• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Onan's multisession G&K, Alternate Reality Game (8pm in Auckland, GMT +13)

I also personally dont like the spaming in this thread - 10 pages for - what exactly? Set up 1! game? But maybe thats not my beer, and I understand that.
Still it d be nice if other threads d have a chance to climb to top in this forum.

Thanks for the warning, Mr. forum police officer, sir.

I may be new around here, but have been online gaming since it's virtual conception and using fan based forums for discussion and knowledge about he games I play.

And your type are a dime a dozen in the forum community.

You're basically came here to say, "I don't like your game or how you discuss it.." when you personally have no investment in the game being played or the discussion about it.

The adult thing to do, is to walk away and devote your attention to something you are involved with. I am willing to bet you will not do that. Instead you'll retort to this, and other comments continuously. And if I am real lucky, you'll resort to name calling, listing popular terms like, "noob". Have fun.

On topic.. I think the second game is much better with both game play and civ placement. I know I am executing everything wrong still (thus says my ranking) but I learn something new every Saturday with you guys.

Not excited to play as Ottoman.
Learning and having fun is what it's about. Glad you're enjoying the games.
I just wanted give Onan the little hint that he might set up games which better chances to work.

"To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn't know what to do or that he can't do it on his own."
- John Gray
Also interesting to note Rome's apparent military focus. I guess lots of gold, legions and ballistae will focus one in that direction. We Arabs hope to be commercial leaders...I better go read Tab's thread about them! Edit: not Tab's thread! Edit 2: interesting read, but not so relevant to MP.

It's not me thats topping the military, it's the Ottomans. I just made it sound like that in my story. I am however expanding very aggressivly and I am bound to make an enemy or two, hence why I need a big army.
Shamaflamana / Magilicotti, and calcio / aDaigo too, feel free to post any questions about the game, general MP technique, like you were asking last night, Shama. We can answer or point to good threads on the topic, such as section 6 of http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=441979 for general MP tips, if you haven't seen it already.
Any idea how the map loops?

Although the Spain had 2 scouts, one of them was trapped by barbs up north for quite a while. Not much exploration done so far, but I believe the shape looks like a fat strip in the northern part, no large bay, no water formed choke point. Maybe southern part will have more variations.
Any idea how the map loops?

Um, east to west if that's what you mean? Or maybe that's a typo for looks. In any case, don't know if an all water route is there or not. Early days.
Um, east to west if that's what you mean? Or maybe that's a typo for looks. In any case, don't know if an all water route is there or not. Early days.

Oh, he meant that, it looks like some SoLs may go across the ocean some day. Better get ships up.
Southeast is square with a massive mountain range and completely land locked. Perfect for roman needs.
Unless we hear otherwise from someone, I assume we're on at the same time each week. :)
On saturday I'm going to see a priest dip a baby in holy water. I can still join but I would appriciate if we played a shorter session. 1 - 1½ hours instead of 2. Either that or on sunday.
I'm open to either. Slight preference for the longer session Sunday.
I will stay away from friends, bars and alcohol this week-end so i will probably can play Sunday as well :D
Which one it is? :lol: (joking)

Hmm i have some difficulties to understand myself...Let's say...80% of chance to play :)
I'm social worker, talk to me Tabarnak ;-)

I will be gone Saturday to visit my family for Sinterklaas(look it up if you want to know what it is). So i can't play Sunday. Next weekend i probably can play bought days.
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