Non-Midas With A Vengeance - The Conquests Rematch

That's great, once we take Germany out we are assured of not losing this game.

In fact since our military advisor said that we are strong against Germany I would venture and say this game is pretty much over from here. :goodjob:
Originally posted by betazed
In fact since our military advisor said that we are strong against Germany I would venture and say this game is pretty much over from here. :goodjob:

That's a very brave thing to say with your signature :lol:

Originally posted by Melifluous

That's a very brave thing to say with your signature :lol:


Well said young Jedi.

Your wit is as sharp as your skill in civ3. ;)
Well we wouldn't want our Tanks to rust would we :D

Go Melifluous!

The war-monger in me has been itching to attack them all game :lol:

I know when I played, I was building tanks and swiped the German oil in the hopes that both might be used

I was noticing they changed the space ship so that robotics is now required. A good change I think. I always liked those techs (Min and robotics), but there was so little reason to actually go for them.
Quick report.

I'm on about turn 7 or 8 and the war goes well enough.

I'm dissapointed to have only taken 7-8 cities from the Germans, but on the bright side I have had 3 great leaders so far (well thats 4 actually but it was a tank defending in the open that spawned him and the tank and leader were killed on the next attack all during the interturn).

Still we have 4 tank armies currently sitting outside Berlin ready to attack once I board my train this eve.

Sorry to take so long.

I will post a full (ish) report tomorrow during the day.

Finally my report. (Damn all print servers that dont support ftp...)

PreTurn - Hey this is looking quite good no? Sell our WM around and then upgrade 2 rifles.

IBT - Arabs are slaughtered by the Russians. Dont panic we had no per turn deals with them, so our rep is safe. Germans want a MPP and a ROP, erm no thanks, they are at war with the Russians.

Turn 01 (1410AD) - Fission -> Rocketry. We need to know where the Aluminium is. Research back to 90%, Rocketry in 9turns. Fustat market -> police station. Sputum Cathedral -> Tank. Edessa library -> temple. Did I mention that we dont have Uranium either? As far as I can see there are exactly six sources on the map. India has three, Russia has 1 and germany has two of them. Oh and the Germans dont have tanks yet, or flight and we have no active deals with them and they are broke ;) One of these uranium is on our Rubber Island. Palace in Trebizond switched to the UN. We dont wanna UN win but we dont want anyone else to grab it now do we ;) Plant a spy in germany for 102gold. Hit F3 to check out their army. C3C crashes :( Do it all again and hit F3 and we can see their army now. 80 infantry. hehe thats about it. Attack! We swoop into Cologne, Hanover and Frankfurt, losing 2 tanks, 1 MI and about 5 cavs. Rush a temple in Smyrna.

IBT - We lose 2 cavs to the germans. Also lots of infantry come south. Might let them kill themselves on our MI.

Turn 02 (1415AD) - Adrian tank -> tank. Caesaria Airport -> tank. Naissus tank -> tank. Samosata temple -> walls. Sell flight to the spanish for 165gpt. Sell motorised transport to Persia for 72gpt. Sell motorised transport to spain for 107gpt and 594gold. Attack other cities on our 'Glowing Rubber' Island and take Bonn and Salzberg. Rush library in Bonn. Build some airbases in Ex Arab lands to get our workers out quicker. Bomb the bejeebers out of incoming infantry stacks. All units injured. Park our Tank army on the Oil to discourage pillaging. Rush some minor stuff.

IBT - Germans waste some infantry and guerillas attacking Frankfurt MI, no losses. Persians start the UN??

Turn 03 (1420AD) - Nicaea tank -> tank. Dyrrachium tank -> tank. Bonn library -> temple. Amorium granary -> worker. Lose 2 tanks attacking infantry in the open. Lose another 3 tanks but kill about 25 infantry in total. Germans down to 47 inf. Sell motorised transport to Russia and get Wines, WM, 163gold and 21gpt. Trade Computers and Fission to Russians for Ecology. Sell Fission to India for 1650gold, 32gpt. Sell Ecology to Persia for WM, 55gpt and 740gold. Rush everything I can. Try and plant a spy in spain. No dice, but no war. Gift her 30 gold.

IBT - germans kill two exposed tanks. Indians are building the UN and the manhatten project.

Turn 04 (1425AD) - Adrian tank -> tank. Caerarea tank -> tank. Nicaea tank -> tank. Varna tank -> tank. Smyrna temple -> tank. Basra granary -> tank. Heraclea cathedral -> tank. Chalcedon temple -> tank. Naisus tank -> tank. Sputum tank -> tank. nicomedia research lab -> tank. Smolensk uni -> worker. Ancyra Commercial Dock -> Research Lab. Samosata walls -> worker. Edessa temple -> worker. Whats this? Spain has a conquistador near Nuremberg? Spain is at war with India? WTF? Lots of lovely killing.

IBT - Our Elite Tank defends against Infantry and gets a leader :( He has 1hp. Rename the tank to "I'm toast" Our leader has been destroyed...

Turn 05 (1430AD) - Adrian Tank -> tank. Amorium Worker -> worker. Army and elite tank take Nuremberg. Move on to Konigsberg. Rush a courthouse in Ani.

IBT - SHOCK NEWS - RUSSIANS HELPING IN WAR AGAINST GERMANY!!! We watch a russian bomber do a bombing run on Nuremberg! German destroyer attacks our Battleship and just loses. German destroyer kills Russians ship. Persians are building Manhatten. Russians building UN.

Turn 06 (1435AD) - Adrian tank -> tank. Caesarea tank -> tank. Sardica research lab -> tank. Ani courthouse -> library. Lose two tanks taking Nuremberg. We have Shakespeares Theatre. Artillery opens up on infantry near Nuremberg. Elite tank gets another leader! yay! Build army in Konigsberg and load with tanks. Send to heal in Samosata. Very next tank battle gets another leader (Irene?)! yay! yay! Goes for 3 from 3 and fails :(

IBT - Watch some nice naval battles between Germany and Russia. Persia wander 2 aircraft carriers about. Damnit Nuremberg flips. Taking our artillery :(

Turn 07 (1440AD) - Adrian tank -> tank. Frankfurt still resisting but build Library -> temple. I love Civil Engineers. Nicaea tank -> tank. Naissus tank -> tank. Dyrrachium tank -> tank. Sputum tank -> tank. Russians are building Seti. Elite Mech Inf kills an Inf in Nuremberg GREAT LEADER! Kill some more infantry. March on berlin. Sell Ecology to India for WM, 25gpt and 140gold. Russia is equal in tech with us. Plant spy in Moscow. Germany has 37 Inf. Russia has 21 MI and 1 tank. Nice navy though and 8 bombers.

IBT - Russia bombers unload on Berlin. Two german inf die attacking a tank.

Turn 08 (1445AD) - Adrian tank -> tank. Caesarea tank -> tank. Chalcedon tank -> research lab. Amorium worker -> research lab. Samosata worker -> uni. Kill 3 inf in Berlin. Damage 3 more with MI. research to 50%, +738gpt. Rush a courthouse on Arab island. Gift 'Crazy Isabella' 9 gold.

IBT - Our selling Incense deal with India runs out and they cant afford more than 8gpt, let it slide. Russians continue to bomb Berlin.

Turn 09 (1450AD) - Rocketry -> Synthetic Fibres, 9 turns at 100%, +110gpt. Heraclea tank -> tank. Trebizond UN -> tank. Iconium courthouse -> Comm Dock. Asked if I wanna hold a UN vote.... No thanks, I aint that fond of the UN... Maybe they should 'invoke UN sanctions' :lol: Kill 2 infantry in Berlin and then a single infantry takes our 14hp army down to 1hp without taking a scratch. Strewth kill 2 more infantry and then its conscripted riflemen, kill 4 of them and ... take Berlin. Great Wall, Leonardos and Mausolleum of Marsollos in here, woohoo! Capture an arty and 2 cannons. WOW war weariness kicks in in a MAJOR way, lux to 10%, major entertainer time. Dont wanna revolt to help :cry: I wanna war :cry: Just one more turn at least... Kill 4 inf in the open I think plus some guerillas. Germany has 22 inf and 3 rifles. We have Aluminium in ex-Arab lands way hay! Sell incense and 81 gold to Russia for WM and 18gpt.

IBT - Germany and Russia sign peace. Stop selling stuff to India. I hope Persia is at war with Germany, as they have just landed a load of Infantry next to Berlin (5 inf and a guerilla).

Turn 10 (1455AD) - Adrian tank -> tank. Caesarea tank -> tank. Varna tank -> tank. Smyrna tank -> tank. Trebizond tank -> tank. Sardica tank -> tank. Naissus tank -> tank. Dyrrachium tank -> tank. Sputum tank -> tank. Smolensk worker -> worker. Borders of Frankfurt expand (hehe its still resisting, did I say I love Civil Engineers?) This means we can get straight to Nuremberg with tanks. Elite tank attacks Nuremberg (after german artillery weakens the rifles there) and Wins! Great Leader! "Hey Thats My City" tank rock back and forward in amusement. "I coulda been Wall Street" (if I wasnt playing such a dumb ass variant) Army is constructed in Samosata. Next Elite tank kills final defense in Nuremberg and once more the city is ours. Pull 4 armies back to Samasota to heal and move 1 full hp army plus tanks and MI towards the Germans new capital.

And its all yours Elvis. Should be a laugh.

Germans have 22 infantry. With at least 6 on the Indians island. I checked out New Bombay and Brandenberg. Just an FYI but the Germans would offer Brandenberg, New Bombay and Dortmund for peace.

We have the UN, SETI in 2, WW is just starting to kick in (last turn) but no more this turn.

Former German cities are getting the starvation with Civil Engineers treatment to produce things whilst in resistance and you have 6 gold to get rid of.

Persians are a minor worry with their recent landing near Berlin.

Nobody can afford any major gpt deals except Russia who will pay 186gpt for Rocketry, but thats our Monopoly tech over them atm, so I aint sure WTF to do.

Please spend at least half an hour getting to know it before playing.

Much fun, thanks Nad....

Lovely game I may not see again.


Great stuff Meli! If we wanna keep the German cities then we HAVE to eliminate them completely, otherwise we're going to get many more flips...btw, how many artillery did we lose at nuremburg?

Elvis is up to continue the war and keep coasting in science...I think we should stop selling tech now...we don't need the cash and we want to get ahead in the race. We are strong enough to take on other civs if they should demand and declare war. Let's get on with the space race (after killing Germany).

Have fun, Elvis, hope you like modern war :)

Oh, btw, have we got any aluminium?
Update of the roster, since we've had a few switches:

Elvis1985...UP NOW
Elvis1985 (again)
Melifluous (just played)

Apart from Elvis, I guess the next play will be everyone's last in this game, so hope everyone has fun! :)
Also after we finish rocektry, IMHO we should research synth fibers at full speed. We need the tech for space race anyway and with modern armor we will be in a very good position military wise.

Also, in PTW i remember we never needed the tech for Internet for space race. Hence I never researched it. Do we need it in Conquests?
A major change is that we now need Robotics. That means the techs at the bottom that were not needed before - Miniturization (which gives the internet and offshore platform) and Robotics (which give manufacturing plants).

Your link to the save is not quite right. I found it on the upload server. It is:

>> The Save (Melifuous' Turn) <<

If we want to destroy Germany (a good idea in that they have more culture than us) then we need to take out Dortmund. There is a transport in Smolensk that is closest for this.

I think after synthetic fibers we should go toward robotics next. That way we can get the manufacturing plants and offshore platform completed for faster spaceship parts.

The German war is probably going to last 3 more turns. Since Adrianople will starve by then, I would raise the Lux rate to 20%.
Originally posted by Stuck_As_a_Mac
When this comes to me I'm ready to take it, wireless card or no wireless card. Imagine if I get the final... Perhaps a bit of payback to Kathy? :evil:. Nah... just an odd storylike ending that I always do if i get the alst turn.


If we have any nukes lying around just before we launch, then I'm sure we can give Cathy a nice leaving present :mischief: ;)
I am feeling a bit left out here. :)

What happened with Cathy in the last match?
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