Nonstandard Unit Uniform Colors


Nonbinary | Peaceful Builder
Jun 24, 2020
So I've noticed something about the colors of units' outfits - they change to match the default jersey colors of the civ that owns them. So for example, Georgian units wear white and light orange, Gran Colombian units wear blue and yellow, etc. But some don't follow this rule, usually because they either get more colors than usual or because their uniforms still match up with a previous jersey.
Exceptions that I know of:
Ethiopian units wear yellow, green, dark green, brown, and red
Spoiler ethiopian uniform colors :

Khmer units wear dark yellow, black, (light?) orange, purple and dark magenta
Spoiler khmer uniform colors :

Arabian units wear dark yellow and light green (Their old default jersey, now their last jersey. Their current default is medium yellow and medium green)
Spoiler arabian uniform colors :

Free cities' units wear orange, blue, green, and I think something else. Don't have a picture of this though, so I'd need confirmation on this. Also I think this applies to the units that appear within any city center when it gets attacked.

Any other exceptions that people know of? Also, do people know if a unique unit captured by another civ also changes colors? (Used to only be doable by England and Mongolia but now any civ can do this thru Barbarian clans mode)

I'll keep a list here of all the findings: (thanks to Futumch)
Ethiopia - yellow, green, dark green, red, brown
Khmer - dark yellow, (light?) orange, black, purple, dark magenta
Arabia - dark yellow, light green
Free Cities - orange, blue, green, something else (?)
French Eleanor - blue (and probably tan?)
Chinese Kublai Khan - green, white
Zulu - brown, tan
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The Free cities probably wear the secondary colours of the city-type. For example red for military, white for religion, yellow for trade etc.

Are you referring to all units or just a few specific ones ?

EDIT: never mind, once I had all three images above opened, I can see what you're getting at.
I had a look at some settlers from civs where I had specifically chosen an altered jersey colour set. The trim on the settler units seems to match whatever the default colour is for that civ (so in this case India/Chandragupta uses teal). City-state units were using the colour of the state type (Yerevan settler in this picture).
Spoiler Settler gathering :

For reference, colours used in this particular game:
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I had a look at some settlers from civs where I had specifically chosen an altered jersey colour set. The trim on the settler units seems to match whatever the default colour is for that civ (so in this case India/Chandragupta uses teal). City-state units were using the colour of the state type (Yerevan settler in this picture).
Spoiler Settler gathering :

For reference, colours used in this particular game:
Awesome, thank you for the visual! ^_^
So it looks like whenever a new alt leader is added for a civ, the units of the civ under that new leader still use the jersey of the older leader. Chinese Kublai's units are white and green, while French Eleanor's units are blue, and would presumably also have some tan outfits too.
Pericles uses white and light blue, so I'm wondering if Gorgo uses those colors too or if her Greece is coded to use maroon and light blue - I'm guessing the former.
Also wondering how Magnificence Catherine and Rough Rider Teddy work. Presumably their colors also don't change.
Also worth noting is that Shaka's units looks like they use brown and tan, rather than brown and white (their current default) or green and tan (their original default).

I'll go check now on Gorgo, the alt personas, Zulu, and any other civs that have changed their default jerseys since first release (pretty sure the "win as this leader"-type achievements still all use the original default jersey colors).
I just used Firetuner. Do a "reveal map" and then plonked down a bunch of settlers on turn 2.

Just an aside, how did you set your images to auto-scale in your first post ?
Skin color is also fungible when unique units are captured or belong to Barbarians. I love Barbarian Clans mode, but it's off-putting to see white Ngao Mbeba.
I just used Firetuner. Do a "reveal map" and then plonked down a bunch of settlers on turn 2.

Just an aside, how did you set your images to auto-scale in your first post ?
I'd try doing that if I knew how to access Firetuner. Also, I took screenshots thru steam, clicked "More Options" on the comment area on this site, clicked upload file, and then used the "full-sized image" button to insert them into the post. If I did anything else then I have no idea what it was, sorry.

Skin color is also fungible when unique units are captured or belong to Barbarians. I love Barbarian Clans mode, but it's off-putting to see white Ngao Mbeba.
yeah, I did a game where I bought some Ngao Mbeba units as Gorgo and it just looked really odd. I forget if their uniforms changed color too tho.
On that note, I think it'd be cool if different civs could have their units have a range of skin tones (probably not that wide a range for most civs, just a little), and it'd be really cool if units could dynamically change in skin tone distribution if you conquer other civs with different skin tones, or if you and a neighbor with different skin tones have open borders with each other for a long time (to simulate immigration). Probably would be really hard to implement tho.
Also, I took screenshots thru steam, clicked "More Options" on the comment area on this site, clicked upload file, and then used the "full-sized image" button to insert them into the post. If I did anything else then I have no idea what it was, sorry.
Aha! Thanks for that : ) I was just using the little "image" button and it was scaling automatically. I prefer the way your images looked.
Alright, did more testing. Here's my findings:

Zulu seems to use the brown and white of its current default plus the tan (but not green) of its previous default. Not sure tho, it's pretty hard to tell the difference between white and tan uniforms.
Spoiler Zulu uniforms :

Greece under Gorgo still uses white and light blue uniforms, which indicates that Athenian Greece is seen by the game as the default Greece.
Spoiler Spartan greek uniforms :

Magnificence Catherine also uses the same colors as Black Queen Catherine, so alt personas count as additional leaders too
Spoiler Magnificence Catherine french uniforms :

Hungary still uses green and red (original default) rather than green and orange (current default)
Spoiler Hungarian uniforms :

Australia uses neither green and orange (what their default was in their first look) nor black and green (achievement colors) nor white and orange (pretty sure they had this as a default at some point) nor just medium green and medium yellow (current default). They use light green, medium green, dark yellow, and medium yellow. I think Australia takes the cake for the most variable color scheme by far.
Spoiler Australian uniforms :

Poland uses pink and maroon (current default), tho their original default jersey was white and red according to the achievements.
Spoiler Polish uniforms :

Persia has light lavender/periwinkle(?) and maroon uniforms. Their current default is light magenta and maroon, while originally it was light blue/periwinkle and maroon. Dunno if the uniforms match more with the original or the current colors.
Spoiler Persian uniforms :

Mongolia uses maroon and red (original default) instead of maroon and orange (current default)
Spoiler Mongolian uniforms :

And finally, I remembered to check Gaul, which uses green and light teal (current default) in addition to light green, orange, and light blue. You can see there's both light blue and light teal on the spearmen's armor.
Spoiler Gaulish uniforms :
The different jersey color combos for each Civ do not dynamically update their respective unit tints. The RGB color tints are set in the various Units.artdef files. These may or may not match the individual Civ's default colors depending on what, imo, the Devs felt would be the most appealing color combos on units. I have a separate artdef in my alternate Civ Jersey mod that adds my new colors for the unit tints. SeelingCat's Prismatic mod also does the same thing.
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