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Onan's multisession G&K, Alternate Reality Game (8pm in Auckland, GMT +13)

I'm not settling the oasis because you are forcing me to do it. I'm a stubborn man and this way I can roleplay something really annoying for you to deal with. :)

It is really fine whatever you do. Its a game and you have the upper hand. You would be stupid not to use it. We'll still be friends. Exept in this game ofc. We will never be friends in this game. I might tolerate you, but thats as far as it goes. :)
Songhai only had spots for 2 more cities but there are 2 good ones. The NC is started in the juicy capital and we are swimming in happiness. 3 mercantile cs are grouped in front of me and i'm making tic-tac-toe deals with them. We stole a worker from Tyre but it's also the first allied cs :crazyeye: With Tradition completed, these cities will grow very big.

All i need is to keep sufficient protection againt Greece. Companion cavalry can be really annoying. But for now i don't see any.
We'll still be friends.

Glad to hear this:D Sometimes I was so serious in games and I couldnt recognise myself, which is good and bad:p

The NC is started...... With Tradition completed, these cities will grow very big.

Forgot to check what Onan took as SP, but clearly Tradition was favored by many of us. The only benefit I see is the quick NC because library can be the first building in new cities if shine is ignored/delayed.

I couldn't take tradition because the free settler is so important to grab Mt Sinai, and our crappy capital is so poor in production. Let's see how scientifically backward a liberty civ can be :sad:
If anyone's wondering, when Islandia didn't turn up, and Shama was unable to even get Civ 5 running, we decided to start a new one with six players.

Small fractal, deity (for CS and barbs), raging barbs, with no victory conditions.

We Celts have been focused on our tree worship and defending our borders from the barbarians. Little contact with other civs apart from trading barb camps with the Dutch, and a visit to the border of Mordor to see Mt. Doom.

Tabarnak - Songhai
Foffaren - Persia
EEE - Byzantium
aDaigo - Netherlands
Nouco - Greeks
Onan - Celts

EEE, I noticed your religion is already enhanced, but just with one extra belief--does that mean Byzants get to pick their extra belief as soon as they found a religion?

If we get all eight players next week, we'll continue that game. If not, this one will continue.
Nouco - ?

EEE, I noticed your religion is already enhanced, but just with one extra belief--does that mean Byzants get to pick their extra belief as soon as they found a religion?

Nouco is Greece.

Yes, the extra belief can be chosen when religion is founded. It is powerful that it can be any pantheon, any follower belief or any enhancer belief. I chose religious text to ensure religious domination as soon as it starts spreading.
We are Greece, we're kind of getting schizophrenic, all these different civs :)

Greece has a big ring of cs-states in between them and Byzantium to the east and Songhai to the south.
We don't really see any benefits in going to war(except maybe against a cs)
We went for tradition. Barbs were kind of disappointing.

@Onan those your pantheon belief work? Played a game with a friend this afternoon and killed some Dutch warriors within the 4 square radius , but didn't get anything for it :-(
Barbs were kind of disappointing.

@Onan those your pantheon belief work? Played a game with a friend this afternoon and killed some Dutch warriors within the 4 square radius , but didn't get anything for it :-(

Yes, given our barb investment, with some honor and God of War, we're pretty disappointed in them, too. Only one camp close to our cap, between two CS. I believe another CS cleared their own camp before we could get to it, too.

It's hard to tell if the faith bonus works. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work 4 tiles away from a city. I think the radius counts the centre tile. So it may work 3 tiles away; or maybe they've screwed it up and it only works even closer...or maybe not at all. Hopefully I'll get some more chances to confirm how it works; it gets confusing when you're also using a Pictish warrior. I think it does work, but the pop up faith bonus is superimposed with the honor culture bonus...unless when I saw that it was a Pict. :crazyeye:
Any news about Islandia? What about Shama, how's your civ start running?
Any news about Islandia? What about Shama, how's your civ start running?

He seemed to play a turn...unless that was a timer, but it seemed faster than that. Other than that, I've not seen anything from him since last week...so hopefully nothing dire has occurred.

Right, we are 32.5 hours away from game time. All okay to play?
Whoops, almost forgot. I'm coming now.
Right, sorry I did not update status in a while.

I tried updating everything but couldn't get the game up. Until I asked on the forums here, and it was suggested I verify game cache... which worked. Simple fix that I forgot to try.
Hey, glad you got it working! Sorry events beyond our control have moved us on to another world.
Some information provided for post-war analysis:

Stats-wise, Byzantium overreacted near the end of the war, but we managed to closely follow the Songhai in other aspects. We will closely watch the Songhai, and try to stop their warmongering to plague other parts of the world.

But for now, I guess reconstruction is the theme of the world, and the CSs and mountains have created some buffers for Byzantium empire on both West and East fronts.

Two wonder whores go to Persia and Celts, Byzantium only has the CI, and Songhai has the Great Lighting House (some naval actions?) + ND + 1 more wonder?
Hmm i think i'm into unhappiness as from last turn of play, adding 1 extra city as soon as we restart this game. For now you told it perfectly EEE it's time for reconstruction and prosperity. Great Lighthouse? Maybe Greece's wonder taken... have not checked inside Athens yet :blush:

Surplus of gold will certainly go into cs or infrastructures and we will try to countain EEE's army if it's the case too. Science rate is good so far and we have room for more beakers.

I really like how deity level is turning the game on. You need a pretty large army to hit them hard and take their cities and it's only if you don't be harassed somewhere else too. The Byzantines allied some cs that slowed down the ''war machine''(Nouco's) but Askia managed to capture Tyre and still had enough troops to conquer Athens some turns later, giving me 1 nice extra city during the process(and cs are already big). That said, i think that deity cs bring something very interesting and can be used more intensively against others which spice up the game a bit, creating buffers at some occasions.

Edit : I got a 2nd missionnary and tried to convert a city...well that didn't work :sad: Byzantine's pressure is so high that i need a ton of them just to convert a single city :lol: 200 :c5faith: right in trashes :mad:
Indeed, the deity CSs are scary, which I regretted to attack them twice in the early game. Bribing Tyre to war with Songhai has brought us time to get workshops up so we can chunk out advanced units faster. However, Songhai also learnt the trick later and bought Hong Kong to slow down our troops from reinforcing the Greece. Once the capital fall, there is no point to continue war.

Edit: Onan's missionary also tried the same thing and failed miserably, but the other half of continent is firmly inflenced by Onanism.

Byzantium did not invest anything on religious building or wonder this game, the Mt Sinai was enough to help Byzantium religious machine going.
Lighthouse belongs to Persia, and according to the ss its pretty obvious too. :p

Wonderwhoring because its the only thing I feel confident in atm, all the while I'm keeping my army sufficiently large to keep up with the byzantines. In most other aspects Persia is but a footnote in this world. After beeing twarted early by byzantine cities priorities have changed. Good city locations were taken quickly by liberty focused byzantines.
Druidism...and he didn't fail miserably, he converted one citizen to The One True Faith!

We might not make much progress in your homeland, but it's nice to be able to push Buddhism out of the Dutch cities and our side of the continent.

I am favoured by geography to finally enjoy a more peaceful game. Only at the end of this session did we discover a foreign city that wasn't Dutch, and also found Persia's border.
Lighthouse belongs to Persia, and according to the ss its pretty obvious too. :p

Ah, am I blind or something? :D GLH in Persia......hmmmm, my sense of paranoia is tingling again, looks like the number of dromons is not enough, need a few more galleases for defense and caravels for early warning in next session.
If there were a superhero whose main power was Paranoia, you would be him!

I did a little searching...didn't find any heroes, but I did find these.

What E does all the time (good policy in a game where more often than not, someone IS out to get you).

The consequences, for him and us. Safe at last......???

What's happening most of the time when we play (I'm the goldfish).
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