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Operation Enduring Freedom

Is this "thing" really complete? I thought this is the forum for complete scenarios:

1. Sounds are missing, there are bugs with bombers that can only bomb some citys
2. Aren´t there any other units ?
3. The scuds are not working (can´t bombard with them)
4. Why is the map in debug mode ?!
5. can you increase culture ( it would look better on the map)
Yes the scenario is complete but it's just a beta right now. I'm currently updating it and fixing the bugs you mentioned. Since you gave me such good and specific feedback, I'll go line by line.

1. Sounds are missing, there are bugs with bombers that can only bomb some citys
The sounds thing sucks, I've already corrected alot of it, but I can't seem to get the AC-130 to make the noise, it so rightfully should make.
I've never seen the bomber thing before, but I will check to see if my current version improves on it.

2. Aren´t there any other units ?
If you look at the tech tree, you'll see there are new units you get during the course of play. What other units would you like to see?

3. The scuds are not working (can´t bombard with them)
I'll look into that, and see what I can do.

4. Why is the map in debug mode ?!
Well, for playtesters. They can observe everything this way, it's not too hard to turn off if you like.

5. can you increase culture ( it would look better on the map)
This one is there for a reason. It looks nice, but I want to convey the fractious nature of the rule in these countries, lots of gap in authority. Also, Afghanistan doesn't have many settlements in the south. So with this one, I'm going to leave it, but I'm working on everything else.

Thanks you for the constructive feedback, I go on break on Sunday-Tuesday, I will pop out the updated version based on everyone's great feedback then. THANKS FOR PLAYING!
What kind of soundfiles do you use? This flc things (or whatever they are named) make also problems to me, when i try to "Mod other mods"
Well i don´t know what kind of units i would like to see. Maybe some countryspecific. I do not know alot of the afghanistan campaign...
Maybe some danish units or german KSK-units. You know, some units for a better flavor.
It can be boring playing for hours and just see the same units all the time just in different colors.

Well as far as the sounds, I'm using the sounds that came with the units when I downloaded them. So, I'm playing around with them.

As far as some more units, well how many infantry and armor units does a civ really need? I understand that variety is fun, but too many units without purpose just makes things needlessly complicated. For coalition forces I have the GI and SOF, which I think covers it well. They the Leopard for armor and later can upgraded to M1A2 Abrams. The Taliban has all the equipment they had or were supposed to have at the beginning of the war, as does the northern alliance. Pakistan has a pretty good group too. I wouldn't know where and what to add, so someone will have to advise me on any gaps in units. The ISAF soldier covers the much of the European commitment.

But I'm open to suggestions so let me know.
Hehe can someone uppload this scenario? It's one of the coolest there is.

IMO the Talibans should have more land and the US a bit more troops but overall its awesome.

The Download link dont work :(
I still have the files and I`m willing to send them via E-mail to one of you who`s willing to upload them for all.:D
(Sorry I don`t like to register in a upload-service (like atomicgamer) by myself. CFC will stay the only site ever ,I`m registered to).
The file is 32,4 MB sized (.biq included). ...so the acceptor should be able to recieve an E-mail of 30 MB. (I will send two)

... but before I do so ,I want to clarify why jbrvant is not maintaining his scenario anymore. He has not left CFC... His Last Activity shows: 23-02-2009 04:04.:confused:If he have quit to support it ,I will may too.

CiaranB123: Members ARE allowed to ask for files/link-fixing. It is wanted. It`s NOT bumping.;)
i'm not registered to any upload service(mom won't let me and i don't trust 'em) but if you could email me the files that would be great! :please: :D
If you have noticed, jbryant is in the military and more than likely indisposed for an unknown period of time. I wrote him a month or so ago and he is still active with this scenario. We might just have to wait a month or two...or three.

I doubt he can access CFC from a military computer so we'll just have to be patient.

salutes jbryant!

you have my respect, my thanks and my pity.
I'd be willing to upload but my mailbox maxes out at 10 MB I believe. For bigger stuff I generally use Media Fire. I can vouch for it, it's clean and user friendly and when you join and there's very minimal information required, you can even fill it in with false info if you want (except email and they have never sent me anything that I didn't want them to as I remember).
I'd be willing to upload but my mailbox maxes out at 10 MB I believe. For bigger stuff I generally use Media Fire. I can vouch for it, it's clean and user friendly and when you join and there's very minimal information required, you can even fill it in with false info if you want (except email and they have never sent me anything that I didn't want them to as I remember).
Ok ,it is no problem for me to send you 4 E-mails each with a 10 MB-sized attachment. (Like I said before I don`t want to register somewhere.)
Please pm me your E-mail address and I will do it later today.:)

Fredeye: No ,I have not found this info in this thread ,that`s why I asked for it.

Lord Drake: If everything fails I emailing you the files!
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