Nuclear Missile Silo for Sale on Ebay.

Riesstiu IV

Oct 2, 2003

It’s up to 40,000 dollars now. I’m actually not to far away. Too bad it doesn’t actually come with a nuclear weapon, but you could potentially turn it into an underground shelter. Who knows, maybe you can conduct Half-Life experiments and create a transdimensinal gateway that results in the Alien conquest of earth.
I would definitely buy this if I had the money... never know when it could come in handle. And plus, $50 million worth of concrete! :lol:
If I was in the market I'd buy it.
blackheart said:
I would definitely buy this if I had the money... never know when it could come in handle. And plus, $50 million worth of concrete! :lol:

Yeah but the inside is covered in graffiti, and I doubt the mechanical systems function anymore. I suspect it was abandon years ago. It would be pretty expensive to remodel and make it livable.
How did he, the seller, gain ownership of this place in the first place?
The government sells these off every so often. I heard about a guy that turned one into a hanger for his ultralight planes. Good deal if you have a use for the space.
Tenochtitlan said:
How did he, the seller, gain ownership of this place in the first place?

Well I've seen carriers for sale. I imagine that since the government has gotten rid of many nuclear weapons in the US, they're are probably a lot of decommissioned nuclear silos the that are no longer needed. Apparently, there are people who manage to turn old nuclear silos into homes, but most of the time they're sold again once people realize the difficulty of repairing a deteriorating installation.
Urederra said:
Bid for it before Perfection.
My converted mine shaft provides all the underground room I need for my main base of operations. While these sort of facilities are useful as dangerous experiment testing labs, secondary bases and storage facilities (you can't put all your eggs in one basket) I find that my current U.S. specefic needs are met and I can procure additional international facilities much more cheaply from post-soviet kleptocracies.
Perfection said:
My converted mine shaft provides all the underground room I need for my main base of operations. While these sort of facilities are useful as dangerous experiment testing labs, secondary bases and storage facilities (you can't put all your eggs in one basket) I find that my current U.S. specefic needs are met and I can procure additional international facilities much more cheaply from post-soviet kleptocracies.

Yes, but location, location, location. Since it's all going to hit the fan in North America first, you might want to emphasize that region. And don't overlook Antarctica; those penguins may look all cute and cuddly, but it's all a front . . .
Eran of Arcadia said:
Yes, but location, location, location. Since it's all going to hit the fan in North America first, you might want to emphasize that region. And don't overlook Antarctica; those penguins may look all cute and cuddly, but it's all a front . . .
I can assure you that after years and years in the business, I know how to strategically position my facilities.
Perfection said:
I can assure you that after years and years in the business, I know how to strategically position my facilities.

You're right. You are the expert. Sorry to have doubted you.
I saw a program on TV where this company had bought an abandoned bomb shelter and turned it into a secure data storage center. They made a bundle.
Can i have 2 ?
I need anotherone to nuke the other in case it gets captured by spies.
Dose it come with its own NUKE :D

I saw some for sale in britian as British mothballing there nukes. Its an impressive engeneering complex. but I would imagine not for the average person. (Think of the nightmare of maintance work)
I've heard of people buying old missile silos and making them into a home, I think I saw something like that when my parents were watching HGTV or the Travel Channel or something. You would at least be impervious to most attacks.
I'm not so sure you would be impervious to attack. Say on the off chance, there was a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US. I think Cold War doctrine called for priority in targeting Nuclear Silos, and the Russians may not have up to date intelligence regarding abandon installations. You just might be the first one to die.
I hope they relocated the ICBMs from the silos before selling the property. :mischief:
i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
slozenger bids!
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