first. Find out where the city is before you buy it. Or don't buy it if you are that worried.

Now, for my dual gameplay/history explanation (actually, gameplay is same as above, fun for exploration beats a slight doubt with city trading).

History: Keep in mind that nobody in the United States knew what was in the Louisiana Territory before it was bought (yes, they sent Lewis and Clark, but they hadn't reported back until after the purchase). History has plenty of examples where people bought land without charting it first.
Well, I'll probably explore the coasts when I find a new continent and I'll probably send in a scout to explore an enemy's territory before I declare war. Between the two, I figure I'll have a decent knowledge of the map overall (a historically realistic knowledge, more or less for what it's worth).

BTW, in support of the second half of your sig, I'm drinking Dogfish Head right now. :)

In honor of both of you (and since Louis is my fav Civ4 leader) I'm opening up a Smithwick's. :)
There's a big point in exploration. For example, each natural wonder discovered gives you +1 Happiness and each city-state gives a ift of gold on meeting. So no easy maps, except from goody huts, which are quite small.
I also thought is was strange that the gamespot video of endgame had barely a half revealed map. This give credence to the idea that maps are not traded or revealed by anything.

They started the game in the modern era. They didn't actually play a full game, which explains why there wasn't a lot of the map revealed. If you look at the date on the game it has the year as 1077 BC.
I also thought is was strange that the gamespot video of endgame had barely a half revealed map. This give credence to the idea that maps are not traded or revealed by anything.

That gameplay video from Gamespot was not credence to much except to show you how well scripted that marketing spiel was.

At the outset, Park says they're playing in the "modern era". The date says "Turn 0 1977 BC". Ummm...yeah. It was a total set-up just to show off a couple things, and was really annoying, imho. My one big highlight from it though were the torpedoes. Very cool.

Back to the main point: the map wasn't revealed in this video because it was set up that way. Doubtful the 2K guy actually loaded up a save that just conveniently showed off all the stuff he seemed already very prepared to talk about.

As far as map trading, I don't think it exists in Civ5.
I read whole manual, but there wasn't a word about trading maps and you can't find it in diplomatic screens in manual so I think it's gone for good. I think that now, exploring becomes much more important and that's good. Man, in the begining of the 20th centuary, people weren't suure about some places. But sattelites should reveal you whole map( I hope so :)).
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