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Orbis 1.0 Bug Thread

http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=8610215&postcount=2 here, bottom of the post :)

Not that I understand anything from it ;>

Thanks, I think I understand it quite well :)

A few more minor fixes from me:

1. CvEventManager.py, line 1856:

newUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(gc.getInfoTypeForString('UNIT_POLUDNICA'), pCapital[color=red]Plot[/color].getX(), pCapital.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTH)

Should be changed to:

newUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(gc.getInfoTypeForString('UNIT_POLUDNICA'), pCapital.getX(), pCapital.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTH)

(pCapitalPlot changed to PCapital)

This should make make Poludnicas spawn properly for Palatinate after a unit is killed on a Farm (not tested, but at least it doesn't generate Python exceptions).

2. Civ4PromotionInfos.xml, lines 368-373 (in PROMOTION_FROSTLING):

Change to:

This will change "Double movement is Shrubs" (as it's displayed in the civilopedia) to Double movement in Snow for Frostlings.

3. Civ4SpellInfos.XML, line 6926 (in SPELL_WORLDBREAK):


Change to:


This will make the Sheaim world spell description properly displayed.
A specific thread, with all bug corrections bundled in post n°1 could be of some use for the average gamer.

It's great you take the time to do it, anyway. :)
I'm posting these fixes here, because I hope they will be included in the next patch. But if Ahwaric doesn't show up here, I think I'll make a separate thread as you suggested.

I encountered these bugs when making my personal "modmodmod", so it didn't cost me any extra time (only to post them here).
I encountered these bugs when making my personal "modmodmod", so it didn't cost me any extra time (only to post them here).

Oh, is it just your for you or rather something you're going to release ? If second option, are you willing to say more about it ? :)
I'm not going to release it now, but maybe later, when it's more "polished"... Although I don't know if anyone except me would be interested in such "strange" game setup.

The main change is that the number of cities you can have is limited - you can't build settlers, but you get them for free on certain points of time (there are problems with the Scions which get their settlers by other means, so this civ is currently disabled). If someone captures a city beyond the limit (you can capture one more city than you get settlers for), it's automatically razed and a peace is enforced. The goal is to make all civs develop in a similar tempo and not die too easily.

(Sorry for being off topic, if someone is interested in further details, please send me a PM or better an email.)
Heya, thanks for the brilliant mod Ahwaric;

Elohim Immortal unit art appears to be broken somewhere.

Also, when playing a recent game with CoE and AV Amurites I noticed that my wizard (upgraded from an adventurer) was semi-transparent. Wasn't exactly a big problem as he was always cloaked in shadow anyway - maybe that's intentional?
A couple more things:

- scenarios icons are missing. Ones you see when choosing which scenario you want to play.
- Sacrifice the Weak civc gives +4 :health: instead of -4. In fact, I like it better this way, but it shouldn't be like this probably ;)
- Last one is strange. There is some issue with Sheaim art, I'd say it's archer thing but they don't have unique archer art, I think. Sometimes archer changes into red ball, even though previous turn it was ok. Moving archer or even just activating it changes him back into archer. But if you save a game when he his red ball, game will crash when you load this save (making weird, repeating sounds while crashing)
- Sacrifice the Weak civc gives +4 :health: instead of -4. In fact, I like it better this way, but it shouldn't be like this probably ;)

Well, I think it actually makes sense. If the weaker individuals are sacrificed, the strongest and healthiest ones remain.
Well, I think it actually makes sense. If the weaker individuals are sacrificed, the strongest and healthiest ones remain.

Traditionally (in base FfH) this civic had +4 :yuck: so I think it's bug :) I don't think society with no healthcare would be healthy at all, but more important is that StW is powerful even with :yuck: instead of :health: ;>
Not sure If this Is a bug or just intended..

But In my fully patched version the good aligned races don't change to nuetral-
If convert to the OO...

(Short timer no time to check If ever was mentioned)
Not sure If this Is a bug or just intended..

But In my fully patched version the good aligned races don't change to nuetral-
If convert to the OO...

(Short timer no time to check If ever was mentioned)

Sounds like a bug. It's intended that it's no longer evil so doesn't change any alignment to evil, but I believe it's closer to evil then good, so should change good civs to neutral.
I'm playing a game using the latest version and patch b released a few weeks ago. My priests are often having to cast sanctify multiple times to remove hellish attributes from tiles. I think in some cases, they will never be able to do it. They must have tried 10 times so far and not been able to sanctify one particular hex. In another case (different tile), three of them cast the spell in the same turn and all three failed. Is this intended?
Ok, i've been trying to get this mod to work all morning. i have everything instaled including the patch. The mod loads fine, im able to pick my civ and start the game. But as soon as the map loads, i can mebye get one move in on a scout and the game crashes. Im running patch 3.19 and every thing is up to date, i've been scaning the forum for solutions to no avail. Any advice would be amazing, i ended up wasting all day yesterday trying to get the chaos warhammer mod to work so i decided to try this one and im starting to get a bit irritaded with the whole matter.
Ok, i've been trying to get this mod to work all morning. i have everything instaled including the patch. The mod loads fine, im able to pick my civ and start the game. But as soon as the map loads, i can mebye get one move in on a scout and the game crashes. Im running patch 3.19 and every thing is up to date, i've been scaning the forum for solutions to no avail. Any advice would be amazing, i ended up wasting all day yesterday trying to get the chaos warhammer mod to work so i decided to try this one and im starting to get a bit irritaded with the whole matter.

When you select unit, do you see icons ? Those "Move", "Fortify" and so on..
No there is nothing there. Once when I started it they were there, it alowed 2 moves and then crash!
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