Non-Midas With A Vengeance - The Conquests Rematch

excellent, we're well on our way and those research labs should help increase our research rate significantly :)

Elvis and Melifluous: whoever checks in first can claim the game; the other is on deck :)

Elvis/Meli...UP NOW
Elvis/Meli (the other)...ON DECK
Its mean, but I'll grab it..

Hope you dont mind Elvis and that you had a nice break...

I can play this on the way to work on the train.

Originally posted by betazed

We enter a new age and I get to choose the tech. So I choose computers. Multiple reasons for that. We immediately get a new defensive unit plus we can pull ahead in tech with research labs. Start on fission.

Just noticed this now. What do you mean you get to choose the tech? Do you mean the tech we research or the free tech we get? If it was the free tech, how did you get to choose it? I thought the tech gained was random :confused:
Originally posted by Aggie
No, you CAN'T choose a tech. You indeed get to choose the next tech and by chance this is the same as the free one.

No. Aggie that is not right.

You indeed do get to choose your tech. If you do not choose then the game will choose one for you.

It works this way...

The popup comes says we are in a new age. Choose what is the big picture. It will show you teh tech tree without any of the modern age techs known. Choose any of the four modern age techs you want and say ok. I have seen that this is always the free tech that I get.

I do not know whether this is a bug or feature.
@betazed: wow, I never knew that! I do tend to open up the "big picture" when I research a tech, but I've never thought of advancing to the bnext age to choose the tech. Thinking about it now, it seems obvious: it works in the same way as philosophy and TofE.

I have to say, this is a really important finding, especially for the end of the middle age, entering the industrial, as being able to choose the tech rather than getting a random one makes a slingshot even more powerful! Is this common knowledge? Cos I never knew of it!

I suppose the flipside is that it only works if you research the tech yourself, it's irrelevant if you trade/buy the last tech of an age.

EDIT: hmm, seems there's a bit of confusion. Do you have an autosave for that turn, Betazed? Because then we can test it with choosing different techs to see if it really works or not.
You guys have never seen it? That is surprising.

Tonight I will do some tests and post the results. So that we know definitely whether we get what we choose or the AI choses for you.
Thanks betazed. I'm gonna run off and do a few tests :)
Okay, I only did a few tests but that's all that was needed. Betazed, you were just lucky :). The free tech is random, the tech I chose from the big picture following the new age was not the free tech I got.
Damn! I thought I had found a new trick. :(

Well, you learn something new everyday. :)
Wow this turn may take me a little while...

I seem to have erm started a war :love:

Just taken me nearly two hours to play two turns :rolleyes:

Anyone wanna guess who we are at war with and why?

If it's taken you two hours to play 2 turns then it must be a real war, not a phony one. My guess would have to be Germany, for the stealing of the rubber and oil resources.

How are we faring though? I guess this game was going a little too smoothly to be true ;)
Originally posted by Aggie
You went to war with the Germans because you are a real warmonger and want to celebrate that we started our first game a year ago (where Germany was our first victim)?

omg, I didn't realize that!!! I just looked at Warmonger's Delight and saw it started on Feb 14, 2003. We're almost exactly one year on! That has to be the reason, right Meli? :D
No way one year ago?


But none of the answers are correct (apart from who we are at war with :p )

The war started as follows

1) We got Fission.
2) Surprise surprise we have no Uranium.
3) Hit CTRL-ALT-M and scan the entire world map.
4) Find 6 sources.
5) India has 3 and Russia has 1.
6) Germany has 2!
7) One on our Rubber island :lol:
8) We have no active deals with Germany.
9) Gemany has no MPP's
10) Germany has neither Motorised Transport nor Flight.
11) Plant a spy in Berlin
12) They have about 80 infantry and thats about it.
13) We have Tanks and Mech Inf.
14) I am a warmongering b*stard.
15) They might have Aluminium.
16) WAR!!
17) 4 Cities fall in the first turn (Bremen on the rubber island and Cologne, Frankfurt and Hannover on the border)

They are gonna lose, big time.


PS. OK Aggie I lied, I am a warmonger...
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