[NFP] November Update Video

No, it probably is something different. The Babylon player is researching Pottery before the "Archery" message comes up, but when the Archery tech is displayed, he's researching Bronze Working instead. (which he's almost completed)

However, this happens during the same turn. (the turn timer is hard to see with the technology pop up but it's 2350 BC / Turn 19).

So, there is some sort of a tech boost here. If the Babylon player had Pottery, Archery and Bronze Working queued and then received enough science in one go to finish research on Pottery and Archery, then where does the burst come from?

I see only one trigger.

The slinger killing that Barbarian spearman.

So, the Babylonian ability must be related to kills somehow but it's probably not a Science equivalent of Gorgo's ability (because that wouldn't be enough for 2.5 free techs, including the Archery Eureka boost). I would, perhaps cautiously posit: "receive science for each time you kill a different type of unit" or "receive science when you kill a troop inside your borders".

As far as the UU is concerned, my guess is either an early Horse Archer or a Warrior replacement. All other early game units are already accounted for.

The vid also confirms that Babylon's UI is not a monument replacement. I'll see what I can find by rewatching the vid.

Your analysis is true because when the barbarian unit is killed, there is the small pop-up anouncing a tech has been discovered, except that with a little 2 indicating that two techs have been researching. So, in one turn, by killing a Barbarian spearman, they gained pottery (a tech without any Eurêka associated, so nothing to do with Eurêkas) and Archery.

Do you think it would be like a Gilgamesh thing? Like, Gilgamesh has a Tribal Village bonus when pillaging Barbarian camps; maybe Babylon/Hammourabi will have a science bonus when killing unit, but only barbarian units? Like, something akin to "cradle of civilization", making science out of filfthy barbarians and killing them.
Personally, while not very fond of any militarist gameplay, I would welcome this with glee, because after the Mayans and Korea, we already had the turtling science civ; maybe Babylon will take Civ V Assyria's slot, the militarist science civ?
OK, this is pure speculation, but dare I let go a slith "another victory for logic"?
Your analysis is true because when the barbarian unit is killed, there is the small pop-up anouncing a tech has been discovered, except that with a little 2 indicating that two techs have been researching. So, in one turn, by killing a Barbarian spearman, they gained pottery (a tech without any Eurêka associated, so nothing to do with Eurêkas) and Archery.

Do you think it would be like a Gilgamesh thing? Like, Gilgamesh has a Tribal Village bonus when pillaging Barbarian camps; maybe Babylon/Hammourabi will have a science bonus when killing unit, but only barbarian units? Like, something akin to "cradle of civilization", making science out of filfthy barbarians and killing them.
Personally, while not very fond of any militarist gameplay, I would welcome this with glee, because after the Mayans and Korea, we already had the turtling science civ; maybe Babylon will take Civ V Assyria's slot, the militarist science civ?
OK, this is pure speculation, but dare I let go a slith "another victory for logic"?

I can't see it being "double Eurekas" because that would veer into China's territory far too much.

It's also not science from killing units. The video showed Archery being acquired from the kill, but that was not the actively researched tech.
No, it probably is something different. The Babylon player is researching Pottery before the "Archery" message comes up, but when the Archery tech is displayed, he's researching Bronze Working instead. (which he's almost completed)

However, this happens during the same turn. (the turn timer is hard to see with the technology pop up but it's 2350 BC / Turn 19).

So, there is some sort of a tech boost here. If the Babylon player had Pottery, Archery and Bronze Working queued and then received enough science in one go to finish research on Pottery and Archery, then where does the burst come from?

I see only one trigger.

The slinger killing that Barbarian spearman.

So, the Babylonian ability must be related to kills somehow but it's probably not a Science equivalent of Gorgo's ability (because that wouldn't be enough for 2.5 free techs, including the Archery Eureka boost). I would, perhaps cautiously posit: "receive science for each time you kill a different type of unit" or "receive science when you kill a troop inside your borders".

As far as the UU is concerned, my guess is either an early Horse Archer or a Warrior replacement. All other early game units are already accounted for.

The vid also confirms that Babylon's UI is not a monument replacement. I'll see what I can find by rewatching the vid.

Might all just be a red herring, since in that video, as soon as they kill the unit you see 2 eureka bubbles appear on the right, which are probably the archery and bronze working ones, so if they had pre-researched them, it's all consistent. If you get a eureka to finish a tech in the middle of your turn, the science window in the top will switch to the last tech completed until you click or dismiss it.

My guess is they simply end up with Gorgo's science on kills ability, and in this video, they happened to also finish a couple eurekas at the same time too.
So, there is some sort of a tech boost here. If the Babylon player had Pottery, Archery and Bronze Working queued and then received enough science in one go to finish research on Pottery and Archery, then where does the burst come from?

I see only one trigger.

The slinger killing that Barbarian spearman.

I also thought babylon might do something for eurekas,but technically the slinger killing the barbarian could have triggered the eureka for both bronze working and archery,so this situation is replicable with every civ.
I find "blind you with science" a very interesting choice of words,ut no idea on what it could mean.
The Babylonian leader is
Spoiler :

by the way. At 3:03 in the video.
(Note: It was found by someone in the comments, not by me.)
So, with Anshan, assuming it's not the city in China based on the architectural style, it looks like we're getting Elamite representation in Civ for once!

I picked the Persian city for the Features List, I am surprised they didn't reveal more of the City States here, unless they have a video just for them
My guess is they simply end up with Gorgo's science on kills ability, and in this video, they happened to also finish a couple eurekas at the same time too.

No it cannot, because of this :


Hardly visible, but when the Barbarian spearman is killed, only the -32 indicating how much life he lost appear above his corpse.

Or, when Gorgo kills a unit, you see the Culture bonus she gets from her LUA :

Therefore, I'd say that killing a unit (barbarian or not, inside the borders or not) doesn't give Babylon/Hammourabi a science burst in a Gorgo style. So it's something else, completely new. What could it be? Don't know. Something akin "each time a unit kill another unit for the first time, get 2 randoms techs"? I highly doubt it. But, for sure, Babylon is outright curious...
Notice how the slinger kill actually gave the Archery tech to Babylon (they were researching Pottery). Maybe Babylon's ability is that their Eureka's can trigger twice?

It also unlocked Bronze Working, at turn 19 with 1.5 Science per turn. They need to gather:
  • ~17.5 Science into Pottery (5 turns remaining)
  • 25 Science for Animal Husbandry (completed?)
    • At least 30 Science for Archery
  • 25 Science in Mining (completed: the Builder can put a Mine on a Hill).
    • At least 48 Science for Bronze Working
In total: 145.5 Science.With 1.5 Science per turn at Turn 19, they would not reach even reach 30 total Science. This not even enough for Pottery, Animal Husbandry and Mining combined (~67.5 Science). Which means they either get luck and got some free tech in a Tribal Village, or we need to analyze more.

  • They generate Science througth Combat, like a scientific Gorgo.
  • Eureka could grant a lot more Science, like China, but does not explain how they get the starting tech.
    • Except if completed Eureka grants the Technology!
  • Something else, like Science through Production (for units, for buildings... after all, they are building there unique unique which is not a Slinger or a Warrior replacement... Scout? New?).
I really don't know. I guess it might be a "Eureka grants the Technology but you can't build Settlers" kind of ability.
I think what's happening with Babylon is that they get a tech boost when they first a kill a more advanced unit. For example if you don't have Bronze Working yet the first time you kill a Spearman you get the boost.
No it cannot, because of this :

View attachment 574773

Hardly visible, but when the Barbarian spearman is killed, only the -32 indicating how much life he lost appear above his corpse.

Or, when Gorgo kills a unit, you see the Culture bonus she gets from her LUA :
View attachment 574775

Therefore, I'd say that killing a unit (barbarian or not, inside the borders or not) doesn't give Babylon/Hammourabi a science burst in a Gorgo style. So it's something else, completely new. What could it be? Don't know. Something akin "each time a unit kill another unit for the first time, get 2 randoms techs"? I highly doubt it. But, for sure, Babylon is outright curious...

I'm pretty sure it's something to do with Eurekas.

Maybe they get the full tech if they are the first in the world to achieve the eureka.
We got Heroes like Hercules, King Arthur, Mulan (hopefully the animated version cause the remake is terrible), and Maui! This might be my favorite gamemode yet!
is an unique campus out of the picture?did not see any campuses they built as babylon which is weird because babylon is supposed to be a science civ.maybe they didnt want to show?
Something I didn't understood: can you, like great people and world wonders, recruit multiple heroes in your civilization, or are you limited? What do you think?
I'm pretty sure it's something to do with Eurekas.

Maybe they get the full tech if they are the first in the world to achieve the eureka.
That'd be a really fun concept. Would lead to some heavy snowballing, though.
FANS: You added Maui!
FIRAXIS: What can we say except you're welcome?

Looks like were getting Anshan as possibly the Babylon CS replacement.
I actually thought of suggesting that as a possibility, but I took it for granted that Anshan was on Persia's city list. :crazyeye:

Just got here. :D

Something I didn't understood: can you, like great people and world wonders, recruit multiple heroes in your civilization, or are you limited? What do you think?
My understanding was one per civ, but I guess they didn't explicitly state that.
is an unique campus out of the picture?did not see any campuses they built as babylon which is weird because babylon is supposed to be a science civ.maybe they didnt want to show?

I think they didn't want to show they UI. I doubt it will be a unique Campus replacement because we already have two (Seowon and Observatory), but most probably a unique library.
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