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Norse Axeman - Sept 14, 2006


Dec 22, 2004

Lord spare us from the fury of the north men

Voted Unit of the Month for September, 2006
Download the complete unit


Default -> fidget -> Default -> Fortify -> attack -> Victory

This unit includes all needed files:
Installation instructions
Civilopedia Icons
Units32 icon
Animation files
(8 animations) Attack, Defeat, Run, Victory, Default, Fidget, Fortify and alt-fortify
Sound files
for all animations except for default.
Civilopedia.txt content
Pediaicons.txt content

My first human unit. Poser was both interesting and occasionally frustrating in comparison to my old and trusty friend Bryce.
I think I'm going to do a few more in Poser. I like how this one turned out. I hope you do to.
I welcome all comments fair or foul, just try and keep them on topic and if negative, try to make it constructive please.


ps: if you are trying to follow the link in my signature to some of my older stuff, you may have to go directly to civ3files to get some of it. Much of it was moved over here into the new database ..even though I've been too lazy to edit all 200 entries... ah, who am I foolin, I haven't edited any of the old listings. hehe. Just that you can still get them from civ3files.com. If there is something I made you can't find, send me a PM and I'll see if I still have it.

Just posted v1.01, if you DL'ed it before you saw this... please do so again.
shaking off some rust, I guess.
I made a mistake in the palette. Somehow most of the civ palette got shifted 1 space to the left. (well you get the idea).
So, I had to fix it... tedious. Since I was in there remaking the animations, I decided to lighten the shadows slight. But, since the only visual change in the preview would have been the slight change to the shadows, I did not update the preview gif. Just know that in game the shadows won't be as dark.
Great work! Glad to see you're back in the business... ;)
Nice Nordic Warrior flavor unit (or is he supposed to be a swordsman replacement? :confused: ) you got there, Bjorn! I'll aggree, going from Bryce to Poser 5 is a bit of a jump (if you all remember the first version of my first two Poser units you'll understand what I'm saying), but you've done an even better job than I did with my first unit. In time, after you've accumulated a few gigs of figures and props, and created your own custom pose libraries, you'll be able to turn out units fairly fast.
Ok, so I posted a preview thread of the Troll.

I intend to use him as a nordic flavor unit, not a UU. I will probably use him instead of the default medival infantry. These axemen were out there spread love and happiness at about the same time as the macemen.
I have been downloading quite alot. I am just shocked at how much stuff their is for Poser. Still, for now, I think I prefer Bryce. But, gonna give Poser a fair shake. Also, with Bryce 6 including Poser animatons, it seemed like a good time to get the basics down. I didn't push the envelope too far with this unit. I did use all my own animations, and several custom props... but all in all (from a modeling perspective) not too far out there. Just a modified paperdoll with a new suit and an ugly attitude.

Find a unit you want to have. It will keep you focused and reduce your chances of quitting. Keep it simple the first time up. I had the advantage of a few dozen Bryce units and so on.
Read Utahjazz's tutorial on Poser. You won't stay with what he says for more than a unit or two, but it will be enough to get you started. And, once you get the basics you can begin experimenting.
I do have some plans beyond the Troll, but prefer not to disclose them at this time. You know in case I get busy or lazy. Also, I am not 100% certain which of the new units or semi-finished units to do next. I'm guessing it will be a unit I have never previewed.
Ah, yes, it would make sense for him to be MDI replacement... Spreading "Love and Happiness" indeed... But only if you happened to be one of the local village maidens.... :mischief: :groucho:

IF this guy is flavor unit for MDI, then what about the Firaxis Berserker, AOK Berserk or the Viking swordsman by UtahJazz7?
I still use the berserker as a UU.
I use Utahjazz's skinny little nordic swordsman too, but only as a flavor replacement for northern tribes in stead of the stock firaxis one. The AOK units are "ok", but I don't care for them personally. I generally don't use any conversions. They are not at the same quality as "built for civ3" units.
Very nice :clap: :clap:
He reminds me of the Berserker from Heroes4.
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