Nominations for Cultural Leader

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Duke of Marlbrough

The Quiet Moderator
Retired Moderator
Jun 23, 2001
Southern CA, USA
This thread is for the nominations for the Cultural Leader.

The runner-up of this election will be named the Deputy Cultural Leader.

If you are nominated, please Accept or Decline the nomination. Until that is done all nominess with be considered Uncomfirmed. Any Unconfirmed nominations will be considered as Declining the nomination at election time.

This post will be updated at the end of each day with the current nominations.

Punkbass2000 A
Justus II A

Godinex U

Cyc D
Strider D
I accept
I nominate Cyc and JustusII
I second the nomination for Justus II
Thank you, Civanator and Chieftess, but I must respectfully decline. I will nominate Punkbass2000.
I must change my A accept to D Decline
It appears as if it is going to be the same two, but you two did brilliant jobs, continue and we'll all be proud.
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